Category Archives: newsletters

Newsletter – April 2022

Sons of the American Legion- Gene Hill
The SAL held their monthly meeting Tuesday, March 15th, at 6:30 p.m. at the post.

Membership continues to come in slowly.

Officers for 2022-2023
Doug Carey————- Squadron Commander
Donald Polston——– 1st Vice
Don Armijo ———— 2nd Vice
Wes Owens————- Financial Office
Gene Hill—————- Adjutant
William Ninno———- Sargent at Arms
These newly elected officers will take office April 19th.

The next SAL meeting will be April 19th at 6:30 p.m. at the Post. Plan on being at the meeting and become an active member in the post.

As always, remember that organizations are not really organizations, they are just people. Help out when you can and when you see them, thank those that do help out and let’s all work together for the common good.
Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all —the Veteran

Newsletter – March 2022

Sons of the American Legion – Gene Hill
The SAL held their monthly meeting February 15, 2022

Membership renewal is increasing. We are at 85 % for the year 2022.

Congratulations to Charlene Speaker. She was the winner of the meat package raffle. Thanks to everyone who helped make this a success. We will be having another one in the future

Remember Chicken Fried Steak Wednesday, March 16th with music by Sue Barr.

The next SAL meeting will be March 15th at 6:30pm at the Post. Plan on being at the meeting and become an active member in the post.

Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community, and most of all —the Veteran