American Legion Auxiliary Unit 44 of Elephant Butte knew when they finished judging the local entries for last year’s Poppy Poster Contest that several of the local winners would likely win at the State, and possibly, the National levels. We were not disappointed. Six local students won State awards and 2 won National Certificates.

On Friday January 17th, and Friday January 24th, members of Unit 44 visited local schools to present checks and awards to those proud students. The winners were:

  • Class I (grades 2 & 3): Kailey McCraw 1st place State; Cambria Stoops 2nd place State
  • Class II (grades 4 & 5): Taylor Hearn 1st place State & 1st place National Western Division; Brannan Artman 2nd place State
  • Class VII (special needs): Aloria Durham 1st place State & 1st place National Western Division; Kimberly Villagran 2nd place State

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From L to R: Taylor Hearn with mother Carrie Hearn and Brannan Artman with mother Kim Artman.

From L to R: Taylor Hearn with mother Carrie Hearn and Brannan Artman with mother Kim Artman.

Congratulations to all these creative young students! Unit 44 is currently conducting this year’s Poppy Poster contest, as well as the Americanism Essay contest, and looks forward to sponsoring as many, or more, winners this year.

From L to R with their posters are: Kailey McCraw, Cambria Stoops & Aloria Durham, with family members.

From L to R with their posters are: Kailey McCraw, Cambria Stoops & Aloria Durham, with family members.

From L to R: Sharon Pierson, Unit 44 President;  Kimberly Villagran, State Winner;  Linda Nenno, Unit 44 Poppy chairman

From L to R: Sharon Pierson, Unit 44 President;
Kimberly Villagran, State Winner;
Linda Nenno, Unit 44 Poppy chairman

Newsletter – February 2014

Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson  

  • NMSVH Resident’s Dinner night: January 8th we were pleased to welcome 9 residents and 2 helpers from the veteran’s home for Wednesday night dinner. Jim Carrons did a wonderful rendition of “God Bless the USA” and everyone at the Post – including our visitors from the Veteran’s Home – got into the spirit by singing along and joining hands. A big thank you to Brian & Sally Nikiforow, Kathy Norton, Cyndi Wipf, Ginny Lucero, Johanna Roberts, Marty Novak and so many others for not only welcoming our visitors but helping them get seated and served their meals and drinks. Thanks also to the bar staff for their continued patience and assistance every month. It is a group effort to host these veterans each month but well worth the effort when you see the smiles on their faces and hear the heartfelt “thank-you’s” as they leave.
  • Bake Sale: We continued with our fundraising bake sales on January 11th and raised more than $100 this month for our Girls State and Junior’s programs. I know everyone was really tired of baking after the holidays  . . . but, thank you, thank you, thank you! Everyone gets a break from baking this February (since we’ll be at Mid-Winter conference) but I hope those who do not attend the conference will still participate in the “Virtual” bake sale to be held on February 8th at the Post.
  • image007Buddy Baskets: As most of you know this is an ongoing District 7 project this year and Eva Baca and Sheila Pickett, 2 of our Las Cruces members, have stepped up and are preparing the Buddy Baskets for the Oak Street Veteran’s Project in Las Cruces. They are also staying in touch with them and advising us of the needs there. Thank you Eva & Sheila for all the hard work!
  • Poppy Poster & Americanism Essay Contests: This month we continued visiting local schools in preparation for this year’s contests. We also presented last year’s State and National winners with their checks and certificates.  We are expanding our efforts this year to include the Hot Springs High School, the TorC Middle School and the Hatch Valley Elementary Schools. Several members spent (many, many) hours cutting and preparing posters for the Sierra County schools, as they could not afford to provide their students with poster board for the competition. Many more are needed and anyone who would be willing to help prepare the remaining posters please contact Sharon Pierson (740-3639). We are also looking for members to help judge the Poppy posters and the Americanism essays which are due to us on April 1st. If you are interested please contact Sharon Pierson.


  • Chain of Accomplishments: Many of you worked on our chain for School of Instruction . . . well, now it is time to finish the job and prepare our chain for Mid-Winter conference. We’ll be gathering at the Post on February 1st at 1pm to cut strips, write, staple, or glue our accomplishments into a chain to take to our Department President in Roswell. Please join us if you can and add your accomplishments to our chain.
  • NMSVH Residents for dinner: The residents are again joining us on the first Wednesday of February for dinner (Feb.5th). If you’d care to join us in welcoming and serving these wonderful and special individuals please do so. It is a very rewarding experience.
  • BUNCO: Bunco is on February 13th at 1pm – PLEASE join us for this fundraiser – it is a lot of fun and if you get the most Bunco’s, the most Funco’s or (believe it or not) the most losses, you win a cash prize!
  • NMSVH Valentine’s Day Party: The veteran’s home Valentine’s Day party starts at 2:30pm on February 14th and the staff is short handed and asking for our help. If you have the time please stop by and help serve refreshments and fun to our deserving veterans.
  • TorC Veteran’s Wall / Museum: Ladies the museum desperately needs help. If you have any interest in helping out please give Maggie Allen a call at 740-1650. They have 2 shifts, 10:00am-1:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm, and need help EVERY day, including Saturday. If you can give 3 hours a week or more please call Maggie.
  • Deck the Halls: On February 3rd at 2pm well be decorating for Valentine’s Day and again on February 17th at 1pm we’ll be decorating for Mardi Gras. We always have a lot of fun “decking the halls” and would love to see you there. Continue reading