Sons of the American Legion – Commander Gene Hill
Bill Nenno S.A.L. Finance Officer
The Sons of the American Legion held its monthly meeting Mar 19. In attendance were Billy Laswell, Tillman Smith, Bob Nellis, Donnie Polstin, Deone Harty and Bill Nenno.
Welcome back Deone! As all of you know Deone has had his recent battles with health issues. He won! So welcome back.
As with all of the American Legion Families, membership is a year round effort. Total membership this year is slightly ahead of last year which in itself was a good year. Currently we have 96 members that have paid their 2019 dues. Member turnover is a way of life for all organizations and we are no exception. Each year we lose a few members, but we have managed to gain enough new members so that our overall numbers are growing slightly.
SAL Officers
As with the other American Legion Families the SAL is putting together a slate of officers for next year. As always we are looking for individuals interested in doing their part in setting the direction for the SAL in the coming year. With new individuals come new ideas and so new individuals are welcomed.
SAL Monthly Wednesday Dinner
As you probably know the SAL helps in the kitchen the third Wednesday of each month. Lately the numbers in the volunteer pool has dwindled to a precious few. In the recent past our numbers have dwindled to about four volunteers from which to select the two needed in the kitchen. If you are a SAL member and if you are at all interested in working the kitchen please let one of the SAL officers know. If we can get the number of volunteers up to even ½ dozen your “turn in the barrel” will only come around quarterly. It is only about a four hour commitment and any new volunteers would be most heartily welcomed.
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Our long-term supplier of flagpoles is going up in price. Potentially, new flag poles will increase in costs to us to $85.00. This means we will have to increase our price to around $100. The SAL is looking at a number of possibilities with one possibility simply being to no longer offer flagpoles for sale. Just a heads up.
K-9 Forensics
The SAL voted to give $250 to the Canine Forensics crew. We wish him success and keep up the good work.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be held Tuesday April 16 at 6:30 PM at the Post. The S.A.L. meetings are always held on the third Tuesday of the month and all are invited to attend.
As always, remember that organizations are not really organizations, they are just people. Help out when you can and when you see them, thank those that do help out and let’s all work together for the common good.
Thanks for supporting our Post, our Community and most of all — the Veteran.