Newsletter – July 2017

Chapter 5 was represented at the 2017 White Mountain MC Rally! Arrived Friday pm for registration, hot dogs, hamburgers and festivities. Saturday rode 200+ miles on Poker Run and back and forth to Hondah with friends. Enjoyed big juicy steaks and a concert by the “Animals”! Left before they played ‘We Gotta Get Out of This Place” damit, as I remember dancing to that in VN with rifles in our hands. Left before it was over, about 11pm, to drive 40 miles to Springerville through elk and deer country. Conrad rode just ahead of me and Victor just behind as my main headlight was out and only had brights. A lack of sexual arousal can also be a sildenafil cost sign of erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence condition. Second, viewers are soft tabs viagra proffered with the symptoms of this health condition. It takes around discount viagra levitra 30 to 6o minutes to completely flow in your blood vessel and act upon system to inhibit pde5 enzymes. Result of this is the dissatisfaction of his female partner. cialis 25mg INTERESTING! They were pros as it worked great. Life is good! Our next ALR meeting is July 11, 2017. Hope to see you all there. The riders want to have more social events, rides and continue our good work for veterans.
Enjoy, Husker

American Legion Riders July 2017