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COMMANDER – Roy Lucero – Commander & Newsletter Editor
Another month has come and gone. Among the events that highlighted May; our Legion Family had a great showing at the T or C’s Fiesta celebration, our National Commander paid us a visit, our Post awarded scholarships to five deserving high school graduates, and we participated in Memorial Day services to honor our fallen comrades.
June 14th is Flag Day. We usually have a flag burning ceremony in our parking lot on that day. Unfortunately, this year, just as last year, we are under fire restriction here at the Butte. We will schedule a ceremony to include a bonfire on the beach at a later date. The American Legion Department of New Mexico Annual Convention is June 27 – 30 in Albuquerque. Everyone is invited, for information contact the Post at the above number.
Don’t forget to come to the General Membership meeting on Saturday, June 16 at 10:30 a.m. We need your support every month. Your participation in post activities enables us to assist, not only our fellow veterans, but also local charities, students, and youth activities in our community. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for all you do, and see you at the Post
Vice Commander – Tom Cleveland
Well summer is about to get here so hope you all have a safe and fun time but please don’t forget about the Post. It is traditionally our toughest time of year to make ends meet. I will be heading out on the road for an extended time for some needed R&R but I will return,” Good Lord willing and the creek doesn’t rise”. I want to personally thank Carmen for her hard work and dedication to her many duties at the Post and the Ladies Aux. See you at the Post!
Finance Officer – Dr. G. Vincent Barrett
Last month’s net financial position resulted in a profit for the month of approximately $2,300 and by the end of April 2013 the year to date loss was down to + -$2,500. Although we are still registering a small loss thus far, for this fiscal year, I believe that within the next month that situation will be turned around. My optimism is based on a significant pick up in bar/kitchen/gaming activities. The month of May is looking pretty good. Hopefully by the end of this fiscal year June 30 we will be back to a positive position. Continue reading