Newsletter – March 2014

COMMANDER Roy Lucero – Commander & Newsletter Editor

Our March General Membership Meeting is rescheduled for March 22, at 10:30 a.m.   A memorial service is being held for Ken Johnson at the Moose Lodge on the 15th and many of our members will be attending that function.  Please mark your calendar.

We had a lot going on in February, and March promises to be just as busy.  Check out the calendar and come join in.

Just a reminder, it is almost time to nominate officers for the 2014-2015 term.  If you would like to run for a position or nominate someone, contact our nominations chairman, Tom Cleveland.

I would like to take this space to thank the entire Post 44 Family for all the support you have shown me and Ginny over the past few months.  Your prayers and words of encouragement have played a major role in keeping my spirits, as well as my strength, up.   Thank you ever so much.

Once again, thank you for all you do, and see you at the Post.

Vice Commander Tom Cleveland

It is that time again, time to nominate candidates for Post officers for the years 2014-2015 term. If you are interested in running for a position, please contact me or any present officer, and let your wishes be known.

February was a very busy month at the Post, Super Bowl Party, Prime Rib Dinner, Saturday Breakfast, and Fish Fry. Sorry if you missed any of these fun events. March is here and the Activities Committee has another full calendar of happing’s to look forward to. Come out and support your Post.

Hope to see you soon ! Continue reading

Newsletter – February 2014

COMMANDER Roy Lucero – Commander & Newsletter Editor

Our Legion Family continues to support our community, veterans and active duty personnel throughout the world.  We can do what we do because of all the great support we get from our membership.  Our volunteers never seem to tire of stepping up and doing what has to be done.  I encourage all of you to get out and recruit new members and invite current members to come in and participate.

We’ve got some fun events coming up this month.  Just to mention a few; Super Bowl Party on the 2nd, Special Valentine’s Dinner on Wednesday the 12th, and a Fish Fry birthday celebration on the 23rd.  Be sure a check out the calendar for all the happenings.

The time is getting near when we must nominate officers for the 2014-2015 term.  If you would like to run for a position or nominate someone, contact our nominations chairman, Tom Cleveland.

Once again, thank you for all you do, and see you at the Post.

Vice Commander Tom Cleveland

Another busy month has passed and the post, as usual, had a lot of fun activities and functions. Thanks again to all those who helped put on the events and meals and to those who participated in them. The month of February is here already and the Activities Comittiee has a full schedule of events to enjoy. The prime rib dinner is the 12th of the month. Be sure to buy your tickets because it is ticketed entry only.

This is your post so please come out and show your support.

Juke box is again up and running , enjoy.

Hope to see you soon! Continue reading