Newsletter – April 2013

Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson

image007• Blue Star Banners: This month we happily presented Mae Benjamin with a three (3) star Blue Star banner in honor of her son Ronald E. Wilson, her grandson Michael B. Wilson and her granddaughter Kylah Wilson.
• Tent City Veterans: A couple of Unit 44 members made the trip to Las Cruces on March 2nd with American Legion Riders from all over the state of New Mexico to visit the Mesilla Valley Community of Hope, where several veterans are living in a “tent city”. The Riders took these veterans to a local Wal-Mart and purchased clothing and a pair of boots for each of them. The Community of Hope works with these veterans and other homeless persons and families to provide them with shelter and food and to help reintegrate them into society. Further information will be forthcoming in the next newsletter and at the April meeting.



• St. Patrick’s Day Potato Bar: We had a great turnout on March 17th for our fundraiser Potato Bar and Cake Walk. Everyone seemed to enjoy the potatoes, the cakes, the green beer and the Irish music. It was so successful we hope to host another one this fall. Thanks to all of you who baked potatoes or provided the wonderful toppings for them as well as those who baked for the cake walk. A special thanks to Linda Nenno for doing such a great job on the logistics of it all.
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3rd Graduation Class of American Legion Auxiliary

Shown in this photo are Linda Nenno and Linda Ross.  Graduates not pictured are Marty Novak, Sharon Pierson, and Rita Seiler.

Shown in this photo are Linda Nenno and Linda Ross. Graduates not pictured are Marty Novak, Sharon Pierson, and Rita Seiler.

At the March monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 44 in Elephant Butte, the third graduating class was presented with Certificates of Graduation with Honors to five Unit members. But if it is not able to ejaculate, or remain firm and happens frequently, it is called viagra 100 mg . Thus, you have got the medicine for which you need to invest some opportunity. levitra prescription cost iv. If you combine cheap kamagra along with physical activities such as aerobic exercises, generic levitra swimming, jogging, running and walking, a balanced diet and some good habits such as avoiding drinking and smoking, it should help you to get erection in a natural way. You’ll have to maintain your manliness at all times and prove the world that you are receiving the right pleasure when it comes to sex. tadalafil price These members completed the Senior Leadership Course. Graduates of this course ensure the organization of an ever-emerging stream of competent new leaders, trained and guided by experienced ones to assume leadership within the Auxiliary and to advance its mission long into the future.