Newsletter – July 2015


Our officers for 2015-2016 have been elected & sworn in effective July 1st 2015. I would like to thank Bob Acre for his year of service as 2nd Vice Commander. Thank you Neil Thornton for stepping up to replace Bob. We look forward to your input this next year. Other than this change our officers remain the same as last year. The officer’s names will be posted on the board by the entrance to the club.

We have an addition to our staff. Patricia Gilbert has agreed to be our Wednesday and Friday cook to give our tired volunteers a break. We still need to rotate our volunteers to assist Patricia.

The WWII & Korean War Vets dinner went really well, thank you for your work & participation in this event.

Remember our Vets are the reason we are here. Let’s keep helping support the Vets, the Legion Family and our great nation. God Bless you all and God Bless America!

Finance Officer– Bill Conklin

At convention, no report this month, he’ll be back next month.

Activities Committee – Kathy Norton and Linda Amdal

A big THANK YOU to all that helped with our “Tribute to WW II & Korean War Era Veterans!!”  It was a smashing success!!  We served 88 dinners and had 22 honored veteran’s here to enjoy the show!  We sure have some talented individuals among us!!  You all deserve an applause! Continue reading

Newsletter – May 2015


It’s time to elect Post Officers for the 2015-2016 Term

We have a list of nominees posted on the white board on the west wall by the ATM machine. They are as follows

  • Commander- Al Norton Second term
  • 1st Vice Commander Craig Pierson Second term
  • 2nd vice Commander Neil Thornton First Term
  • Financial Officer William Conklin Second Term
  • Chaplain Vince Hadley Second Term
  • SGT at Arms Warren Roberts Second Term
  • Adjutant Tom Cleveland Second Term
  • Trustees Bob Nellis Richard Koudelka, and Brian Nikiforo.
  • Vacant positions that need to be filled: Judge Advocate, Service Officer and Historian.

Anyone interested in running for any office please put your name on the white board or contact any current officer.

Our final nominations and elections of officers will be held at the May 16th 2015 General meeting. Please think about helping to fill our vacant officer positions or any other position. It would be great to show our Department heads that we all are in Support of our post.

We have a silent auction going on now and will continue thru the 1st week of May. Come and bid on the beautiful artwork and prints donated by the Denton Family.

Don’t forget to be here for the Mothers day celebration. May holds many other activities planned.  Please check your Calendars.

Let’s get together to place flags on the Veterans grave sites for Memorial Day.

Most Important GOD BLESS AMERICA and all of you who make her what she is.

The greatest Country on earth.

Finance Officer– Bill Conklin

Would like to start off by saying sorry for missing last month, it wasn’t my best end of month. March was a slight loss of $1600., but when bills are due not much we can do. Year to date still at $3000.00 in the black with only one quarter to go. I have the 3rd quarter numbers for you. Continue reading