Newsletter – August 2016

Auxiliary President- Linda Nenno- 575-642-6164
We want to encourage people to come out and enjoy the activities at the Post, but there are a few things you to remember.  It is state law that you MUST have a picture ID whenever you enter an establishment that need serves alcohol. In addition, you must have your American Legion membership card on your person or you must be signed in as a guest. The SID inspectors have been making the rounds and if we are found to be in violation of these rules, it could cost the Post a lot of money.  Please be proud to show your card to the bartenders and/or door greeters when they ask to see it. And remember, they are people also, so treat them kindly.  Many times the Post is very busy and you might have to wait a few minutes to get service. For the next few months we will have someone at the door on Wednesday nights to check cards, IDs and sell 50/50 tickets tournament fund.   Proceeds of the sales will go to our annual golf tournament.

Membership— Linda Nenno
The 2017 membership cards are here and I have started Early Bird renewals. Get your card renewed by September 30, and you will have a chance for a free membership for this year. So far we have 62 members who have renewed, or joined. If you know someone who is eligible for membership, give them an application or have them contact me. 575-642-6164. Bring them into the Post as your guest and let them see for themselves what a good time we have.

Membership is our most important program, and I need everyone’s help to keep it going strong.

The Chaplain’s Corner Linda Ross
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen

GET WELL WISHES: Sherry Pearce, Jack Hodges, Claudia Thrash, Joy Corpolongo, Tom Novak, Doug Leasburg, Elaine Garlow, Pam Guillot, Karen Mogen, Kandy Layne, Charles Bucher, Papa Vince, Ted and Moe Graham’s daughter, Linda Knull’s sister, Kathy Rogers, and Dylan Holman (Brenda Palmer’s Grandson).

May God bless each of you and aid you in your recovery.


CONDOLENCES: The Family of E. Maureen Thomas in her passing and Cindy Wipf in the loss of her brother-in- law. Also to Warren Roberts and Mary Lou and family and the entire Legion Family in the passing of our beautiful Queen Mother, Johanna Roberts.

May God bless you and be with you during this time of sorrow.
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PRAYER FOR THE AMERICAN LEGION: Dear Lord, we thank Thee for these days wherein we are given the freedom to make decisions for the betterment of our Legion and Auxiliary programs – to obtain knowledge and the wherewithal to better care for our veterans. How to combine these efforts for a better America, always being mindful that we are “one nation under God”. We pray that this will be our goal – knowing that when we place our trust in Thee we are assured of Thy blessing. We know, Lord, all things are possible with thee. Help us to be worthy as we claim this blessing.


Care packages- -Marty Novak
In July we sent 26 Care Packages. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies and to all those who come to pack the boxes. It takes us all to keep this project going.

A special thank you to our 3 young helpers…Linda Knull’s grandsons, Tyler and Logan, and Kathy Norton’s granddaughter, Joleen. Tyler and Logan have helped pack Care Packages a number of times. They also helped us prepare Comfort Bags for the local homeless veterans. This was the first time Joleen helped with Care Packages. They all did a wonderful job and are welcome to help any time they are available.

It is very hot over there right now and those neck coolers would be a very welcome addition to the Care Packages. Anyone willing to sew them? I have the pattern if you need it. We always do Care Packages on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Our next packing day is August 8. Some of us arrive at 10 to start setting things up and making boxes. We start filling the boxes about 10:30 and we are usually finished by 11. Anyone is welcome.

Cell Phones for Soldiers
We are still collecting used cell phones. These phones are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..

Newsletter – July 2016

Auxiliary President Linda Nenno: 575-642-6161

We want to encourage people to come out and enjoy the activities at the Post, but there are a few things you need to remember. It is state law that you MUST have a picture ID whenever you enter an establishment that serves alcohol. In addition, you must have your American Legion membership card on your person or you must be signed in as a guest.

The SID inspectors have been making the rounds and if we are found to be in violation of these rules, it could cost the Post a lot of money. Please be proud to show your card to the bartenders and/or door greeters when they ask to see it.

And remember, they are people also, so treat them kindly. Many times the Post is very busy and you might have to wait a few minutes to get service. For the next few months we will have someone at the door on Wednesday nights to check cards and IDs, and to sell 50/50 tickets. Proceeds of the sales will go to our annual golf tournament fund.

June has been a busy month, and lately oh so-o-o hot. We served 8 Veterans for dinner on the 1st. I had the opportunity to sit and visit with 3 of them and hear how much they enjoy coming to the Post for dinner.

We had a great turnout for Bunco on the 9 th with a few brand new players. Come join us on the second Thursday of each month at 1:00. We have a lot of fun, and the more players the better. Cost is $10. The margaritas are on special for $2 also.

We sponsored two young ladies to Girls State in Portales, Junior members, Alexis Eaton and Sarah Faulkner. Also, VP Cyndi Wipf attended as a Counsellor. All had a good time. We hope to have the girls at our August meeting to report on their experience.

Our June bake/book sale netted $129.50. Linda Ross, who is in charge of the books, announced that she does NOT need any more books donated at this time. Her garage is FULL.

The Auxiliary had a nice turn-out for our general membership meeting on the 18 th . We installed new officers and took care of a lot of business. We voted to spend $200 on gift cards for door prizes for Father’s Day. We donated $300 to Ft. Bayard to help them pay for a gazebo in their courtyard. 47 people attended our wonderful Father’s Day dinner, prepared by Linda Amdal and Richard Koudelka. (Yes, she made him cook on Father’s Day!) The fathers were very appreciative of the gift cards, especially those who won.

State Convention was held in Alamogordo June 23-26. Nine Auxiliary members attended. We made quite a picture on Saturday wearing our “wave” red, white and blue shirts. We won a lot of awards for our hard work and report writing.

Look for them on our shelves in a couple of weeks. Liz Foster was elected Dept. 1st Vice President and McKensi Spears was elected Honorary Junior Department President!

Our Annual Family Golf Scramble is going to be held on September 17, at the T or C Municipal Course. The tournament is full, but there is a waiting list sign-up sheet on the white board at the Post. We are still looking for Hole Sponsors ($100) or contributing sponsors at any amount. You can get a group together to sponsor or do it alone. If you know of a business that might be interested in sponsoring a hole, or if you have questions, contact Linda Nenno at 575-642- 6164.

Our July meeting date will be changed to Thursday, July 21, at 10:30 as many officers will be out of town on the regular meeting date, July 16. We hope to see a lot of you there.

Check the Post and Auxiliary calendars in this newsletter for July Activities.

Upcoming events:

  • July 7: Activities Meeting—11:30
  • July 9: Bake/Book Sale—8:30-10:00
  • July 14: Bunco—1:00
  • July 24: Christmas in July—Yard/Craft sale—8:00-1:00

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Membership—Linda Nenno

We ended the fiscal year with 361 paid members, a long way from our goal of 442. Hopefully, we’ll do better this year.

Maybe National will give us an attainable goal. The 2017 cards are here and we will start Early Bird renewal on July 1 and run through September 30. If you renew your membership during that time you will have a chance to win a free membership. Drawing will be held at the October meeting.

The Chaplain’s Corner Linda Ross

Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.

Johanna Roberts, Sherry Pearce, Jack Hodges, Claudia Thrash, Joy Corpolongo, Tom Novak, Doug Leasburg, Elaine Garlow, Pam Guillot, Karen Mogen, Kandy Layne, Pat Knull’s sister, Charles Bucher, Papa Vince, and Ted and Moe Graham’s Daughter, and Linda Knull’s sister, Kathy Rogers, and Dylan Holman (Brenda Palmer’s grandson).

May God bless each of you and aid you in your recovery. Amen.

The family of Arnold Jarvis, as they mourn his recent passing. And Pat Knull and family on the loss of her Sister. May God bless you and be with you during this time of sorrow.

Our Father in Heaven, we remember the courage and determination of our founding fathers. We remember the brave Patriotic men and women who gave so much for us. We thank them that we are a free nation and free people. It is through them that we carry forward the ideals of Justice, Freedom and Democracy. O Lord, we pray for our elected officials, for sound government and just laws once again. Lord, make us ever proud to be Americans.

We ask that you would rekindle the flame of compassion within us so that we might show real care for our fellowman. Teach us to be sensitive to the needs of others. Grant that as Americans and as Legion Family, we may continue to help our Veterans and those in need.

Be with us and guide us, we pray. Amen.

Care packages: Marty Novak
In June we sent 26 Care Packages. We got another new name at our June monthly meeting. One of our new member’s grandsons just got deployed. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies and to all those who come to pack the boxes. It takes us all to keep this project going.

It is very hot over there right now and those neck coolers would be a very welcome addition to the Care Packages. Anyone willing to sew them? I have the pattern if you need it.

We always do Care Packages on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Our next packing day is July 13. Some of us arrive at 10 to start setting things up and making boxes. We start filling the boxes about 10:30 and we are usually finished by 11.

Anyone is welcome.

Cell Phones for Soldiers:
We are still collecting used cell phones. These phones are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act.