Newsletter – August 2015


American Legion NEWSLETTER – August 2015

PO Box 1073 – 1005 Hwy. 195 – Elephant Butte, NM 87935



Thank you everyone.  Our year-end financial status is in the black by over $7000.00 dollars.  Last year was $5000.00 in the red.  I can’t begin to express my appreciation for all of the support the Legion Family members have given this past year.  Keep up the great work and let’s continue to have fun at Post 44.

Patricia Gilbert is famous for her Chicken Fried Steak dinners all over town.  We have decided that every 3rd Wednesday will be Chicken Fried Steak support by the SAL!  Thank you guys for stepping up as well!  If you haven’t had the pleasure you need to!

Sue Barr is out of town until August 18th.  If anyone else is interested in ram-roding the Tuesday jam session please, let us know.  If not the Jam Sessions will be suspended until she returns.  The support for these sessions is increasing every week.  Thank you Sue.

The Suggestion, Comment, Compliment & Donation box is located at the main entrance to the Post by the sign in sheet.  All submissions will be reviewed by Executive Committee.  The is the perfect way to let us know what you think or want.

All of our continued support of Post 44 is what makes this a great family unit.

God Bless America & All Veterans & families!

Finance Officer– Bill Conklin

The year ended on 30 June and it was a good one for us.  With all said and done, all back taxes were paid, that included the property taxes and we were cleared from the IRS. A good profit in June put the post over the top, ending the year in the black, with a year-end profit of a little over $7,000 dollars. It took a lot of work from everyone, but need to put out a special thank you to Kat and Linde, they are the ones that make mine so easy. I am looking for a good year in 15 – 16, since we are on the right track.  Linda A is to put a charities report in this newsletter, if not I’ll try and get it in. In closing I would like to thank everyone for the help in conquering the problem. See you around the post.

Activities Committee – Kathy Norton and Linda Amdal

A craft show, yard sale and open house will be held Saturday, August 1st from 8am to 3pm. Between 8 & 10, Linde will be cooking up biscuits and sausage gravy & bacon and Gene H. & Bob N. will be slingin’ hamburgers and hotdogs & fries between 11 & 2. Outside tables are $10.00 and inside tables are $15.00. Contact Linde if you’d like to sign up or leave contact information with the bartender.

Water/Gatorade/Granola Bar drive for 9-11 first responders starts Sunday, August 2nd. Please bring items to the Post. We donate these items to our first responders for use during their emergencies. Please be generous!!

Congrats to Barb Anderson, Lisa Fasso & Richard Few for winning the Walmart Gift Cards sponsored by Aries Gaming!! We had a great turn out & great food for the drawing held on July 18th. A “Lucky Diamond” promotion is tentatively scheduled by Aries Gaming on Halloween, Friday, October 31st. Each member and their guests will receive a raffle ticket for various prizes. This promotion is not associated with the gaming room.

Congrats to Linda Ross for being August Volunteer of the Month!! Linda & her handy-dandy lettuce cutter & her enthusiasm to help, is an inspiration to us all. Thank you, Linda!!

Hip Hip Hooray!! The Post FINALLY won the Lucero Elephant Challenge trophy back!! Good job boys & girls!! The next challenge will be during Elephant Days, Saturday, August 22 @ 1:30 at VFW 1389.

Remember, if you have ideas for activities, suggestions, compliments or complaints, please use the suggestion box by the entry door. All comments are reviewed & discussed @ the E-Board meetings.

Be sure to check your calendar for weekly menus & other events. See You at the Post!!

Post 44 Gaming Charity & Education News:

From the revenue generated by gaming for Charity & Education, we were able to give $3749.59 in June and $4911.00 in July back to the community!! We have also been authorized by the New Mexico Gaming Control Board to pau 2016 membership dues for our 24 World War II member veterans from these funds. If you are a WWII Veteran & have paid your dues already, you will be reimbursed. If you believe your address has changed, please leave the information with the bartender for Linda Amdal. Thank you for your service & membership with the American Legion!!!