Newsletter – June 2015

Auxiliary- President- Linda Nenno

May seemed to pass pretty quickly. Maybe that’s because we were so busy. We decorated a Legion Family golf cart for the Fiesta Parade. Officers from the Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and Legion Riders, plus one Jr. Auxiliary member and a great-granddaughter rode in the cart. Thank you to those who helped decorate and participated.

Our monthly Veteran’s dinner was a success. It’s great to see the Veterans dancing in their wheelchairs. We always enjoy hosting them.

Our May bake sale had some extra special items for Mother’s Day. We made $188 on the bake/book sale. Thanks to those who baked and purchased.

We didn’t have enough players for Bunco on the 14th, but those of us who showed up had a great taco salad for lunch and enjoyed margaritas and visiting.

We held our election of officers on May 16, at our general membership meeting. Those elected by acclimation were: Linda Nenno, President; Cyndi Wipf, V.President; Ginny Lucero, Secretary; Sandy Squier, Treasurer; Sharon Pierson, Historian; Linda Ross, Chaplain; Johanna Roberts, Sgt. at Arms; Linda Ross, Parliamentarian.

Our poppy drive Memorial Day weekend was a success despite the wind. We raised $1500 for our Veterans and their families. Memorial Day ceremonies were beautiful as usual. Thank you to all who participated in both events. We couldn’t do these things without your help.

The Auxiliary is working with the Legion Family to honor our WWII and Korean Veterans on Flag Day. Look for details in the Activities article in this newsletter, and plan to join us.

Things to look forward to in June:

June 11—Bunco 1:00
June 12–Activities Meeting 1:30 followed by Golf tournament meeting at 2:30ish.
June 13—Bake Sale
June 14— Flag Day Tribute to WWII and Korean Veterans
June 16—Ladies Lunch
June 18—Aux. Exec. Meeting 10:30
June 20—General membership meeting—Mayor Eunice Kent scheduled to speak
June 23—Bunco 12:00

State Convention will be held in Los Alamos June 26-28. If you are interested in attending, you may contact me for registration forms and hotel information.


Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno

Thanks to all of you who have renewed your membership and brought in new members. We have reached 89% of our final goal. I’m sad to report we will not make our goal of 100% this year. We will receive our 2016 cards at State Convention in late June, so we’ll be starting Early Bird renewals in July. Continue reading

Newsletter – May 2015

Auxiliary- President- Linda Nenno

April felt a lot more like March with the winds and cool temps. Our Veterans had another “bug” going around so they were unable to join us for the lasagna dinner we prepared for them. Hopefully, they will be able to attend our May 6 dinner. We always look forward to seeing them.

At our General Membership meeting on April 18, the following slate of officers for the 2015-2016 fiscal year was presented:

President—Linda Nenno                         Treasurer—Sandy Squier                         Sgt. at Arms—Johanna Roberts
Vice-President—Cyndi Wipf                   Historian—Sharon Pierson                     Parliamentarian—Linda Ross
Secretary—Ginny Lucero                       Chaplain—Linda Ross

Elections will be held at the May 16th meeting. Please join us for the meeting at 10:30.

We will have a golf cart “float” in the Fiesta parade. The AL Commander, Aux. President, SAL Squadron Commander and AL Riders President will all ride in the cart. We will decorate the cart at 100 Cholla, EB, on Friday, May 1, at 1:00. Thank you to the LaFont Family for allowing us to use their executive golf cart for this event.

We will have our first golf tournament meeting on Thursday, May 7 at 1:30. Please plan to attend and learn how you can help make this fundraiser a bigger success than last year.

Our monthly bake sale/book sale will be May 9 during our breakfast. Come check out the special Mother’s Day baked goods.

Bunco—We will have Bunco on Thursday, May 14 at 1:00 and Tuesday, May 26 at noon. $10. Come join us. We always have a lot of fun. If you’ve never played, we can teach you in about 3 minutes. The more players we have the more fun it is.

Our first Poppy Distribution will be Memorial Day Weekend, May 22, 23, and 24. We will be at Walmart, Bullock’s, Pat’s and Hodge’s. If you can spare a couple of hours to help out, please contact me or Sharon Pierson. 575-740-3639 or .   All help is REALLY appreciated.

Attention all crafters!! We are looking at having another craft show/open house the end of July. More information will be forthcoming when we get things finalized.

Whew! That’s all folks

 Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno

Thanks to all of you who have renewed your membership and brought in new members. We have reached 88% of our final goal. We need 50 more paid members (renewals or new members) to get there. If you have not renewed for 2015, please do it now. If you know of someone who is eligible and who would like to join our happy family, please give them an application or have them contact me. 575-642-6164.   Continue reading