Newsletter – April 2016

Auxiliary- President- Linda Nenno 575-642-6161

We want to encourage people to come out and enjoy the activities at the Post, but there are a few things you need to remember. It is state law that you MUST have a picture ID whenever you enter an establishment that serves alcohol. In addition, you must have your American Legion membership card on your person or you must be signed in as a guest.

The SID inspectors have been making the rounds and if we are found to be in violation of these rules, it could cost the Post a lot of money. Please be proud to show your card to the bartenders when they ask to see it. And remember, they are people also, so treat them kindly. Many times the Post is very busy and you might have to wait a few minutes to get service.

We hosted a record 11 Veterans for dinner this month. This is becoming a very popular event and more and more are wanting to attend. It is nice to be able to offer them something that makes them smile.

We made visits to HSHS, Manzano, and Hatch High School to present the Girls State program. Hopefully, we’ll have some girls who want to attend. Everyone who has attended in the past reports that it is a wonderful experience. If you know of a girl (or boy) in the area who is finishing her Jr. year in high school and would like to attend, please let me know.

I’m sure there are some home-schooled students out there who would enjoy this experience.

At our March meeting, we presented a Blue Star Banner to Doug and Judy Harris in honor of their son-in-law, SMSgt. David R. (Doc) Kiesling, USAF. We initiated 14 members. It was so nice to see those new faces at the meeting. We hope they will continue to attend meetings and get involved in programs that interest them. We also had a visit from District 7 President, Maureen Harrop. She thanked us for our support of Oak Street Apartments, which is her project for this year. They are always in need of toilet paper, bar soap, and laundry detergent, and any donations are greatly appreciated.

We will be having our first big Poppy Distribution Memorial Day weekend, so if you have a couple of hours to spare, contact Sharon Pierson at 740-3639 or . She can always use more help with these poppy drives.

Program of the month: Americanism

Americanism Committee, Liz Foster, Chairman

Purpose Statement
To inspire, recognize, and perpetuate responsible citizenship through education and acts of patriotism, in order to raise awareness and increase appreciation of the price paid for our fundamental freedoms.

Respect is both earned and learned. The fundamental value of the American Legion Auxiliary is showing respect for our country and our nation’s flag. The Auxiliary creates opportunities for Americans to do both. We share practical things everyone can do to better live as grateful, patriotic citizens. The Auxiliary provides learning opportunities and instructional resources for important things every good citizen should know such as learning about the Constitution, flying the flag on patriotic holidays, folding pocket flags to send to our troops overseas, and presenting flags to local schools and businesses. Our primary goal is to promote patriotism and responsible citizenship.

What Americanism projects has Unit 44 done this year:

  • We published flag etiquette tips on Facebook. These are passed out as handouts at Unit meetings.
  • At each monthly meeting, we discuss a portion of Americanism , i.e. Explanation of our Preamble, Flag Manners, Why You Don’t Walk Between the Colors and more.
  • Members have signed up to receive notifications from TAL on when to display our flags at half-staff
  • We participate in the annual Flag Disposal ceremony
  • We have participated in every local patriotic events. Members have been given a list of all Patriotic Holidays in America.
  • We present 2 Certificates of Appreciation each month to residents and businesses that fly the American Flag
  • In April, we will have a pocket flag folding demonstration. These pocket flags are included in the Care Packages that we mail to troops overseas.
  • Members signed up at City Hall who would call us if someone needed a ride to the polls on Election Day.
  • We sponsored the Americanism Essay Contest at Arrey Elementary School, T or C Elementary School, Sierra Elementary School, and Manzano Christian School. 112 essays were judged and awards assemblies were held at each school. The top winners in each class were forwarded to Department for further judging.
  • We participated in TAL Oratorical Contest. The winner from T or C will go to Indianapolis, IN for the national contest.
  • We participated in the 9-11 Memorial Service.
  • We have actively tried to locate families to present them with Blue Star Banners.
  • Next year, we plan to join the Education Committee to participate in the “Star Spangled Kids” program.

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Upcoming events:

April 7—Activities meeting 2:00
April 9—Bake/Book sale at Breakfast
April 14—Exec. Committee meeting 10:30
April 14—Bunco 1:00
April 16—General membership meeting 10:30
April 19—Ladies Lunch 12:30 at Johnny B’s
April 26—Bunco 12:00

Please check the Post calendar for other activities.

Membership—Linda Nenno

Membership keeps growing slowly. We now have 347 paid members, still a long way from our June 1 goal of 442. We have had a few new members join in the last few months, and that is wonderful. If you have not renewed, please do it soon. If you need assistance, contact me at 575-642-6164 or Invite your eligible friends to join. You, as a member know what good works we do in the community, and how much fun we have at the Post.

The Chaplain’s Corner Marty Novak for Linda Ross

PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.

GET WELL WISHES: Mae Benjamin, Liz Nellis, Joy Corpolongo, Linda Ross, Terri Smith, Maida Sanders, Sherry Pearce, Jack Hodges, Doug Leasburg, Pam Guillot, Karen Mogen, Pam Sallee, Bill Curlott, Papa Vince, Steve Holmes. Daughter of Ted and Moe Graham, Bette Polstin, Johanna Roberts, daughter of Al and Kathy Norton, Brenda Palmer, sister of Sharon Pierson, Arlea Hadley, Cathy Hill, sister of Pat Knull, and Kandy Layne.

OUR CONDOLENCES: The family of Mike Rose.


Be kinder than necessary,

For everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Love generously

And pray continually.

Live simply,

Speak kindly,

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…

It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

It’s not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells

What kind of life you have lived.

Care packages- -Marty Novak

In March we sent 52 Care Packages. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies and to all those who come to pack the boxes. It takes us all to keep this project going.

We always do Care Packages on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Our next packing day is April 13. Some of us arrive at 10 to start setting things up and making boxes. We start filling the boxes about 10:30 and we are usually finished by 11.

Anyone is welcome.

Cell Phones for Soldiers

We are still collecting used cell phones. These phones are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act.

Newsletter October 2015

Auxiliary- President- Linda Nenno

I have to be honest and say I’m glad September is behind us! What a month we’ve had.

As a family, the American Legion collected 62 cases of water, 20 cases of Gatorade and 15 large boxes of granola bars for the local Fire Departments. We made deliveries on 9/8 and 9/9, Elephant Butte FD and T or C FD respectively. Thank you to all who donated to this cause. They were very appreciative.

9/11/2015 found us hosting dinner for the local “first responders” and holding a candlelight ceremony out in front of the Post. It was very beautiful and moving, and we all looked so nice in our red/white/blue “wave” shirts. By the way, the post is taking orders for those shirts if you’d like to have your own. S-XL are $20, 2XL and larger are $30. You may order at the bar and all orders must be pre-paid.

Our monthly bake/book sale went well and we made $190. This money is used to send our Junior members to Convention and to support our Girls State program. Many of the bakers/workers will be out of town for the October 10th sale, so if you can help out, please have baked goods at the post on Friday, October 9, or early Saturday morning. Please have them labeled and indicate anything that has nuts. Questions? Call Joyce Hudgens at 740-4073.

The 4th Annual American Legion Family Golf Scramble was held on September 19 at the T or C Municipal Golf Course. We had 13 teams (quite a stretch for a 9-hole course), and everyone seemed to have a great time. The Post was full on Friday night and Saturday. Thanks to Linde Polstin and Bob Acre for providing karaoke. It was a very successful fundraiser. I want to give special thanks to the Hole Sponsors and Raffle Sponsors:

Hole Sponsors: Ginny Lucero, EB; Johanna & Warren Roberts, EB; Tom and Marty Novak,EB; Linda Amdal & Richard Koudelka,EB; Bullock’s, T or C; Finish Line Lounge, Colorado Springs, CO; Gustin Enterprises, T or C; Linda Ross, EB; Carmen McCleery, EB; Duran/Bokich Enterprises, EB; Amin’s Home Furnishings, T or C; American Legion Post 18, Silver City, NM; Buddy’s Self Storage, EB; Jerry and Liz Foster, EB; Rick and Sandi Harrison, EB; Gene Hill & Cathy Mitchell, EB; Ancient Art Dance Studio, Monticello, NM; Sons of the American Legion, EB; Jack Hodges, EB; WOTM, T or C; LOOM, T or C; Aries Gaming, Albuquerque, NM; SCCA, T or C; Kirikos Family Funeral Home, T or C; Welch’s Boiler Service, Albuquerque, NM; Dan & Mary Seeley, T or C; Craig & Sharon Pierson, EB; Bobby & Laverne Baker, EB; Neil Thornton & Terri Cramer, EB; Butte Propane, T or C; The Beach Bunch, EB; Citizen’s Bank, T or C; Alamo MVD, EB; C & K Automotive, EB; Anton’s Marine, EB; Adobe Hacienda Real Estate, T or C; The Car Wash, T or C; Lynn’s Landscape, EB.

Raffle Sponsors: The Hearald, Sierra County Sentinel, Martha’s, C & K Automotive, Sierra Grande, R & C Sumthins, Marty Novak, Marty and Eunice Kent (Midway Storage), Shattuck Vineyard, Linda Nenno, Linde Polstin, Holiday Inn Express, Cathy Mitchell, Kat, Kandace, Tammy and Michelle at Michelle’s, Johnny B’s Restaurant, Mary Miller, American Legion Post 44, Steph Ross, Kathy Norton, A Touch of Yesterday, Big Food, Liz and Jerry Foster, Pat’s Chevron, Whitehead Automotive, & Karen and Norb Mogen.

I also want to thank the many volunteers who helped me with this endeavor. No one could do this without the help of many!!!

Don’t forget, we will have our very large bake sale at the Veteran’s Day Car Show on November 7, and will need many, many baked goods, and workers. The weather was perfect last year, and we’re hoping for more of the same. We sold out by 2:00 and made over $1000. Let’s see if we can beat that this year. All proceeds go directly to NMSVH to support the needs of the wonderful men and women who live there.

Membership—Linda Nenno

Membership is coming slowly, but surely. As of September 24, we have 189 renewals, 1 transfer, 3 reinstatements, and 13 new members, and 1 transfer, for a total of 206 paid members.   Keep those renewals coming in. Early Bird ends September 30, and we will draw the winners at the October 17 meeting. Carry an Auxiliary application in your purse and encourage eligible friends to join. If you are not sure about eligibility, or have questions about dues or your membership, contact me (575-642-6164) or Ginny Lucero (505-453-7401). Both Ginny and I will be out of town from October 4 through October 13. I will take care of any renewals or new memberships that come in during that time as soon as possible after my return. Our goal for 2016 is going to be hard to reach, but we can do it if we all work together to grow membership.

The Chaplain’s Corner Linda Ross

PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen

GET WELL WISHES:  Maida Sanders, Carolyn Deuce, Walt Toothman, Sherry Pearce, Jack Hodges, Tom Novak, Doug Leasburg, Elaine Garlow, Pam Guillot, Karen Mogen, Pam Sallee, Bob Dunn, Wally Flucky, Bill Curlott , Charles Bucher, Papa Vince and Steve Holmes.
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May God bless each of you and aid you in your recovery.

O God, guard our homes, churches and schools, our entire land and all therein from harm and destruction. Preserve the integrity of this Nation founded on religious principles by protecting it from all enemies within and without. Amen


The cornerstone of modern civilization must continue to be religion and morality.

William Howard Taft

Care packages-Cell phones for soldiers-Marty Novak

We sent 30 Care Packages in September. Thanks to all who came to pack. These packages mean a lot to our Service men and women who are far from home.

Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies. It takes us all to keep this project going.

It is hot over there right now and neck coolers are much appreciated. Thank you Louisa Apadaca for making the neck coolers. If anyone would like to help make neck coolers I have the pattern. Call 744-4539 or email

We had several new people join us in September, which was great since we had a few of the regulars missing. Thanks for helping and we look forward to seeing you again in October.

We always do Care Packages on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Our next packing day is October 14th. We start about 10:30 and it takes about an hour to finish. Anyone is welcome.

 Cell Phones for Soldiers

We are still collecting used cell phones. These phones are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..