COMMANDER – Roy Lucero – Commander & Newsletter Editor
Read the entire newsletter: Newsletter-October-2013-web
September was another good month here at the Post. Lots of things to do, and plenty of good times shared.
The highlight of the month was the American Legion Family 2nd Annual Golf Tournament. Special thanks to the two Linda’s – Amdal and Nenno – for their efforts in organizing the event. Kudos to everyone who volunteered their time, talents and efforts to make it a huge success. A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!!
This month promises to just as good. Hope you all find time to come out and support the Post and enjoy everything planned in this month’s calendar. Your support enables us to assist our fellow veterans, local charities, students, and youth activities. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Melanie Millsap, for taking on the task of preparing our newsletter.
Remember, the General Membership meeting is on Saturday, Oct 19, at 1030 a.m. Thank you for all you do, and see you at the Post Continue reading