Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson AUXILIARY SEPTEMBER EVENTS:
Member Of the Month award: Beginning with the August meeting we kicked off the “Member Of the Month” award. Each month, at the end of the membership meeting, everyone will receive an index card on which they will list the name of the member they believe should win the following month, with a reason why. The votes will be tallied and the winner announced at the following month’s meeting! Steph Ross, Auxiliary member and local artist extraordinaire, agreed to
prepare the “display case” for our member of the month’s photo.
Unbeknownst to Steph . . . hers was the first photo to be displayed in that lovingly painted and adorned display case!!!
Awards Ceremony: Fun, fun, fun!!! Between the glowing “gel rings”, door prizes, bubbles and noise makers we all had a grand good time after our monthly membership meeting as we reviewed and cheered the 22 awards Unit 44 won at the State Convention this year. We were all so very “proud” of “Pride” – the winner of the Rex Memorial Poppy plaque for “best display of poppy usage as a centerpiece” – created by Steph Ross and worked on by several members of our Unit. This year we brought home the two most coveted awards: (1) Mercier Merit Plaque voted as the unit carrying out the most complete program in all phases of Auxiliary work and (2) Grand Holman Trophy awarded to the Unit winning the greatest number of trophies and awards. CONGRATULATIONS Unit 44 members!!!! We did an AWESOME job this past year!
Home Service Awards: In addition to the awards won at convention, Marty Novak presented pins/bars to the following for hours served at home: for 50 hours Linda Amdal, Ginny Lucero, Joyce Hudgens and Truda Melton, for 100 hours Florence Schrader, for 500 hours Sharon Pierson, Steph Ross, Jackie Stockmar, and for 1000 hours Elaine Garlow. These ladies ae just a few of many, many members who contributed to the more than 10,000 hours of volunteer service our unit provided to our community. How wonderful is that?
Bake Sale: At our monthly bake sale this month we raised $71. Next month we’ll be adding our book sale to the bake sale. Anyone who has books hanging around that you’ve already read and need to find a new home for please bring them to the Post on the 2nd Saturday of the month and while you’re there pick up your next reading material. Also in September we’ll be adding casseroles, etc to our baked goods so please stop by and pick up a quick and easy meal to take home.
Blue Star Banner and Welcome Home Soldier: On August 21st the Legionnaires and the Auxiliary welcomed R. Eric Luna home from Afghanistan. The Legionnaires gifted Eric and his family with a meal at the Post and the Post and Unit presented his wife Crystal with a Blue Star Banner. Eric and Crystal had their 9 year old son, 2 year old daughter and 6day old son with them. Also joining in the dinner and dancing were Eric’s parents Ricky & Marilyn Luna and Crystal’s parents Chip & Shawnna Baker. We’ll be presenting Blue Star Banners to both sets of parents at our September 28th meeting.
Hot August Nights: August 25th the Auxiliary held a hot dog and sundae fundraiser during the monthly birthday celebration at the Post and raised $255. Bob Acre provided the music fun with “Name That Tune” followed by karaoke. Thank you everyone who provided hot dogs, buns, condiments, ice cream and all the toppings. A big thank you also to the ladies who set it up and “dished it out”!! At left, Linda Amdal shows us how much fun it is to celebrate “Hot August Nights”!
Karaoke at NMSVH: August 13th (2nd Tuesday) Auxiliary members and Legionnaires provided karaoke entertainment for the residents of our State Veteran’s Home. If you like to sing please come out and join us on the second Tuesday of each month at 2pm. This all volunteer entertainment for our veterans is very much appreciated by the veterans and staff of the veteran’s home.
Oak Street Project: August 29th members visited veterans living at the Oak Street Project in Las Cruces and showed them how to make poppies. These veterans are in a transition period from having previously been homeless to currently living at the Oak Street Project and looking for jobs and apartments of their own. The veterans appear to be interested in making Poppies for the Auxiliary Units of New Mexico. We will be monitoring their progress and hope to make this an ongoing project for our Unit.
Poppy Distribution: August 31st Auxiliary members will be distributing Poppies for the Labor Day weekend holiday throughout the TorC and Elephant Butte area. If you see them at WalMart or Pat’s Chevron or the Moose Lodge – or wherever they might be – please stop by and accept a Poppy to wear and show your support for our veterans and active military troops. Any and all donations are gratefully accepted. All funds received for these distributions go to the Canteen fund at our local State Veteran’s Home for the residents.
Meals for NMSVH Residents: Beginning in the month of October the Legionnaires and Auxiliary will begin hosting up to 8 residents of the NMSVH to a Wednesday night dinner at the Post. This is to become a monthly event on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Please join us if you can and help us welcome these very deserving individuals to our Post.
Community Auxiliary “Friend” Award: We’re initiating a new award in September recognizing those individuals who have given so much in services, goods, money, etc to the Auxiliary and the community. We will be presenting these persons/groups with a Certificate of Appreciation and a tray of home baked goods. If you would like to help with the presentation of the certificates or baking please contact Sharon Pierson at (575) 740-3639. Also, if you know of anyone you feel we should recognize as a friend of the Auxiliary and community please let me know.
Elephant Butte Days Parade: We will be entering 5-6 patriotically decorated golf carts, with members of the Legion Riders providing motorcycle escort for this parade. Members of all the Legion Family (Legionnaires, Sons, Riders and Auxiliary) will be riding the carts so please come out and cheer for us on September 7th at 10am. Anyone interested in decorating the carts please join us at Johanna & Warren Roberts’ house on September 6th at 4pm.
Fall District Meeting: We have received the call for the Fall District Meeting which will be held on September 21st in Deming at the DAV Hall located at 320 South Diamond, Deming, NM. Phone # 575-546-2201. Registration is from 9:30 – 10am. There will be a registration fee of $1.00 each to Unit 4. Joint Session starts at 10am with lunch to follow and the separate sessions begin after lunch. The cost for lunch is $5. Post 4 will provide BBQ pork and beef; members of Unit 4 will provide side dishes. Please feel free to bring a side dish if you choose.
2nd Annual Legion Golf Tournament: The tournament will be held on September 21st this year. It was a huge success and fundraiser for all the Legion family last year and we have high hopes for this year. We are gathering raffle prizes and hole sponsors and are holding 50/50’s and selling raffle tickets on Wednesday and Friday nights at the Post. There will be a brisket luncheon at the Post immediately following the tournament and we have a signup sheet for those wishing to help with desserts and/or side dishes. Contact Linda Amdal or Linda Nenno for further information.
We’ll be decorating the Post for Fall on September 8th a 1pm, BUNCO is on September 12th at 1pm and the Harvest Festival Birthday Potluck Souper Supper is on September 15th at 5pm. Please join us for all the festivities..
.Auxiliary Membership Report – Linda Nenno .
Thank you to those who have renewed for 2014, and welcome to our new members. The dues are still $30/year, and help us continue the programs that serve Veterans and their families. Membership is our most important program, since without members, we cease to exist. Tell your non-member friends about us, what we do and encourage them to join if they are eligible. Carry a membership application in your purse. You, as a member, know we have some really good things going on at the Post, and we always have a lot of fun, so spread the word. As of August 22, we have 131 renewals and 22 new members, two of which are Juniors, which puts us at 38% of our final goal. If you wish to be in the early bird drawing, you must be renewed by September 30. Please keep those renewals and new members coming. We’re doing great so far
The Chaplain’s Corner – Linda Ross
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
GET WELL WISHES: Wally Fluckey, Papa Vince, Sofio Trujillo, Butch Walters, Jerry Light, Maida’s grandson, Ruth Handlin, Tom Novak and his brother Walter, Wyatt Slanina, grandson of TD and Pat Knull, Mary Heiligenthal, Claudia Thrash and Brenda, Sharon Pierson’s sister and Kathy G, Wayne Gilbert
OUR CONDOLENCES: Deepest condolences to Pat Huffman on the loss of her dearest friend, Charlotte Evans
Creator God, who has given us such a great country
With beauty, wealth and opportunities,
Continue to inspire our hearts as we work in our jobs,
Our churches, and in our homes.
We pause to ask You to give comfort and healing
To our comrades in homes and hospitals
And to guide and strengthen the doctors and nurses who serve them.
May we e good examples for others in all we do.
Help us life America
And the American Legion
And American Legion Auxiliary
And the entire American Legion Family
To its true ideals.
On a personal note, Steve and I wish to thank you all for celebrating our 50th anniversary with us. Your caring is very important to us. Thanks again.
We sent 56 Care Packages in August. I want to thank all those who took over for me with the shopping, packing, and mailing of the Care Packages in my absence again this month. It is comforting to know that I have some very wonderful, helpful friends that I can depend on to get things done when I can’t be there.
Thanks also to you wonderful people who give us regular donations of money or goods for the packages, for Memorials and any kind of donation for this project because we couldn’t continue to do this without your help. There isn’t a lot we can do for our deployed Troops to make their lives easier and let them know we care…but these monthly Care Packages sure help. Our next packing date is September 11. We start about 11 AM. If you haven’t helped pack Care Packages before, come join us. It’s a lot of fun and gives you a good feeling about sending these guys and gals something from home to let them know we haven’t forgotten them and we appreciate all they are doing for us.
Eric Luna, one of our Care Package recipients, recently returned from his deployment. We honored him and his family with a Welcome Home dinner at the Post. What a lovely family…including the new baby boy who waited until daddy got home from his deployment to be born.
We are always open to new names for our Care Packages. If you know of someone who is deployed please contact me at 575-744-4539 or leave the name and address at the Post and we will add them to our list for monthly Care Packages for their entire deployment.
CELL PHONES FOR SOLDIERS: We are an official collection site for CELL PHONES FOR SOLDIERS and we are continuing to collect cell phones that are no longer being used.. There is a collection container just outside the door at the Post to deposit cell phones in. Thanks to all of you who are donating them. The cell phones are sent for recycling and the money is used to purchase Phone Cards for the soldiers. These Phone Cards can be used for calling from Iraq, Afghanistan, etc to the US or within the US. So if you have unused cell phones laying around, drop them off in our container. We’ll take care of sending them off.
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What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..