Newsletter – November 2014

Auxiliary Vice President- Linda Nenno

October was another busy month. Seems like they all are these days. We cooked and served a ham dinner to the Veterans from NMSVH. They always seem to enjoy the meal and the music.

Our 3rd annual Legion family golf tournament was a great success and worth all the hard work. THANK YOU to all who helped with this event. A special thank you goes out to Gene Hill for cooking the brisket, Gene Barton and Bob Nellis for driving the refreshment cart, and keeping us hydrated on the golf course, and Elaine Garlow for the beautiful embroidery on our shirts.   also want to thank our hole and raffle sponsors for their generosity. Without all of you, we would not be able to pull this together.

We had our monthly bake sale in conjunction with the Legion’s yard sale. Thanks to all of you who baked and worked the sale. We made $430. WOW!

We didn’t have enough players for Bunco this month. Too bad, as we always have a good time. We hope you’ll be able to join us this month on the 13th at 1:00.

Congrats to Sandi Harrison for being named Volunteer of the Month for October. Sandi spends many hours working with the Veterans at NMSVH and was named the Auxiliary’s Volunteer of the Year for the whole state! She also spends many hours baking, and helping with all of our fundraisers.

American Legion Commander, Al Norton, met with the Auxiliary, SAL, and Legion Riders to inform us of the financial health of the post. We’re trying to raise $20,000 as soon as possible to replenish our “emergency fund”, and keep us afloat until revenues pick up again, as they usually do in the fall and winter. We’ve had some unexpected expenses that have depleted that fund. Please donate what you can to the Post, no matter how little it may be, and please come to support all the dinners and activities we have.

On that note, some upcoming events you could plan to attend are:

October 31—Halloween Costume contest and karaoke

November 1—We will be decorating the Angel Tree. We will be gathering information about needy elementary school children and putting these on the tree. Come pull an ornament and shop for a needy child.

November 5—NMSVH residents come to dinner

November 8 Car show and bake sale at NMSVH. We need lots of baked goods and workers. All proceeds go to the Veteran’s Home. We will also be doing a poppy distribution. All help is appreciated. You may bring baked items to the post on Friday, 11/7, or to the Veteran’s Home on Saturday morning.

November 15—General membership meeting 10:30. Dance 6:00.

November 19—NMSVH residents come to dinner again.

Thanksgiving Day—Post closed.

November 29—American Legion Family Craft Show/Raffle Fund raiser. Food will be available and there will be lots of fun things to purchase for Christmas gifts. 9am-3pm.

Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno

Thank you to those who have renewed for 2015. If you have renewed and receive a notice from National, just disregard it.   Remember, your 2014 membership card expires on December 31, so beat the rush and renew now. The dues are still $30/year, and help us continue the programs that serve Veterans and their families. Membership is our most important program, since without members, we cease to exist. Tell your non-member friends about us, what we do, bring them to the post as your guest, and encourage them to join if they are eligible. Carry a membership application in your purse. You, as a member, know we have some really good things going on at the Post, and we always have a lot of fun, so spread the word. As of October 27, we have 251 paid members, which puts us at 60% of our final goal.

We drew for the early-bird winners at the October meeting. The winners were Theresa Dunn and Virginia Blake. They will receive a refund for this year. Congrats, ladies! Continue reading

Newsletter – October 2014

Auxiliary Vice President- Linda Nenno
September was a busy month. We cooked and served Lasagna to the Veterans from NMSVH. They really seemed to enjoy the meal and the music. The Auxiliary did our part in collecting bottled water, Gatorade, and granola bars to deliver to the local fire departments as a Thank You for all they do for our community.
On 9/11, the American Legion Family was involved in a candlelight ceremony held at the EB Fire Department. All local fire departments, EMS, law enforcement and local dignitaries were present and introduced. Al Norton did a great job of officiating. If the wind had cooperated, it would have been a sight to behold, but the candles kept blowing out. However, there was a beautiful rainbow above the fire station just before the ceremony started. We had about 100 people in attendance and hope to grow that amount in future years.
We held our monthly bake sale on the 13th, and made $230.50 for our general fund. Several of our members helped out at the SAL food booth at Elephant Days. Thank you ladies!
Our District 7 meeting on September 20 was well attended. We counted around 70 people who were here from Silver City, Las Cruces, Deming, and even a few who were not in our District came to see what we were doing. They said they were spying to find out why Unit 44 wins so many awards!

Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno
Thank you to those who have renewed for 2015. If you have renewed and receive a notice from National, just disregard it. The dues are still $30/year, and help us continue the programs that serve Veterans and their families. Membership is our most important program, since without members, we cease to exist. Tell your non-member friends about us, what we do, and encourage them to join if they are eligible. Carry a membership application in your purse. You, as a member, know we have some really good things going on at the Post, and we always have a lot of fun, so spread the word. As of September 25, we have 168 paid members, which puts us at 40% of our final goal.

Please renew now if you haven’t already. You can leave your dues with any of our bartenders or mail to PO Box 1618, Elephant Butte, NM 87935. We will draw for the early bird winners at the October meeting. Please keep those renewals and new members coming. We’re doing great so far and are leading the units in our District.

Please join us for our meetings the 3rd Saturday of each month at 10:30 at the Post. We have some exciting things in the coming months and you don’t want to miss anything!

The Chaplain’s Corner – Linda Ross

PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: O God Almighty, we ask that you will strengthen and protect the members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. May their devotion and loyalty to you and to their home-land inspire them in moments of challenge, and comfort them in tribulation and long separation from loved ones. And finally, we ask that they may return safely to serve you and our Country in the days and years to come.

GET WELL WISHES: Brenda (Sharon Pierson’s sister) Doug Leasburg and Addie McGarry.
May God bless each of you and aid you in your recovery.

CONDOLENCES: Cathy Mitchell on the passing of her father and Lynn Brown on the passing of her husband, Larry.
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May the Lord comfort and aid each of you through your loss.

Gracious Father, grant us the strength and courage to “from the heart” just give it a start to set new goals and achieve greater heights. Be with us as we go in Thy Name to work in Service of God and Country and programs of The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary. In Thy Name we pray. Amen
–Mrs. Clarence Engh

There is no such thing as human wisdom; all is the providence of God. –President John Adams

Care Packages and Cell Phones: Marty Novak

We sent 50 Care Packages in September. Thanks to our wonderful crew who…in my absence… took over and saw that the boxes were packed and mailed off. Good job!!

These Care Packages mean so much to the Troops who receive them. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non- members, groups, organizations, and businesses of our community for their monetary donations and donations of supplies to help us keep this project going. Thank you all. But, I’m sorry to say…our funds are running low and we are working hard to keep this project going. So if you can help with any donation, it will be much appreciated. It takes us all to keep this project going.

I just realized there is one group of people I neglected to thank. When I drive up with a trunk full of Care Package supplies 5 or 6 people who happen to be in the Post come out and unload the car, bringing all the supplies back to me and all I have to do is store them away. Thank you a BUNCH! That is a real help.

Anyone is welcome to join us for Care Packages. It’s a lot of fun. Our next Care Package packing day is October 8th. We arrive about 10:30 to start arranging the supplies and start packing shortly after that. It takes about an hour to finish.

We are still collecting used cell phones. These are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..