Author Archives: postadmin

Newsletter – January 2014

COMMANDER Roy Lucero – Commander & Newsletter Editor

Happy New Year!!!   Thank you all for making 2013 the great year that it was.  Your generosity and continued support of all our programs enabled us to contribute to numerous local charities, sponsor several college scholarships, assist veterans in need, and much more.

We not only did wonderful things for our community, but we also had some really fun times getting it done.   We celebrated weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, parties just to have parties, and much more.  We said goodbye to a few old friends, and we welcomed some new ones.

Let’s continue to work together as an American Legion Family as we move into 2014.  Thank you for all you do.  Looking forward to seeing you at the Post.

Vice Commander Tom Cleveland

Another great year has passed and the Post had an equally great year as well. I want to thank all members of the Legion, Sons of the Legion, Legion Riders, and Ladies Auxiliary for their continued support. Without you, we would not be as successful.

A special thanks to the gals, Kathy N., Linda A., Linda N. and the many others who helped plan and organize the Silent Auction.It was a huge success and raised a lot of money that will be used to help pay for the new heater/AC units that were just installed at the post.

The Post Christmas party was a fun evening, I played Santa again.  Along with the regular Wednesday Night Dinner /Dance, we were privileged to have as our guest, The National Commander of the American Legion, Daniel Dellinger and several New Mexico State Legion Officers and two visitors from Silver City join us. It was a very busy evening to say the least. A big THANK YOU to all who attended.

Please continue to keep our Commander Roy and his lovely bride Ginny in your thoughts and prayers.

Remember your continued participation at the many events scheduled for January and the coming months keeps the Post strong.

Due to the increase in prices through our distributors over the last year, it is with regret that we are forced to increase our drink prices across the board by $.25. Thank you for your understanding.

See you at the Post!

Happy New Year! Continue reading

Newsletter – December 2013

COMMANDER Roy Lucero – Commander & Newsletter Editor

Can you believe it?   Another year is just about behind us.  And once again the Post has fared well.  Many thanks to our wonderful staff, our great volunteers, and the membership that comes out to support all we do.

Don’t forget to come down to the beach for the Luminaria Walk on Dec 14.   Post 44, ALA Unit 44 and the Legion Riders Chapter 5 will have a huge bonfire and serve up some tasty morsels and lots of good cheer.   Bundle up and come on down.  The employee Christmas Party is on the 18th – a perfect time to let everyone know how much they are appreciated and how glad we are to have them.

Just a reminder; there are no meetings scheduled this month.  Our next general meeting will be Saturday, January 18, 2014.

Once again, thank you for all you do, and see you at the Post.

Vice Commander Tom Cleveland

Have a Happy Thanksgiving !  Hope you have a safe and bountiful day.

Don’t forget to put in your bid for that special item in the silent auction that runs until the middle of December. The ladies have put a lot of effort in the auction setup.

Remember that the success of the Post depends on us all supporting the many events and special activities that are held each month.

Hope to see you at the Post.

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