Category Archives: newsletters

Newsletter – April 2023

Sons of the American Legion Commander – Doug Carey
The SAL held their monthly meeting March 21, 2023.

Membership renewals are moving right along and we’ve gotten quite few new members. Welcome! I would like to thank all who helped with St Patty’s Day and also all who attended. The next SAL meeting will be April 18 at 6:30 at the Post. Plan on being at the meeting and become an active member in the Post.

Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all — the Veteran.

Newsletter – February 2023

Sons of the American Legion Commander – Doug Carey
The SAL held their monthly meeting January 17, 2023.

Squadron 44 lost a member in January. Art Carmona passed away after a lengthy illness. Prayers to his family.

Membership renewal is going slower than normal this year. We are currently at 75% for 2023.

Don’t forget our Chicken Fried Steak dinner on the third Wednesday of each month. (Next one is February 15)

The next SAL meeting will be February 14 at 6:30 at the Post. Plan on being at the meeting and become an active member in the Post.

Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all — the Veteran.