Labor Day Poppy Distribution: Once again Auxiliary members and friends joined together to distribute Poppies around the TorC/Elephant Butte area over the Labor Day weekend. Thanks to the joint efforts of Poppy Chairman Linda Nenno and Joyce Hudgens it was a huge success and we wish to thank EVERYONE who helped man the tables and distribute the Poppies. (shown here in front of Hodges are Steph Ross & Becky Nazarenus, hard at work distributing Poppies and fighting off flies)
Elephant Butte Days Parade: The Legion family entered 5 Patriotically decorated golf carts in the parade this year with representatives of the Legionnaires, the Sons, the Riders and the Auxiliary participating. Sandi Harrison and Marty Seeley walked alongside the carts passing out “Anti-Bullying” stickers and flyers as well as treats for the children. (shown at left are Sandi and Mary as they prepare to walk the parade, just as well we don’t have an “after” photo) Continue reading
Newsletter – September 2013
Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson AUXILIARY SEPTEMBER EVENTS:
Member Of the Month award: Beginning with the August meeting we kicked off the “Member Of the Month” award. Each month, at the end of the membership meeting, everyone will receive an index card on which they will list the name of the member they believe should win the following month, with a reason why. The votes will be tallied and the winner announced at the following month’s meeting! Steph Ross, Auxiliary member and local artist extraordinaire, agreed to
prepare the “display case” for our member of the month’s photo.
Unbeknownst to Steph . . . hers was the first photo to be displayed in that lovingly painted and adorned display case!!!
Awards Ceremony: Fun, fun, fun!!! Between the glowing “gel rings”, door prizes, bubbles and noise makers we all had a grand good time after our monthly membership meeting as we reviewed and cheered the 22 awards Unit 44 won at the State Convention this year. We were all so very “proud” of “Pride” – the winner of the Rex Memorial Poppy plaque for “best display of poppy usage as a centerpiece” – created by Steph Ross and worked on by several members of our Unit. This year we brought home the two most coveted awards: (1) Mercier Merit Plaque voted as the unit carrying out the most complete program in all phases of Auxiliary work and (2) Grand Holman Trophy awarded to the Unit winning the greatest number of trophies and awards. CONGRATULATIONS Unit 44 members!!!! We did an AWESOME job this past year!
Home Service Awards: In addition to the awards won at convention, Marty Novak presented pins/bars to the following for hours served at home: for 50 hours Linda Amdal, Ginny Lucero, Joyce Hudgens and Truda Melton, for 100 hours Florence Schrader, for 500 hours Sharon Pierson, Steph Ross, Jackie Stockmar, and for 1000 hours Elaine Garlow. These ladies ae just a few of many, many members who contributed to the more than 10,000 hours of volunteer service our unit provided to our community. How wonderful is that?
Bake Sale: At our monthly bake sale this month we raised $71. Next month we’ll be adding our book sale to the bake sale. Anyone who has books hanging around that you’ve already read and need to find a new home for please bring them to the Post on the 2nd Saturday of the month and while you’re there pick up your next reading material. Also in September we’ll be adding casseroles, etc to our baked goods so please stop by and pick up a quick and easy meal to take home.
Blue Star Banner and Welcome Home Soldier: On August 21st the Legionnaires and the Auxiliary welcomed R. Eric Luna home from Afghanistan. The Legionnaires gifted Eric and his family with a meal at the Post and the Post and Unit presented his wife Crystal with a Blue Star Banner. Eric and Crystal had their 9 year old son, 2 year old daughter and 6day old son with them. Also joining in the dinner and dancing were Eric’s parents Ricky & Marilyn Luna and Crystal’s parents Chip & Shawnna Baker. We’ll be presenting Blue Star Banners to both sets of parents at our September 28th meeting.
Hot August Nights: August 25th the Auxiliary held a hot dog and sundae fundraiser during the monthly birthday celebration at the Post and raised $255. Bob Acre provided the music fun with “Name That Tune” followed by karaoke. Thank you everyone who provided hot dogs, buns, condiments, ice cream and all the toppings. A big thank you also to the ladies who set it up and “dished it out”!! At left, Linda Amdal shows us how much fun it is to celebrate “Hot August Nights”!
Karaoke at NMSVH: August 13th (2nd Tuesday) Auxiliary members and Legionnaires provided karaoke entertainment for the residents of our State Veteran’s Home. If you like to sing please come out and join us on the second Tuesday of each month at 2pm. This all volunteer entertainment for our veterans is very much appreciated by the veterans and staff of the veteran’s home.
Oak Street Project: August 29th members visited veterans living at the Oak Street Project in Las Cruces and showed them how to make poppies. These veterans are in a transition period from having previously been homeless to currently living at the Oak Street Project and looking for jobs and apartments of their own. The veterans appear to be interested in making Poppies for the Auxiliary Units of New Mexico. We will be monitoring their progress and hope to make this an ongoing project for our Unit. Continue reading