Newsletter – January 2014
Jim Coslin, President
(Written by Craig Pierson, Secretary):
Membership: We currently have 25 members.
Calendar: Next Riders meeting will be on the first Tuesday of the month: January 7th at the Post at 6:30pm. The next scheduled ride would be on January 11th.
Other upcoming events are:
- Second Saturday Breakfast on the 11th.
Rider Activities December, 2013
Scheduled Ride: The ride scheduled for the 7h of December was cancelled primarily due to extremely inclement weather.
Election of 2014 Officers: Chapter 5 elected 2014 officers at the regular meeting on December 3rd. Although the competition to determine who would serve was intense the following slate of officers was eventually elected.
President: Chuck Druce
Vice President: Jerry Garlow
Secretary: Craig Pierson
Treasurer: Vince Barrett
Road Captain: Bob Duff
Sgt.-At-Arms John Bush
Chaplain: Brian Nikiforow
Historian: Vacant
Breakfast : On the morning of Friday the 13th Chapter 5 held an open breakfast meeting at Sunset Grill. The primary topic of conversation was the logistics for the Luminaria walk. Continue reading