Newsletter – February 2015

Auxiliary Vice President- Linda Nenno

January offered a short reprieve for the Auxiliary. We still hosted the Veterans for dinner. After missing last month due to their van breaking down, they were very happy to be at the post again. Thank you Ginny and Cyndi for cooking, and the other volunteers for serving and cleaning up. We have a great team of workers. We chose to skip the monthly bake sale this month, but never fear, it will return on February 14, with special offerings for your Valentine. We had a good turn-out for Bunco this month. We’re going to try two Bunco days next month—2nd Thursday and 4th Tuesday. Come play with us. If you’ve never played, we can teach you in about 3 minutes. This is a 50/50 fundraiser $10. We initiated 10 new members at our January meeting; Cathie Fewell, Sharon Mosier, Karen Hergenrider, Louise Tucker, Maureen Graham, Carol Schroder, Lori Montgomery, Julie Crespy, Maurene Propst, and Mae Benjamin. Please make these new members feel welcome when you see them.

Things to look forward to in the coming weeks.

February 1—SuperBowl party. 3:00 We will be offering Green Chile Stew and Chili con Carne. We will need side dishes such as cornbread, crackers, cheeses, tortillas. There will be a 50/50 and other prizes.

February 6-8 Department Mid-year Conference in Albuquerque

February 8, 15, 22—Jam session with Sue Barr 2:00

February 10 & 24—Scotch Doubles pool. 4:00

February 10—Valentine craft day—11:00

February 15—9-ball pool tournament pay to stay 3:00

February 12—Thursday Bunco—1:00

February 14—Breakfast, Valentine Bake Sale Sweetheart Dinner and Dance plus picture booth (Pork Loin) Tickets must be purchased by 2/7.

Drawing for painting by Kathy Howell (raffle tickets on sale at bar.)

February 16—Activities meeting 3:00

February 19—Exec. Committee meeting 10:30

February 21– General Membership meetings 10:30

February 21— Monthly dance—Cactus Flats Live Auction—7:00(Come and preview items to be AUCTIONED 2/16-2/21) T.D. Knull, auctioneer

February 22—Soup Supper 5:00

February 24—Tuesday Bunco 1:00

As you can see, February is packed with activities, so come join the fun.

The American Legion Auxiliary is an organization that provides women of all ages, Junior and adult members, the opportunity to develop and hone their leadership skills. Our organization depends upon an ever-emerging stream of competent new leaders, trained and guided by experienced ones, to assume leadership within the Auxiliary and advance its mission long into the future. The Auxiliary offers a variety of opportunities for members to serve in leadership roles, from chairing a short-term community service project at the unit level to running for a national office.

Unit 44 will start the Sr. Auxiliary Basics Course : Our History and Legacy. This is the same course that used to be called “Leadership” Course. The Course will start Tuesday, March 3 at 2pm at the Elephant Butte RV Resort. Each course will be one hour long; we will meet every Tuesday at the same time until we have completed the course. Each member completing the course will receive a certificate and a beautiful Leadership pin. If you plan to take the course, please email Liz Foster, so we have enough copies of the course for everyone. Continue reading

Newsletter – January 2015

Auxiliary Vice President- Linda Nenno

Happy New Year!

December is always a whirlwind, and this year was no different. We cooked a roast beef dinner for the Veterans, but their bus broke down, so they weren’t able to join us. I’m sure they were disappointed as they fight for a seat on that bus. Hopefully, it will be repaired soon and they can join us in January.

We baked, and baked, and baked. Cookies and candies for Care packages, pecan pie muffins for the Luminaria Walk, Cookies for Martha’s Open House, and more goodies for “Thank You” trays for the teachers, newspapers, post office and Veteran’s home. Thank you to all who helped at all events.

We also did a lot of shopping for needy children for Christmas, and food for needy families. Several ladies got together for a “wrapping” party to wrap the kid’s presents. Members were really generous in their shopping, so I’m sure each child enjoyed receiving their gift(s). It will be nice to have that space in the office back, though. It has been overloaded with food and presents for over a month!

We had a nice Post/Employee Christmas party. Some enjoyed it more than others, and the food was great! It was also nice to have Cactus Flats providing good music.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and is ready for a busy New Year. Here are some upcoming events:

December 31—7-10 PM New York New Year’s Eve party. Jim Corrons will provide good dancing and listening music.

January 1—1-4 PM Potluck Brunch

January 7—Ginny and Cyndi will cook Lasagna. They could use some kitchen help.

January 8—1:00 Bunco

January 12—3:00 PM Activities meeting. Come and share your ideas. These meetings are open to any member.

January 15—10:30 Auxiliary E-board meeting.

January 17—10:30 Auxiliary and Legion General Meetings. The Auxiliary will be initiating new members. If you want to be initiated, even if you are not a new member, please contact Ginny Lucero at (505) 453-7401. We need a count so we can have enough membership pins and new member packets.

January 25—5:00 Soup Supper. Bring your favorite soup, and come sample everyone’s soups. If you don’t want to cook, come anyway. We always have lots of SOUP. We’ll also need cornbread, rolls, French bread, crackers, or desserts. A good way to spend a cold winter evening. $5

February 1—Super Bowl Party. More information available at the Post.

Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno

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