Newsletter – June 2019

Activities Committee – Linda Ross
June finds us just as busy as ever having fun and honoring our veterans.

On Saturday, June 1 is our fourth flea market/swap meet in the morning where we will serve burritos, coffee and water. Then on the 2nd there is a Frito Pie fundraiser for the patio at 3:00 p.m.

On every Monday we have free pool and then on the 10th and 24th we have fun Wii bowling at 5:00 p.m. On Thursdays $2.00 hot dogs are available for our game days and we roll the dice for Bunco on the 13th and 27th. On Fridays the 7th and 21st, Bill will have karaoke at 6:00 p.m.

Flag Day, June 14, will be observed at the reservation sight at the beach. Flags will be retired at 9:30 a.m. with hot dogs and hamburgers provided from 11:00–1:00. On Saturday the 15th Sue and Tammy will provide music for your Dancing and listening pleasure at 6:00 p.m.

On Fathers’ Day, the 16th, a Pork Chop meal will be available from 2:00-4:00 p.m. All member fathers eat free. On Sunday the 23rd we are going to have a Beach Party at the Post at 6:00 p.m. There will be music with a contest for the best beach comber. On Saturday, the 29th, we will have a Spaghetti dinner at 4:00 p.m. as a Post fundraiser.

Our Activities Committee meets on Monday, the 10th at 1:30 p.m. All new suggestions are welcome. Be sure to see the flyers at the Post for all the details of activities and join us the second and fourth Mondays at 5:00 p.m. for Wii Bowling!!!

Auxiliary President Ginny Lucero – 505-453-7401
We donated $600 to the American Legion Post 44 for upgrades to the patio area.
The Veterans Home is in need of folks to help with walking and singing to the veterans; doing
nails and helping with Bingo. Please look for the monthly calendar to see what might interest

Our 100 Anniversary Cookbook should arrive by Memorial Day. We are taking orders for the
Cookbook; $20 for one or $15 for more than one. You can order a hard copy, thumb drive or
both. Thanks to all of you who submitted the 450 recipes. Please contact Nancy Trueblood at or myself at the above number to place your order.

A pork chop dinner is planned to honor all dads and grand-dads on Sunday, June 16 at 2:00 p.m.

Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend our monthly membership meeting on
Saturday, June 15 at 10:30 a.m.
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Don’t forget that we have an aluminum can recycle trailer on Hwy 195 by the Amberjack sign.
We collect box tops (please make sure they haven’t expired) & Campbell soup labels for
Education, as well as Bullock’s receipts.

For all other Post activities, please pick up a calendar and newsletter.

Membership – Ginny Lucero for Linda Nenno
We have renewed a couple more members in May. Our membership is at 331 paid members. However, our goal is 442, if you haven’t paid, now is the time to do so. Invite your eligible friends to join; we do lots of great community activities around town and at the Post. If you need assistance, please contact Linda Nenno at 575-642-6164 or

Chaplains Corner – Barbara Tompson
God of compassion, we pray for our military personnel. Care for them; meet their needs. Grant them courage, compassion, strength, and all they need for the living of these days. Sustain them through their every trial. Amen.

Mary Ann Weaver
We pray this morning for all those people we know who are unwell, and for those who look after them. Lord, give them your strength that they recover fully.

Care Packages Marty Novak
We sent 26 Care Packages in May. Some of our people have come home so our numbers are down. If you know of anyone who is deployed, please give us their name and address and we will be happy to send them monthly packages for as long as they are deployed.

Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies.

Thanks to the JROTC for their help in packing the boxes and getting them ready for mailing. This was the last time they will be helping us until school starts again in the fall. We really appreciate their help and the help of all who come to help with the packing. We couldn’t
continue to do this worthy project without the help of all of you.

Our next Care Package day is June 12th. We start packing as soon as we finish setting out the supplies and everything is ready…about 10:15 and we are usually finished by about 11:00. Anyone is welcome to come help us pack. It’s lots of fun. Come join us.

Newsletter – May 2019

Auxiliary President – Ginny Lucero 505-453-7401
We donated $500 to the DAV to help for their purchase of a new van; $200 to little league; $250 to Friend of EB Fireworks display and $200 to the Hot Spring High School Grad Bash. The Veterans Home is in need of folks to help with walking and singing to the veterans; doing nails and helping with Bingo. Please look for the monthly calendar to see what might interest you. Several of us were present at the Veterans Home for the delivery of the new Bingo machine for our heroes. Thanks to the American Legion Family and the State of NM Riders for your generosity.

We are taking orders for the cookbook; $20 for one or $15 for more than one. You can order a hard copy, thumb drive or both. 450 recipes will be in the cookbook, thanks to everyone who submitted one or more. Please contact Nancy Trueblood at or myself at the above number to place your order. Decorate those Kentucky Derby hats and join us for a hat contest at the legion on May 4 at 4:00 p.m. Group A will bake for the monthly bake sale during breakfast on May 11, 2019. Everyone is invited to attend our monthly membership meeting on Saturday, May 18 at 10:30 a.m. Don’t forget that we have an aluminum can recycle trailer on Hwy 195 by the Amberjack sign. We collect box tops (please make sure they haven’t expired) & Campbell soup labels for Education, as well as Bullock’s receipts. For all other Post activities, please pick up a calendar and newsletter.

Membership – Linda Nenno
Membership has really slowed down, but we did get a couple of new members in April. We now have 327 paid members, still a long way from our June 1 goal of 442. We have had a few new members join in the last few months, and that is wonderful. If you have not renewed, please do it soon. If you need assistance, contact me at 575-642-6164 or Invite your eligible friends to join. You, as a member know what good works we do in the community, and how much fun we have at the Post.

Chaplains Corner Barbara Tompson
God of compassion, we pray for our military personnel. Care for them; meet their needs. Grant them courage, compassion, strength, and all they need for the living of these days. Sustain them through their every trial. Amen.

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We pray this morning for all those people we know who are unwell, and for those who look after them. Lord, give them your strength that they recover fully.

Care Packages Marty Novak
We sent 36 Care Packages in April. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, nonmembers, groups, organizations, and business of our community for Their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies. Thanks to the JROTC for their help in packing the boxes and getting them ready for mailing. It was another VERY windy day and their help was much appreciated getting those boxes into my car without losing all the customs forms. That new door and covered entry was also very helpful in shielding us from the wind as we moved the boxes outside and into my car. And thanks to all who came to help. We always appreciate your help.

We sent a total of 420 Care packages to our deployed troops from May ’18 through April ’19 giving us a grand total of 9449 Care Packages since we began in September ’03. We couldn’t have done that without all the help you all and others have given for this project. Our next Care Package day is May 8th. We start packing as soon as we finish setting out the supplies and everything is ready…about 10:15 and we are usually finished by about 11:00.

Anyone is welcome to come help us pack. It’s lots of fun. Come join us.