Newsletter – August 2014

Auxiliary President – Johanna Roberts



We kicked the month off with the July 4th Holiday weekend and Poppy distribution. Several ladies volunteered to sit out in the hot July weather and as a result we collected $475 in donations. Following the holiday several members enjoyed a session of BUNCO on July 10th – we had 14 players and a lot of fun. If you haven’t had a chance to stop by on the second Thursday of the month, now is the time!

As many of you know we have, in recent months, been working with a veteran re-integration project in Las Cruces called the “Oak Street Project”.  The Oak Street veterans have a need for hand tools of all kinds. Several of the residents would like to take on “handy man” jobs to earn income but do not have the tools to do so. They also need a lawn mower. If you, or anyone you know, has unused tools lying around that you would be willing to part with please contact Linda Nenno or Sharon Pierson and we’ll make certain they get to where they are needed.

If you visit the Post you’ll notice a large black tub on the non-smoking side labeled “Give 10 to Education”. It’s that time again – school will be starting in a few short weeks are and we are collecting school supplies for our Title 1 schools. In additions to pencils, crayons, glue, notebooks, etc the schools need clothing. The elementary schools tell us they especially need socks, underwear and t-shirts for both boys and girls. Another need is gym clothing. If the students at the Middle school and High School do not change out for gym they receive a “0” for the class. Many of these students simply cannot afford a change of clothing. Sweat pants, t-shirts, shorts, athletic shoes are very much appreciated.

During our July membership meeting we approved a change in Officers. Linda Nenno is now our Vice President and Johanna Roberts is our Sgt at Arms. Other officers remain the same. Please congratulate Linda and Johanna and be sure to offer them your support for the coming year.


Beginning with the 1st Wednesday of August the Auxiliary will be responsible for the meals on the first Wednesday of each month. This is the week of the month we entertain residents of NMSVH for dinner, music and dancing. In order for us to keep this going we need volunteers to 1.) Plan and prepare the meal, 2.) Assist the veterans to their places and serve them, 3.) Bake extra desserts and 4.) Clean up the kitchen afterwards. Ginny Lucero has sign-up sheets for these different tasks for now through the end of the year. Please help us out. The veterans really enjoy these monthly visits.

8/9 8:30-10:00 Breakfast and Bake Sale. The Legion Riders are having their state meeting here that weekend, so we may have more customers. Please leave baked goods at the post on Friday the 8th, or bring in early Saturday morning.

8/14 10:30 Aux. Exec. Board meeting.

8/14 1:00 Bunco. We had 14 players last month and had a really good time. Come join us if you can. The more, the merrier. Margarita specials and chips and salsa. If you’ve never played Bunco, we can teach you in about 5 minutes.

8/16 10:30 General membership meeting

8/17 5:00 Hot August Nights—serving hot dogs, chili dogs & ice cream sundaes.

Fall District Meeting Here 18th October.


HELP!! We will be having our annual American Legion Family Golf Scramble on October 4. If you know anyone who would be willing to sponsor a hole ($100) or donate a raffle item, please ask them. Thanks.

Linda Nenno Tournament co-ordinator (575) 64206164

 Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno

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The Chaplain’s Corner – Linda Ross

PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: O God Almighty, we ask that you will strengthen and protect the members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. May their devotion and loyalty to you and to their home-land inspire them in moments of challenge, and comfort them in tribulation and long separation from loved ones. And finally, we ask that they may return safely to serve you and our Country in the days and years to come.

GET WELL WISHES:  Ruth Handlin, Brenda (Sharon Pierson’s sister) Doug Leasburg and Addie McGarry.

May God Bless each of you and aid each of you in your recovery.

CONDOLENCES: Eva and Ben Baca as his sister is very ill and not expected to live much longer.

May the Lord comfort and aid each of you through your loss.

Gracious Father, grant us the strength and courage to “from the heart” just give it a start to set new goals and achieve greater heights. Be with us as we go in Thy Name to work in Service of God and Country and programs of The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary. In Thy Name we pray. Amen

–Mrs. Clarence Engh


There is no such thing as human wisdom; all is the providence of God.                                                                                      –President John Adams

Care Packages and Cell Phones: Marty Novak

We sent 55 Care Packages in July. Thanks to all who came to help pack the boxes. These Care Packages mean so much to the Troops who receive them. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us and to those who made Memorial donations in memory of Roy Lucero and Truda Melton. Our funds were running low and those Memorials helped a lot. Also thanks to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and businesses of our community for their monetary donations and donations of supplies to help us keep this project going.   Thank you all.   It takes us all to keep this project going.

Anyone is welcome to join us for Care Packages. It’s a lot of fun. Our next Care Package packing day is August 13. We arrive about 10:30 to start arranging the supplies and start packing shortly after that. It takes about an hour to finish.


We are still collecting used cell phones. These are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.

 What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..  

Newsletter – July 2014

Auxiliary President – Johanna Roberts

Written by Sharon Pierson:

The Auxiliary has been very busy this month, as usual. Several members help out at the NMSVH each week with group exercise, group walks, Bingo and various other activities. On the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month several members, and some spouses, participate in the group walk and sing-a-long, singing all the way the different military fight songs and other Patriotic music including the National Anthem. Any and all are welcome to participate, so if you are in the mood to sing just show up at the Veteran’s home at 8:30am.

BUNCO had a big turnout this month, 11 people showed up filling 3 tables and we all had a lot of fun. We have a new group of ladies, who are not members, coming to join us each month. Please remember if you’d like to invite friends who are not members just sign them in at the door. Any and all are welcome to come play for an afternoon. The $10 fee to play is a fundraiser for the Post and the Auxiliary with half the money divided up amongst the winners.

Flag Day was a city wide celebration this year with the 1st Annual Elephant Butte parade and flag burning ceremony. The American Legion family participated in decorating and riding in golf carts in the parade. The flags lining the parade route were so inspiring that Steph Ross and Sandi Harrison, riding in one of the patriotically decorated golf carts, sang the entire way – HooRah! The Legionnaires, led by Commander Vince Barrett did a wonderful job hosting the flag burning ceremony. Two Auxiliary members stood as color guard.

The annual Convention is this month beginning June 26th and ending Sunday June 29th. All those attending hope to return home with a lot of awards so wish us luck and be sure to attend the July meeting to see how our Unit fared.

We’ll be setting up Poppy distribution tables at Wal-Mart, Hodges Restaurant, Pat’s Chevron and possibly the Park entrance at the lake over the 4th of July holiday weekend. We could certainly use some volunteers to help man the tables. If you can help out please contact Linda Nenno or Sharon Pierson.

Best Wishes and happy 4th of July to everyone!


Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno

Our current 2014 membership is 416. Thank you everyone for such great participation, as always if you know anyone eligible for membership, please give them an application. The 2015 membership cards will be available sometime in July. There is not set date when we will receive them.

The Chaplain’s Corner – Linda Ross

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GET WELL WISHES: Maida Sanders, Karen Mogen, Ruth Handlin, Brenda (Sharon Pierson’s sister) Doug Leasburg and Addie McGarry.

May God Bless each of you and aid each of you in your recovery.

CONDOLENCES: The family of Claudette DeWitt in her passing.

May the Lord comfort and aid each of you through your loss.

PRAYER FOR AMERICA: On this, our country’s birthday, we turn to Thee, O God, in gratitude and thanksgiving for making us a free and independent nation. We thank Thee for freeing us from an autocratic government, for making self-government possible, with liberty and justice for all. We dedicate ourselves anew to the preservation of our country and our way of life. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

There is no such thing as human wisdom; all is the providence of God.—

President John Adams

Care Packages and Cell Phones: Marty Novak

We sent 53 Care Packages in June. Thanks to all who came to help pack the boxes. These Care Packages mean so much to the Troops who receive them. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us and to those who made Memorial donations in memory of Roy Lucero and Truda Melton. Our funds were running low and those Memorials helped a lot. Also thanks to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and businesses of our community for their monetary donations and donations of supplies to help us keep this project going.   Thank you all.   It takes us all to keep this project going.

Anyone is welcome to join us for Care Packages. It’s a lot of fun. Our next Care Package packing day is July 9. We arrive about 10:30 to start arranging the supplies and start packing shortly after that. It takes about an hour to finish

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..