Newsletter – September 2017

President – Ginny Lucero – 505-453-7401
At our general membership meeting on August 19, we installed Sarah Faulkner as a senior member.

Many thanks to everyone who helped make Sarah’s college going away party a huge success. She got lots of wonderful and useful gifts. We will all miss her, as she travels to visit relatives before heading to Oregon to college in September.

Our Veteran’s dinners continue to be a huge success. We will be serving a roast beef dinner on September 6; we hope you will join us.

McKensi Spears, Karina Gonzalez and Abi Claessen went to Girls State this past June. We will be honoring them and their families at dinner on September 6 when our Veterans are present.
We will be collecting monetary donation to purchase water, Gatorade and/or granola bars for all of our first responders. Look for donations cans around the Post.

Our August bake sale raised $242.45; September 9 is our next bake sale.

We hope everyone will support the Elephant Days celebrations the weekend of September 8-10; we will have golf carts in the parade on September 9, hope to see you all.

Our next ladies lunch will be on September 19 at 12:30 p.m., potluck at the Post.

Bunco will start at 1:00 p.m. on September 14 and 28. We had 20 ladies play August 10 and had loads of fun, hope you’ll join us in September. It’s $2.00 margaritas and Mexican beer day.
Don’t forget that we have an aluminum can recycle trailer on Hwy 195 by the Amberjack sign. We are also collecting box tops and our Give 10 bucket for school supplies is on the table in the non-smoking area.

For all other Post activities, please pick up a calendar and newsletter.

Membership – Linda Nenno
The 2018 membership cards are here and I have started Early Bird renewals. Get your card renewed by September 30, and you will have a chance for a free membership for this year. We have raised our Senior dues to $40, and our Junior dues to $10. So far we have 92 members who have renewed, or joined. If you know someone who is eligible for membership, give them an application or have them contact me. 575-642-6164. Bring them into the Post as your guest and let them see for themselves what a good time we have. Remember, we have an active Junior Auxiliary group for members under 18. Membership is our most important program, and I need everyone’s help to keep it going strong.

The Chaplain’s Corner – Barbara Thompson
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen

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May God be with you while you get stronger and healthy.

OUR CONDOLENCES: Maurene Propst in the loss of son-in-law. Family of Jack White, Legionnaire, who passed away.

May God Bless during this time of sorrow.

Creator God, who has given us such a great country with beauty and wealth and opportunities, continue to inspire our hearts as we work in our jobs, our churches, and in our homes.
We pause to ask You to give comfort and healing to our comrades in homes and in hospitals and to guide and strengthen the doctors and nurses who serve them.

May we be good examples for others in all we do.

Help us lift America and the entire American Legion Family to its true ideals. Amen

Care packages – Marty Novak
In August we sent 28 Care Packages. Thanks to all who came to help pack the boxes. A big thank you to Logan and Tyler, grandsons of Linda Knull, who help us with Care Packages during the summer and other breaks from school. We appreciate all their help and the help of our Junior Auxiliary members who come to help with Care Packages when they are here visiting Grandma and Grandpa.They’ve all gone back to school but we look forward to seeing them again.

Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies.

NECK COOLERS…It is hot here but even hotter for our deployed troops. We have reports from them that it has been 125 degrees. THAT’S HOT! Neck coolers would be a huge help to them. Anyone interested in sewing the neck coolers please contact me…744-4539 or email and I’ll get you the pattern.

We do Care Packages on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Our next packing day is September 13th. We are ready to start filling the boxes about 10:15-10:30 and usually finish by 11. Anyone is welcome.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..

Newsletter – July 2017

Auxiliary President – Ginny Lucero – 505-453-7401
Thank you for your trust and faith in electing me as this year’s unit president. I am honored to represent the best unit in the state. I will do the very best job I can. I have a hard act to follow, but with your help, suggestions and support we’ll continue to make Unit 44 the best one in the State.

June came in hot and busy. Our Veteran’s dinners continue to be a huge success. Unfortunately, the bus was broken and the Veterans were unable to get to the Post, but we’re hoping they will be back in July. Chicken enchiladas will be served on July 5th. Our heroes love being here to listen to music, dance and just enjoy the company.

Our historian, Cyndi Wipf and 3 juniors attended Girls State the first week of June. They made many memories and new friends.

The care package fundraiser at the Moose was wonderful and a big success. Thanks, Marty, Linda Knull, the Moose and many of you for all your hard work on this project.

We participated in the RV and Boat Show close to the main marina Father’s Day weekend, but traffic was slow. Thanks to all who helped at this event.

We served approximately 45 hungry dads a rib dinner on Father’s Day. Thanks to Linda Amdal, Richard Koudelka, Barbara Anderson and Linda Nenno for cooking, brownie makers and all the helpers in the kitchen.
Our annual American Legion Auxiliary convention was held the end of June in Roswell. We had 17 senior members and 7 juniors in attendance. Our juniors represented Unit 44 very well. While they had free time, they completed the junior leadership class, attended workshops and visited many museums. Liz Foster was installed as Department President for 2017-18. Congratulations Liz. Our Unit won 18 awards, Steph Ross won the Community Service award and Ginny Lucero won an Americanism award.

Our next bake and book sale will be July 8. We collected $206 from our June bake sale.

Our July monthly meeting will be Friday, July 14 at 10:30 a.m. Our executive meeting will be Thursday, July 13 at 10:30 a.m.

Our next ladies lunch will be on July 18 at 12:30 p.m. at Bedroxx (bowling alley).

Membership Linda Nenno
We ended the fiscal year with 362 paid members, a long way from our goal of 442. Hopefully, we’ll do better this year. Maybe National will give us an attainable goal. The 2018 cards are here and we will start Early Bird renewal on July 1 and run through September 30. If you renew your membership during that time you will have a chance to win a free membership. Drawing will be held at the October meeting. Note: Our membership dues have increased to $40 for senior members and $10 for junior members.

The Chaplain’s Corner Linda Ross
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Heavenly Father, We ask that you will strengthen and protect the members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. May their devotion and loyalty to you and to their home-land inspire them in moments of challenge, and comfort them in tribulation and long separation from loved ones. And, finally, we ask that they may return safely to serve you and our Country in the days and years to come. Amen

GET WELL WISHES: Cathy Hill, Jack Hodges, Claudia Thrash, Joy Corpolongo, Tom Novak, Doug Leasburg, Pam Guillot, Charles Bucher, Papa Vince, Linda Knull’s sister and Theresa Dunn, Liz Nellis’ brother and Gene Hill’s brother.
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May God bless each of you and aid you in your recovery. Amen

Narrow Minds and Wide Mouths Are often found together.

PRAYER FOR FOURTH OF JULY: Our Father in Heaven, we remember the courage and determination of our founding fathers. We remember the brave Patriotic men and women who gave so much of us. We thank them that we are a free nation and free people. It is through them that we carry forward the ideals of Justice, Freedom and Democracy.

O Lord, we pray for our elected officials, for sound government and just laws once again. Lord, make us ever proud to be Americans.

We ask that you would rekindle the flame of compassion within us so that we might show real care for our fellowman. Teach us to be sensitive to the needs of others. Grant that as Americans and as Legion Family, we may continue to help our Veterans and those in need.

Be with us and guide us, we pray. Amen

Care packages – Marty Novak
In June we sent 26 Care Packages. Thanks to all who came to help pack the boxes.

Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies. It takes us all to keep this project going.

Thanks to Moose Lodge 2050…both the men and their ladies…for their help with our enchilada dinner fundraiser for Care Packages. They ordered food, cooked, cleaned, washed dishes, printed tickets and more. And thank you to all of you who baked cakes, sold tickets, and helped serve. And last but certainly not least, thank you to all who came and enjoyed those delicious enchiladas. The fundraiser was a success, adding $1400+ to our Care Package account.

NECK COOLERS…. It is hot here but even hotter for our deployed troops. We have reports from them that it has been 125 degrees. THAT’S HOT! Neck coolers would be a huge help to them. Anyone interested in sewing the neck coolers please contact me…744-4539 or email and I’ll get you the pattern.

We do Care Packages on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Our next packing day is July 12. We are ready to start filling the boxes about 10:15-10:30 and usually finish by 11. Anyone is welcome.

Cell Phones for Soldiers
We are no longer collecting cell phones. Homeland security will only allow me to send 3 cell phones at a time rather than sending them in the medium flat rate box. This is making it too costly to continue.