The past months revenue earned by the Post was favorable. Gaming is still much lower than we are accustomed to.
We have a misunderstanding I would like to clear up. The question is, “Why are we asking members for donations when at the same time the Post is giving money away?” The answer is under New Mexico gaming laws one third of the monies paid to us by gaming must be given to charity and education. In the past we have mailed the money to the charities that were approved by the membership during our monthly membership meeting at Post 44. This is why most people have not been aware of our responsibilities and commitments to the community. The newspaper article presenting a check for uniforms is our attempt to let everyone know what the American Legion Post 44 is doing to help our community.
We had a very successful Golf tournament. Fun was had by all. Thank you to all who worked to make this a great event. I would like to give a special Thank you to the Sons of the American Legion (SALS) for donating their portion of the proceeds for the Golf Tourney back to the American Legion general fund. In addition, the SALS donated all the leftovers from the Elephant Days event back to the post. This kind of dedication to the welfare of the American Legion Post 44 goes way above the call of duty.
We are fortunate to have members that are willing to give their all and make Post 44 a sound and happy place. Please join us at the Post for our monthly meeting and supporting our events.
We will survive because we love our community. Keep your donations coming.
Finance Officer- Bill Conklin
I would like to start of by thanking those of that made a donation. It was greatly needed and appreciated. We have made the turn, but still looking for ways to cut expenses without hurting our services to members. It looks like it’s going to be another black month. There has been question as to how we are giving money away when we are hurting so badly. The funds we give out are from gaming and are state mandate, to keep our nonprofit status and gaming. This is run by the charity committee and gaming. The post is the last to receive funds from gaming, after everyone one has been paid. Besides it is our duty as the American Legion to support our youth and community. Bare with us things will get better, the staff and officers are doing everything to make your experiences at the post pleasurable. It’s my pleasure to serve as your financial officer.
Activities Committee – Kathy Norton and Linda Amdal
Here we go- heading into the holidays. YIKES!! Before I get into the holiday stuff I’d like to extend a big THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS to Linda Nenno and her Worker Bees for a fabulous job on and the success of the Golf Tournament! Well done. KUDOS to Bob Acre too, for your generous donation to the success and entertainment you have provided for our Post. THANK YOU!!! Continue reading