Newsletter – February 2017

Auxiliary- President- Linda Nenno-575-642-6164
We started out the year hosting 8 Veterans for a chicken enchilada dinner. Sue Barr had them dancing in their wheelchairs as usual.

We had 16 players for Bunco on the 12th, and a nice group on the 26th as well. Come join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 1:00. If you’ve never played, we can teach you in less than 5 minutes.

Our January bake/book sale netted $145. If you would like to help bake for these, please contact me. We hold them every month during our monthly breakfast. The funds we collect help us with many of our projects, including but not limited to: Supporting other organizations such as SCCA, SJOA, LOOM, JROTC, Kid’s baseball, Girls State, Cheerleaders, Grad Bash, Scholarships and more.

At our monthly meeting we approved a donation to SJOA for $250, $199 for ALA treasurer computer and $135 to purchase pocket US constitutions to educate elementary children. Sharon Pierson reported that she’s had a request for 5 “comfort bags” for homeless Veterans.

On January 25, we hosted the family of Genevieve LaFont for dinner. Genevieve won National recognition for her poppy poster at National Convention. She also won at the Department level.

The members of the Past Presidents Parlay are planning a workshop to educate members about our local Unit. It will be held on March 4 at the EB RV Resort from 10am-2pm. Please plan to join us to learn more about this great organization of which you are a member. Maybe you will find a program you are interested in working.

Ginny Lucero will begin the Basics and History classes on January 31, at 11:00. This class is very much worth your time and very enlightening. You will learn how the Auxiliary got started and what impact it has had on our country and our community.

Mid-year conference will be held in Albuquerque on February 10-12. For more information contact me (575-642-6164) or Ginny Lucero (505-453-7401).

Our ladies lunch was well attended. We filled Big Food Express. Our next lunch will be on February 21, 12:30 at Point Blanc Winery located in BedRoxx Bowling Alley. Plan to join us.

For a list of upcoming events, please check the ALA calendar.

Membership – Linda Nenno
Thank you to those who have renewed for 2017. The dues are still $30/year, and help us continue the programs that serve Veterans and their families. Membership is our most important program, since without members, we cease to exist. Tell your non-member friends about us, what we do and encourage them to join if they are eligible. Carry a membership application in your purse. You, as a member, know we have some really good things going on at the Post, and we always have a lot of fun, so spread the word. As of January 22, we have 290 paid members. Remember, door cards changed January 1, 2017 and you will not be able to get a new one without a 2017 card.

The Chaplain’s Corner – Linda Ross
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Heavenly Father, We ask that you will strengthen and protect the members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. May their devotion and loyalty to you and to their home-land inspire them in moments of challenge, and comfort them in tribulation and long separation from loved ones. And, finally, we ask that they may return safely to serve you and our Country in the days and years to come. Amen

GET WELL WISHES: Bill Laswell, Cathy Mitchell, Jack Hodges, Claudia Thrash, Joy Corpolongo, Tom Novak, Doug Leasburg, Pam Guillot, Charles Bucher, Papa Vince, Nancy Paladino’s daughter Nanette Caudill, and Ted and Moe Graham’s Daughter, Maureen and Bill Propst’s daughter-in-law, Linda Knull’s sister, and Frank Koch.

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CONDOLENCES: Norb Mogen and family in the loss of his wife, Karen.

May God bless you through your season of grief.

PRAYER FOR AMERICANISM MONTH: Almighty God, we pray Thee, keep these United States in Thy holy protection. Cultivate in the hearts of all her citizens the spirit of devotion and respect to government, of love toward their fellow citizens, and of dedication to the principles of our American Heritage.

Watch over our beloved country, O God. Preserve her integrity, guard her from all her enemies that she may be guided ever onward by Thee in ways of peace—a happy, prosperous, and divinely blessed nation. Amen

Use your voice for
Kindness, your ears for
Compassion, your hands
for charity, your mind
For truth and your
Heart for Love.

Care packages – Marty Novak
In January we sent 30 Care Packages. Thanks to all who came to help pack the boxes.

And thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies. It takes us all to keep this project going.

The cold weather is here and our Troops get cold too. Helmet liners would be a very welcome addition to our Care Packages.

We do Care Packages on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Our next packing day is February 8. We start arriving around 10 to start setting things up and making boxes and start filling the boxes about 10:30. We usually finish by 11. Anyone is welcome.

Cell Phones for Soldiers
We are still collecting used cell phones. These phones are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act.

Newsletter – January 2017

Auxiliary- President- Linda Nenno-575-642-6164
Happy New Year!

Wow, it seems like this year has just flown by! I’ve heard that time moves faster as you get older. Maybe that’s because it takes you longer to get things done? I hope you all had a great Christmas.

We decorated the Post and put up the Angel Tree with over 130 tags for needy children. We made cookies and candy for 35 care packages so our troops would get a little taste of home for the holidays. We also made dozens and dozens of pecan pie muffins for the Luminaria Walk on the beach. Then we continued to bake for cookie trays that were delivered to the local banks, post office, teachers, newspapers and first responders who have all supported us through the year. Everyone was delighted to receive these homemade treats and those trays were overflowing! Thank you to all who baked and helped with distribution in all these endeavors. We couldn’t do it without all the help.

On December 12, we tackled the mountain of Angel Tree gifts that had come in. We had 20 ladies show up to help wrap, so we were done in less than an hour, and were in awe of the generosity of our members (and some non-members) for these children. You guys are wonderful!! I wish I could see the look on the faces of these children when they open their gifts. I know Bill and I had a lot of fun shopping and I hope the rest of you did too.

Our Post Christmas party was a lot of fun. We had a “White Elephant” gift exchange for those who wanted to participate. Some pretty interesting things turned up at that party. The NFL gnomes were especially popular. Everyone who participated had a really good time.

12 food boxes were presented to needy families in the area so they could have a nice Christmas dinner. A special thanks to Linda Amdal for organizing this, and to the members who wrapped and filled the boxes.
At our last Bunco, we decided to try adding another day to play. This month we will play on January 12th and the 26th at 1:00. Come join the fun. Thursdays are $2 margaritas.

Ginny Lucero is going to begin teaching the Leadership class in the near future. I highly recommend that you take it if you can. It covers the history of this great organization both nationally and locally. You’d be amazed at some of the things our Unit is responsible for in this community.

Contact Ginny at or (505) 453-7401, to sign up.

Please check your ALA calendar attached to this newsletter for upcoming events.

Membership Linda Nenno

Happy New Year!
Thank you to those who have renewed for 2017. The dues are still $30/year, and help us continue the programs that serve Veterans and their families. Membership is our most important program, since without members, we cease to exist. Tell your non-member friends about us, what we do and encourage them to join if they are eligible. Carry a membership application in your purse. You, as a member, know we have some really good things going on at the Post, and we always have a lot of fun, so spread the word. As of December 22, we have 258 paid members. Remember, door cards change January 1, 2017 and you will not be able to get a new one without a 2017 card.
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The Chaplain’s Corner Linda Ross

PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Heavenly Father, We ask that you will strengthen and protect the members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. May their devotion and loyalty to you and to their home-land inspire them in moments of challenge, and comfort them in tribulation and long separation from loved ones. And, finally, we ask that they may return safely to serve you and our Country in the days and years to come. Amen

GET WELL WISHES: Bill Laswell, Cathy Mitchell, Jack Hodges, Claudia Thrash, Joy Corpolongo, Tom Novak, Marty Kent, Doug Leasburg, Pam Guillot, Karen Mogen, Charles Bucher, Papa Vince, Nancy Paladino’s daughter Nanette Caudill, and Ted and Moe Graham’s Daughter, Maureen and Bill Propst’s daughter-in-law, Linda Knull’s sister, and Frank Koch. May God bless each of you and aid you in your recovery. Amen

CONDOLENCES: Georgette Schoenberger and family in the loss of her sister. May God bless you through your season of grief.

“Your beliefs don’t make you a better person; your behavior does.”

PRAYER FOR THE AMERICAN LEGION: O God, Our common Heavenly Father, as we seek by Thy grace to be good Legionnaires, help us to do justice in all our ministrations to the sacred memory of all veterans of all wars, but more especially to give our all to eliminate the necessity of their being in days to come—veterans of those greater scourges by which people are beset today—poverty, addiction, disease and indifference toward the things of the Spirit. For we pray in Thy Holy Name. Amen

Care packages- -Marty Novak
In December we sent 35 Care Packages. These were our special Christmas packages filled with homemade cookies and candies, Girl Scout nuts and local pistachios, candy canes and all sorts of good things to let our Troops know they haven’t been forgotten. Thanks to all who came to help pack the boxes.

And thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies. It takes us all to keep this project going.

The cold weather is here and our Troops get cold too. Helmet liners would be a very welcome addition to our Care Packages.

We do Care Packages on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Our next packing day is January 11. We start arriving around 10 to start setting things up and making boxes and start filling the boxes about 10:30. We usually finish by 11. Anyone is welcome.

Cell Phones for Soldiers
We are still collecting used cell phones. These phones are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.