Labor Day Poppy Distribution: Once again Auxiliary members and friends joined together to distribute Poppies around the TorC/Elephant Butte area over the Labor Day weekend. Thanks to the joint efforts of Poppy Chairman Linda Nenno and Joyce Hudgens it was a huge success and we wish to thank EVERYONE who helped man the tables and distribute the Poppies. (shown here in front of Hodges are Steph Ross & Becky Nazarenus, hard at work distributing Poppies and fighting off flies)
Elephant Butte Days Parade: The Legion family entered 5 Patriotically decorated golf carts in the parade this year with representatives of the Legionnaires, the Sons, the Riders and the Auxiliary participating. Sandi Harrison and Marty Seeley walked alongside the carts passing out “Anti-Bullying” stickers and flyers as well as treats for the children. (shown at left are Sandi and Mary as they prepare to walk the parade, just as well we don’t have an “after” photo)
- 9/11 Fire Department Visits: On September 10 and September 11 members visited the Elephant Butte Volunteer Fire Department and TorC Volunteer Fire Department, respectively, with cases of bottled water, Gatorade and granola bars .Each fire department was presented with a “Certificate of Appreciation”, our way of saying “Thank you for all you do”.
Give 10 for Education/School Needs: Marty Novak, Arlea Hadley and Ginny Lucero distributed the school supplies we raised to the various Sierra County schools during the week of September 16th. Nancy Palladino also obtained gym clothing and when she took them to the schools discovered they still need the following: Elementary schools need socks for boys & girls size 1 to 3,shoes in sizes 1 to 3, and both boy & girl underwear. They could also use tennis shoes in these sizes. The Social worker for the Middle School (who also holds/stores/distributes items for the High School) tells us they need 3 and 5 subject spiral notebooks, adult sweats sizes S, M, L but no hoodies, tennis shoes adult sizes 8-9 for girls and 7-10 for boys, and boys belts sizes 27-32. If you would like to help with these items you can contact Marty or Arlea or drop them off at the Post anytime.
- Second Annual American Legion Family Golf Tournament: 40 golfers hit the TorC Municipal golf course on September 21st and after 4 hours of hard playing and drinking ooops – I meant golfing, enjoyed a brisket dinner at the Post. Tournament winnings and raffle prizes were drawn for and distributed, followed by karaoke. Linda Amdal and Linda Nenno worked very hard to make this fundraising event happen and Elaine Garlow did a magnificent job embroidering all the shirts. Thank you ladies and thanks to Gene Hill for cooking the brisket.
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- Sierra County Fair: Unit 44 will host a booth at the fair this year, October 10-13th, and we need help manning the booth. Please see Ginny Lucero for the signup sheet.
- Open House at Martha’s: On Friday, November 1st Martha’s downtown is hosting an open house and is reserving a table for Unit 44. We plan to use this opportunity to raise funds for Care Packages and to continue our part in the war on “Bullying”. Martha’s has also invited us to host a table at their facility during the Old Fashioned Christmas in TorC on Friday December 6th.
Potato Bar & Cake Walk: The last potato bar was such a success we’ve decided to have another one on Sunday, November 3rd, 5pm – till all potatoes are gone? Please contact Ginny Lucero or Linda Nenno if you would be willing to bake potatoes or a cake for the walk.