Category Archives: newsletters

Newsletter – December 2019

Sons of the American Legion Commander Gene Hill
The SAL held their monthly meeting November 19 , 2019.

Shane Ross was the winner of the early bird drawing. Congratulations Shane. The money was then donated back to the SAL. Thank you.

Remember January 1, 2020 you will need a new card and door key to gain entry to the post.

If you haven’t noticed the dirty old carpet that was under the bar has been removed and replaced with new fiber board paneling. The area is now much brighter and cleaner. The paneling was purchased by the SAL for $258.00 and installed by SAL members Bob Nettlis and Gene Hill with the help of Warren Rainwater.

$200.00 ——-Sierra Santa
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$200.00——–Post 44 for Turkeys for the Christmas baskets

I hope everyone who came and enjoyed the Fish Fry had a god time and thanks to Bob Acres for having Karaoke

There will not be a meeting in December. We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New- year.

The next SAL meeting will be January 21, 2020 at 6:30pm at the Post. Plan on being at the meeting and become an active member in the post.

As always, remember that organizations are not really organizations, they are just people. Help out when you can and when you see them, thank those that do help out and let’s all work together for the common good. Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all —the Veteran

Newsletter – November 2019

Commander Gene Hill
The SAL held their monthly meeting October 16, 2019.

Lance Ross was the early bird winner. Congratulations to Lance.

Past Commander Al Norton presented the SAL with a plaque recognizing the outstanding work we do supporting our post. We are a member of the family proud to be able to support our post any way we can.

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Remember Chicken Fried Steak on November 20.
A special dinner Saturday November 23 with fried fish, hush puppies, and Cole Slaw.

The next SAL meeting will be November19 at 6:30pm at the Post. Plan on being at the meeting and become an active member in the post.

As always, remember that organizations are not really organizations, they are just people. Help out when you can and when you see them, thank those that do help out and let’s all work together for the common good. Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all —the Veteran