Newsletter – February 2013

Legion Riders- American Legion Riders Chapter NMALR 5:

Jim Coslin, President

(Written by Craig Pierson, Secretary):

Elephant Butte, NM 87935

Membership:  We currently have 33 members and 2 prospective members.

Calendar:  Next Riders meeting will once again be the first Tuesday of the month: February 5th at the Post at 6:30pm.

Rider Activities 2013

2013 officers: We are sad to report that Don Michelis has moved from the area vacating the office of Chaplain.  Carolyn Mayfield has agreed to accept the responsibility and will perform the duties of that office this year.

[one_third]President: [/one_third]

[two_third_last]Jim Coslin[/two_third_last]

[one_third]Vice President:[/one_third]

[two_third_last]Jerry Garlow[/two_third_last]


[two_third_last]Craig Pierson[/two_third_last]


[two_third_last]Vince Barrett[/two_third_last]

[one_third]Road Captain:[/one_third]

[two_third_last]Chuck Druce[/two_third_last]

[one_third]Sgt. At Arms:[/one_third]

[two_third_last]Bob Duff[/two_third_last]




[two_third_last]Carolyn Mayfield[/two_third_last]

Unscheduled Ride:   On the 23rd six members of Chapter 5 took advantage of the beautiful weather the area has been experiencing to go for a short ride down the Old Highway to Hatch.  While there the riders had a delicious lunch at the Pepper Pot restaurant where once again the establishment lived up to its reputation “No fast food served here”.  Never-the-less, the food and weather were great and we even had a parking place right out front.

Parking space right out front

Parking space right out front

Up-coming Events: The Riders plan to host a table at the “Cosmic Talent World Expo of T or C”.  This monthly event will be held at the Lee Belle Johnson Senior Center in the early evening of the second Saturday of the month directly after the regular Art Hop in downtown T or C.

The event is intended to provide an extended stage / showcase for local talent and it will run for five months beginning in February.  A fund raiser raffle, to benefit the Veterans Home and the winner of the talent contest, will be held in conjunction with the other events.

The intent for the Riders, in addition to raising funds for the Veterans home, is to provide an opportunity to conduct a membership drive for Post 44 and Chapter 5, increase our public visibility in a casual setting similar to the Luminaria walk and to do some general PR work.

We intend to display our United States, New Mexico, Post 44 and NMALR flags and the Post 44 banner.  We also intend to set up a POW/MIA table complete with an explanation of the ceremony and our OWW tri-fold to continue educating our neighbors about the mission of the Legion.

See our facebook page at @ then go to Search (type) American Legion Riders NM5, then click on the Logo – all our pictures/comments are posted there for the last and previous rides or see Chuck, he has them on his computer. If you are computer-savvy, you can download them for yourself

If you are interested in being in the ALR but don’t have a bike – we have a place for you. Ask any ALR Officer or Member for details – membership is $15 plus vest and patches.