Newsletter – August 2013

Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson – Auxiliary July Events

  • Blue Star Banner:  This month JoAnn Gonzales was presented a banner in honor of her granddaughter Lynn Bravard.

Poppy Distribution: On July 6th Joyce Hudgens, Sandi Harrison, Mary Seeley, LaVerne Walker and Trudie Browning (along with various granddaughters) distributed Poppies at Wal-Mart and collected $400.25 in donations and $21 for Poppy Seed  packets – way to go ladies!!!! Joyce (Poppy co-Chair) tells us they will be distributing Poppies at Wal-Mart again on August 31st so if you are interested in helping out please contact Joyce to sign up.

  • Girls State: Liz Thomas visited with us at the July meeting and told us all about her experience at Girls State this year. Liz was elected City Councilwoman at Girls State, had a wonderful time and thanked all of us for giving her the opportunity to attend.
  • Chain of Unity:  Our newly elected Department President, Janet Romero, has challenged each Unit to create a chain of strips of colored construction paper. On each strip of paper (or link in the chain) should be printed one thing our unit has accomplished this year. On July 23rd a group of members met at the Post to start Unit 44’s chain and that chain was taken to School of Instruction and connected with chains from other units. The purpose is to promote Unity amongst all New Mexico units and show how together we can make a difference. We will having regular “chain making” meetings at the Post and encourage each member to participate by keeping a list of all the things you do as a volunteer and then join us at these meetings to include your “links” in our Unit’s portion of the New Mexico American Legion Auxiliary chain.
  • School Of Instruction:   This year 7 members attended School of Instruction and we all learned a great deal. Our new Department President is full of enthusiasm and ideas so this should be an exciting and fun-filled year for the Auxiliary.
  • 2013 NM Department Convention: Convention this year is from June 27 – June 30.  It should be fun and exciting with our National ALA President, Peggy Thomas, in attendance.
  • Convention Awards Celebration:  We will be holding our annual Awards Celebration at the August general meeting (August 17th) where we will announce all the awards our Unit won at the State Convention. Please plan to join us – our Unit was very busy this past year and we would like all members to join in the celebration.
  • Poppy Distribution: We will be having a “Poppy Distribution” on August 31st at Wal-Mart and are looking for volunteers. Anyone interested in manning the station for an hour or two please contact Joyce Hudgens or Linda Nenno.
  • 2nd Annual Legion Golf Tournament: The tournament will be held on September 21st this year. It was a huge success and fundraiser for all the Legion family last year and we have high hopes for this year. We will start obtaining raffle prizes next week and will begin holding 50/50’s at the Post as well as selling raffle tickets for this event

***PLEASE NOTE***Also, the September meeting date has changed from September 21st to September 28th to accommodate the Legion Family Golf Tournament   Continue reading

Newsletter – July 2013

Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson AUXILIARY APRIL EVENTS – Sharon Pierson   AUXILIARY JUNE EVENTS – Sharon Pierson

Please pardon the brevity of this newsletter. We are in full swing preparing for convention this week. Hopefully things will get back to normal next month.

  • 2013-2014 Officers Installed:  Newly elected officers were installed by Nancy Palladino for the 2013-2014 year:
    Absent were Sharon Pierson (President) and Sandy Squier (Treasurer).
  • Marina Day Auxiliary Booth: Many thanks to the members who set up, manned and tore down the booth our Unit had at the lake for National Marina Day.
  • Father’s Day dinner:  Kudos to Linda Nenno for taking on the cooking of the brisket for this event. It was a big success. Thank you to everyone who prepared side dishes and made this a special Father’s day.
  • Appreciation Dinner for Ryan Knull:  After 20 years of service in the Navy with 6 deployments (the last in Bahrain) Ryan Knull retired as ET1 SW. On June 19th the Post hosted Ryan and his family to a chicken fried steak dinner in appreciation for his years spent protecting our rights and freedoms. Welcome home Ryan Knull.
  • 2013 NM Department Convention: Convention this year is from June 27 – June 30.  It should be fun and exciting with our National ALA President, Peggy Thomas, in attendance.

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The July meeting date may be changed if the school of instruction falls on the third Saturday. This will be posted on our facebook page and our web site. Please check with the Post to be certain of the July meeting date.

Also, the September meeting date has changed from September 21st to September 28th to accommodate the Legion Family Golf Tournament   Continue reading