Category Archives: newsletters

Newsletter – August 2021

Sons of the American Legion Commander Gene Hill

The SAL held their monthly meeting July 20, 2021

Don’t forget early bird renewal for 2022 is going now. Our dues have gone up to $30.00 next year instead of $25.00

The Sal will sponsor a hole for the golf Tourney ($100.00)

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Thanks to everyone who came out and had chicken fried steak. We’re seeing more every month. The chicken fried steaks are served every third Wednesday of every month from 5 to7 pm.

The next SAL meeting will be August 17 at 6:30pm at the Post. Plan on being at the meeting and
become an active member in the post.

Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all…the Veteran

Newsletter – March 2020

Commander – Gene Hill
The SAL held their monthly meeting Tuesday February 18, at 6:30 at the post.

We had 11 renewals and two transfers during. Let’s try to get to 80% by the end of March

The SAL made a donation to Paula Brewster to help with the expenses she is facing at this time.

This month instead of CFS on Wednesday March 18, we will be having Corn Beef and Cabbage.
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On March 22 the post will be having a Pork Roast supper with Beans and Cole Slaw and music by Sue.

I would like to apologize to the people we had to turn away because we ran out of food Wednesday February 18th. I promise we will not run out in the future. Come out April 22 for Chicken Fried Steaks on the third Wednesday of the month.

Make sure you check March calendar for some great events during the month.

The next SAL meeting will be March 17, 2020 at 6:30pm at the Post. Plan on being at the meeting and become an active member in the post.

“As always, remember that organizations are not really organizations, they are just people. Help out when you can and when you see them, thank those that do help out and let’s all work together for the common good. Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all —the Veteran