Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson AUXILIARY APRIL EVENTS – Sharon Pierson
- Blue Star Banners: We presented a Blue Star banner to Josie and Gilbert Zamora in honor of their son Robert Lee Zamora who is currently serving in the Coast Guard. Congratulations to the Zamora family.
- New Member Initiations: A sincere apology to Janice Moon for having inadvertently left her name off the list of initiates last month. We are very happy to have you as a member of our Auxiliary and hope you will join us in our many activities.
- 2013-2014 Officers Elected: By unanimous vote the following officers were elected for the 2013-2014 year:
President – Sharon Pierson Vice President – Johanna Roberts Secretary – Ginny Lucero
- Treasurer – Sandy Squier Chaplain – Linda Ross Historian – Linda Nenno
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Sgt. at Arms – Arlea Hadley Parliamentarian – Linda Ross
- Bake Sales continue: We are continuing to hold bake sales each month on second Saturdays in conjunction with the breakfasts at the Post. Now that we have funded this year’s Girls State the funds will be used for various other Auxiliary programs.
- BUNCO PARTY – The BUNCO party has been such a success we have decided to make it a monthly event on the second Thursday of each month from 1-5pm. So please come join in the fun this month on June 13th.
- National Marina Day Carnival: Our Unit has been invited to host a booth on June 8th at this Carnival event at the lake celebrating National Marina Day. Anyone interested in helping with the booth should contact Joyce Hudgens.
- Father’s Day Dinner: On June 16th it is the ladies turn to prepare a meal for the men. Linda Nenno has agreed to prepare the brisket and we need volunteers to prepare side dishes suitable for brisket and desserts. Please contact Ginny Lucero or Linda Nenno if you would like to help out.
- 2013 NM Department Convention: Convention this year is from June 27 – June 30. We have received the call so anyone wishing to attend should contact Sharon Pierson or Linda Nenno for the registration forms or you can find the necessary forms in this month’s Blue Star. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.
- Deucin’ For The Cure: This event is June 14-16 at the lake and is a fundraiser for a very worth group – Sierra County Cancer Assistance. While not an Auxiliary event, many of our members are involved with the SCCA. Please plan to attend this fun packed event. Watch for the pink posters and flyers around town or contact Steph Ross for more information. Continue reading →