Category Archives: Newsletters

Newsletter – November 2018

Commander – Al Norton
November brings us a very important day, Veterans Day. New Mexico State Veterans home is celebrating the Annual Car Show on 11/10/18.

Anyone who wants to submit a member for the annual appreciation award, please submit your letters by the November 17th General Membership meeting.

Karaoke has been a problem for a long time. We are down to one person again. At the October general membership meeting a motion to purchase our own equipment was passed. Bob Acre gave us a price that is more than reasonable. Bob has agreed to train members willing to DJ.

We are in dire need of kitchen volunteers again! I am hoping to get each unit to supply volunteers 1 week per month.

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Day. If you would like a free dinner on Thanksgiving Day go to VFW 1389 in Elephant Butte. Our Post donates funds every year to help support the dinner and they put on a great spread!

God Bless America, the Troops and our Veterans!

Activities Committee – Linda Ross
November finds our Calendar nice and full of food, dancing, football, pool, karaoke, golf and games. Out famous FISH FRY will be on Saturday, Nov. 17, at 5:00 p.m. It will be Open House and Constance will entertain at 6:00.
During Monday and Thursday nights football, we will have hot dogs and pizza slices for $1:00, and when a touchdown is scored $1:00 Jello shots. Mondays are also Ladies’ Day with free pool and discounted drinks. Thursday afternoons we have Bunco and other games along with those delicious margaritas for only $2.
The Tiger/Phil Golf Challenge will be on TV at the Post on Friday, Nov. 23. Watch for flyers with more details.
Our Activities Committee meets at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13, at the Post. New people are always welcome along with new ideas.

Post 44 is closed on Thanksgiving so everybody can enjoy the time with family and friends and stuff themselves with too much delicious food.

Be sure to check your calendar for more info and come on over to cheer on your favorite football team.

Newsletter – October 2018

Commander – Al Norton
September was a very good month. We are in stable financial condition.
A special thanks to Bob Acre and his helpers. All four units of Post 44 were involved in the Golf Tournament. That my friends was a great family effort. Each unit earned @2141.00 for their work. This year was the most successful Tournament to date. Again thank you everyone.

The 9/11 Ceremony went well. We would like to see more spectators. Let’s do better next year. The water and Gatorade donation to the 1st responders in Elephant Butte and T or C was very good. Thanks to everyone for their efforts.

We are still looking for someone to install our new front door.

The sign out front is still under repair. Thank Bob Acre for his considerable work on this project.
Don’t forget to get your calendars to see what is happening in October!

We are back to Dinner and Dancing every Wednesday. We do need as many people that we can get to keep it going. Come on over and have some fun.

Remember to pray for the Troops our Veterans and their families.

God Bless America!

Finance Officer- Ellen Penington
The Post continues to operate on sound financial footing. The highlight of the past month was the hugely successful golf tournament which generated enough revenue that each unit of the Legion was presented a check for $2141.00. The bar generated $4003 in net income in August which was slightly above the $3441.06 it generated in July. We purchased a new door for the front entrance for $900 which was a significant savings over the $4000 plus cost we were quoted by an Albuquerque firm.

Activities Committee – Linda Ross
Yes, there is a new name up there. After many years of serving on this committee, Kathy Norton has decided to step away. We certainly appreciate all her time and efforts and she will be greatly missed.

October finds our calendar full of activities. The 1st and 3rd Sundays are taken up by the pool tournaments and 2nd and 4th we get to enjoy pounders and pizza specials while cheering on our favorite football team. Mondays are LADIES DAY. We get a discount on our drinks and on the 8th of the month we have our very own 9-ball pool tournament. Our $2.00 Tuesdays continue with the addition of a $3.00 “no shell taco”. Our Wednesday dinners and music are back in full swing with Jim Corrons, Sue Barr and Constance. Bunco is continuing on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays and on the 1st and 3rd, we are playing games. Bring your favorite game board or cards and come join in the fun. Don’t forget Friday’s Fun Pool, grill and karaoke. Our monthly breakfast and bake/book sale continue on the 2nd Saturday.

Dig out those costumes, because on Halloween, Wednesday Oct. 31, we are having a party in addition to our usual dinner and music by Bob Acre. There will be a costume contest and back by popular demand is Name that Tune with many more prizes. Be sure come join in the fun.

Our Activities Committee will meet on the 16th at 1:30. Anyone is welcome to join us and new ideas are always welcome.

Don’t forget to check your calendars for all the details and times for everything.