Newsletter – March 2015

Legion Riders- American Legion Riders Chapter NMALR 5:

John Bush President
Elephant Butte, NM 87935


Membership: We currently have 18 members paid for 2015. A few have been tardy with their dues but as many as 6 members have been lost to retirement or relocation.

Calendar: Next Riders meeting will be on the first Tuesday of the month: March 3rd at the Post, at 6:30pm. The next scheduled ride would be on March 7th.

Rider Activities February, 2015

Special Announcement(s):
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Mid-Winter Conference was held in Albuquerque from Friday the 6th until noon Sunday the 8th. This conference was of particular interest because of the specialized American Legion Riders training course on Saturday conducted by Mr. Mark Clark.

Mark has served on the National American Legion Riders Advisory Committee to Internal Affairs and spoke on a variety of topics including the relationship of the Rider Chapters to their home post and the relationship of copyright infringement to the wearing of certain patches.

Of special note and interest to all motorcyclists; it appears that a pair of very onerous helmet laws presented to the New Mexico Legislature at the opening session has died in committee.

Rides & Events

On February 5th a fairly large group rode to Socorro Spring to visit the “brewery” and eat lunch. The rally point was at Post 44 and KSU was 11:00. The weather was accommodating and it was an easy ride. Significantly, the brewery is no longer there in Socorro but has been moved to Colorado.

Our esteemed Road Captain once again, relying on his fabled abilities as weather prognosticator extraordinaire, declared a ride for Wednesday the 18th to Las Cruces for lunch. The venue of choice was Andele, a very good Mexican style restaurant in Old Mesilla. Once again, Duffy’s call on the weather was right on. Of special note; Addie McGarry returned to the group after a long hiatus to ride behind her son Toby.

See what you miss if you don’t get on your bike? On a recent trip back from Deming, Stanley the Camel, who usually hangs out just south of Arrey, agreed to a brief Pow Wow with Chapter 5 President John Bush and Road Captain Bob Duff. Those of us who weren’t invited to the con-fab were left to our own resources.