Author Archives: postadmin

Aug. 2012 Newsletter

POST 44 American Legion NEWSLETTER – AUGUST 2012
PO Box 1073 – 1005 Hwy. 195 – Elephant Butte, NM 87935
COMMANDER – Roy Lucero – Commander & Newsletter Editor
I am honored and grateful that you placed your trust in me to be commander of this post. Our post is well known among Legionnaires throughout New Mexico and is considered to be one of the best American Legion Posts in the state. I, and all the officers you have elected, will work together and with all our legion family members (Legionnaires, Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion and Riders) to make sure our post will always be a friendly and active place to gather. We will continue our charitable efforts and be a valued part of our community.
Please post your calendar which is attached to the end of this newsletter (where you can see it daily) to keep yourself abreast of the upcoming activities/events and meetings. You can obtain your newsletter via a copy at the post newsletter box or download and print from our website:
Vice Commander – Tom Cleveland
I will be out of town for a week and I don’t have much to report at this time. Remember that the post needs everyone’s support to be successful so please come out and partake of as many activities as you possibly can. Any ideas that will help generates income would be greatly appreciated. See you at the Post.
Finance Officer – Dr. G. Vincent Barrett
The Post continues to do reasonably well financially. Although we did sustain an overall small loss for the month of June due in large part to the remaining wall and sewer line repair cost that came in June. Overall for the month of June revenues have been stable with gaming holding its own. Our reserve position is holding steady and the bar and kitchen continues to do well although revenues are down some from this period last year. The bar, kitchen, gaming and pull tabs as well as special events are performing as we expected for this time of year. The Post should be able to remain on a sound footing throughout the next fiscal year.
Click to read the entire: Newsletter_August_2012