American Legion Riders Mission Statement

The American Legion
Riders were formed…
participate in organized rides, parades and other community
events and ceremonies that are in keeping with the Aims
and Purposes of the American Legion.
promote motorcycle safety and education programs and
to provide a social atmosphere for American Legion members
who share the same interest.
use our Association to promote and support programs
of the American Legion.
Bylaws of the American Legion Riders — New Mexico Chapter 5
I. Membership:
1. Member:
2. Associate:
II. Officers of the Association
III. Elections
IV. Duties of Association Chapter Officers
1. President:
V. Meetings
VI. Finances
1. Finances of the Association:
We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Bylaws adopted by the American Legion Riders, Chapter 5, American Legion Post 44, Elephant Butte, New Mexico on August 25, 2009.
Signed on August 26, 2009
1. Member:
- Must be a current member, in good standing, of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of the American Legion.
- Must own a motorcycle of at least 350cc in size (self or spouse).
- Can vote in all matters of Chapter & State business.
2. Associate:
- Must be a current member, in good standing, of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of the American Legion.
- Must be old enough to have a motorcycle endorsement.
- Can vote in all matters of Chapter business.
II. Officers of the Association
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary*
- Treasurer*
- Road Captain
- Sgt-At-Arms
- Historian*
- Chaplain*
III. Elections
- The Chapter officers shall be nominated at the regular membership meetings in November and December: elected at their regular meeting in December and shall take office in January.
- Each officer will hold their position for (1) one year. At the end of the term an officer may seek reelection as they see fit. There are no term limits.
- A minimum of five (5) voting members will constitute a quorum for election of new officers.
IV. Duties of Association Chapter Officers
1. President:
- Serve as Chief Administrative Officer and will preside over all meetings.
- Have general supervision over the affairs of the Association.
- Perform such duties as directed by the general membership.
- Assumes the duties of the President in their absence.
- Assist the President in performance of their duties when called on to do so by the President.
- To keep full and correct record of all proceedings at the meetings.
- Maintain membership records.
- To have charge of all finances of the Association.
- To have charge of disbursing funds not exceeding $200.00 unless approved by the officers.
- To give detailed financial reports at each regular meeting. Copies will be furnished to the sponsoring Post if requested.
- Be the logistics person in charge of organized runs of the Association.
- Determine dates, times, routes and meeting places for those taking part in a run activity.
- Appoint assistant road captains or take any other measures necessary to ensure the safety of the group during a run.
- Maintains order during chapter meeting and runs.
- Shall be responsible for the documentation of any and all functions of the ALR Example: scrap book, picture taking news items.
- Shall be responsible for the spiritual advisement of the chapter – including, but not limited to, prayers at meetings, before rides and at Memorial Services.
V. Meetings
- General Membership meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at America Legion Post 44 or at a place designated by the President.
- Officers meetings will be held, if necessary, on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the American Legion Post 44 or a place designated by the president. Three (3) officers will constitute a quorum.
- Meeting will be conducted using the Robert's Rules of Order.
- Neither alcoholic beverages nor smoking will be allowed at meetings.
VI. Finances
1. Finances of the Association:
- Will be from membership dues/fund raisers or such other sources, as approved by the general membership.
- Dues of members shall be $15.00 per year.
- Cost of membership dues shall be determined by a vote at every January membership meeting and payable no later than the last day of January.
- Any member who brings disgrace or discredit upon the American Legion or American Legion Riders may be expelled or suspended from the Association by a majority vote of the general membership at a regular membership meet¬ing.
- The member facing expulsion will receive a Notice of Expulsion/Suspension including appeal rights, no later than 30 days in writing prior to the general membership meeting.
- The member who receives a Notice of Expulsion/Suspension may appeal to the general membership in writing after receiving said notice no later than 30 days of notifications.
- This expulsion will only be for the membership to the American Legion Riders of New Mexico and not the American Legion. Upon expulsion, that person will surrender their ALR patch and ALR card to an officer of the Association.
- Any member ninety (90) days in arrears on their dues will be suspended.
- Anyone who joined the Association up to January 31, 2005 shall be known as a charter member.
- The Chapter will be known as the American Legion Riders Association of New Mexico, Chapter 5.
- The Association will abide by all rules and regulations of the National & State American Legion, Sponsoring Post & the American Legion Riders rules.
- Meetings will start with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
- The large American Legion Rider two-piece patch will be worn on the back of a black or brown leather vest/jacket or blue or black denim vest/jacket
- An American flag will be worn on the front, upper left side of the vest/jacket.
- A black POW/MIA
patch will be worn on the front, upper right
side of the vest/jacket.
- Any other patches or pins worn on the vest or jacket will be in good taste and will not be disrespectful of the American Flag, the Nation, or the American Legion.
- Wearing of Motorcycle Club support patches is prohibited by New Mexico Chapter 5 American Legion Riders members while wearing their Legion Rider Vest/Jacket.
- A member found in violation is considered as bringing discredit upon the American Legion Riders and shall be subjected to expul¬sion or suspension in accordance with Section VII of these bylaws.
- In no way will wearing of patches deviate from the State or National ALR Bylaws. The Association will abide by all rules and regulations of the National & State American Legion, Sponsoring Post & the American Legion Riders rules.
- These bylaws may be amended by any regular ALR meeting by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members attending a regular meeting; provided, that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing and read and explained at the proceeding regular membership meeting; provided further, that written notice shall have been given to all members at least ten (10) days in advance of the date when which such amendment is to be voted upon.
- It is envisioned that riders from various local posts will band together and create an American Legion Riders Chapter.
- The State Legion Riders must approve any organizing or additional Chapters.
- Any two or more American Legion Posts may combine all interested motorcyclists and organize a new chapter
- Any member in good standing from any American Legion Post may join any American Legion Riders Chapter.
We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Bylaws adopted by the American Legion Riders, Chapter 5, American Legion Post 44, Elephant Butte, New Mexico on August 25, 2009.
Signed on August 26, 2009