(click photos to see larger)
Blue Star Banners: Four (4) Blue Star Banners were presented to families with members currently serving in the military: Ronald & Delores Myers in honor of their son Douglas P. Myers, Frank Garza in honor of his daughter Stephanie C. Garza, Windy Barnes in honor of her son Sean M. Barnes and Bobby & Maggie Allen in honor of their grandson Sean M. Barnes.
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New Member Initiations: We had eleven members participate in the initiation ceremony this year, some were new members, and others were members of long standing who had never been initiated. Congratulations to Sandi Harrison, Cindy Wipf, Truda Melton, Becky Nazarenus, Mary Burke, Terry Copsin, Davonna Stoner, Davonna Armijo, Sally Nikiforow and Cathy Mitchell.
- Slate of Officers announced: The nominating committee, headed up by Liz Foster, presented the following slate of officers for next year:
- President–Sharon Pierson; Vice President – Johanna Roberts; Secretary – Ginny Lucero;
Treasurer–Sandy Squier; Chaplain–Linda Ross: Historian–Linda Nenno; Sgt. At Arms–Arlea Hadley
Elections will be held during the May meeting with installation of the newly elected officers in June.
- Endorsements: This year our Unit was proud to endorse Liz Foster for Department Historian and District 7 President and Davonna Armijo for District 7 Vice President. Please offer them your support and congratulations when you see them.
BUNCO Party: For those of you who missed our 1st BUNCO party on April 11th – you missed a wonderful time. The party was a big success and we plan on making it a monthly event. So come on out to the Post on May 9th from 1pm – 5pm for some $2 Margaritas, snacks and BUNCO!!! (Bunco will be held on 2nd Thursdays each month)
- NMSVH 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt: What fun it was to watch all the little ones scrambling around to gather brightly colored eggs. This year our Unit donated $150 to help fund this event and volunteered to monitor the 1-2 year olds’ egg hunt. Eleven individuals from the Legion family showed up to help out and as you can see not just the children had their photo taken with the Easter Bunny!
Patriotic Sing-A-Long: We had a lot of fun with our Sing-a-long at Sierra Hills Assisted Living on April 8th. The repertoire was traditional Patriotic and good time oldies. We began with the Pledge of Allegiance, sang the Star Spangled Banner, and moved on to such toe tapping songs as Coming ‘Round the Mountain. We sang for more than an hour and quit only when our voices gave out. Copies of the lyrics were given to the residents who sang along and had such fun they’ve asked us to make it a monthly event.
Poppy Maker Appreciation: Clarence Himes, a 96 year old veteran at NMSVH, has made more than 1,500 Poppies for us recently so on April 8th Linda Nenno and Joyce Hudgens presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation. Mr. Himes has agreed to ride in the Fiesta parade with us in a Golf Cart decorated with Poppies!
- Poppy Poster Contest: The Posters are in! We’ve collected 104 second grade, 95 third grade, 89 fourth grade, 88 fifth grad and 5 special needs posters. This year we also received posters from kindergarten and first graders. They cannot be included in the National contest, as they fall under the required grade level, but we’re going to include them at the local level. We’ll be setting up a time in the very near future to select the winners. Anyone interested in helping please contact Linda Nenno or Joyce Hudgens.
- Fiesta Parade and Booth: Unit 44 is participating in the Fiesta parade this year with 6 decorated Golf Carts. It will be a Legion Family event with Commander Roy Lucero at the helm of one Golf Cart, Squadron Commander Bill Nenno at another, Legion Rider President Jim “Snoopy” Coslin is participating as well as several Auxiliary members for a total of 6 Patriotically decorated Golf Carts. One will be heavily adorned with Poppies and we are proud to have Clarence Himes – Poppy maker extraordinaire – riding in that one! The Auxiliary and the Riders will also be hosting booths for the festivities being held in Ralph Edwards park Saturday and Sunday. We need volunteers to help with setting up and decorating the booths as well people to man them, in shifts, for the 2 days so please contact Linda Nenno or Sharon Pierson for the Auxiliary booth or Craig Pierson for the Rider’s booth.
- Bake Sales continue: We are continuing to hold bake sales each month on second Saturdays in conjunction with the breakfasts at the Post. These bake sales are being held to aid in funding our GirlsState program as well as the scholarships we are giving this year. If you can, please help. Any baked goods can be delivered to the Post the morning of the breakfast/bake sale or contact Arlea Hadley or Sharon Pierson to arrange to drop it off earlier.
- BUNCO PARTY – May 9th 1pm-5pm Come join the fun and catch the “flying bunny”! Entry fee is only $10 for 4 hours of play and cash prizes at the end.
- Poppy Distribution – We have a signup sheet for our annual “Poppy Distribution Day” to be held during Memorial Day weekend, Saturday May 25th. This is our largest Poppy fundraiser of the year. If you would like to help distribute Poppies please contact Linda Nenno or Joyce Hudgens.
- Memorial Day Ceremonies: Please come out and join the Legion family on May 27th for the Memorial Day ceremonies to be held at the two cemeteries, the Veteran’s Museum and riverside at Ralph Edward’s Park. We come to honor those who have paid the supreme sacrifice to protect our freedoms.
- Mother’s Day Dinner: On May 12th the men will be serving up Ham dinners, live music will be provided and flowers and truffles will be available for purchase. The drawing for the “Kindle Fire” will also be held so please join us!
Have a great month and many thanks to everyone working so hard on our year-end reports to Department!
Auxiliary Membership Report – Linda Nenno
Thank you to all who have renewed or joined in the last month. Since March 25 we have signed up one new member, Mary Seeley. We had one reinstatement. As of April 26, we only need 27 more members to join or renew by May 15. We CAN do this!! If you know of anyone who is eligible to join the Auxiliary, contact me (575-642-6164) or give them an application. If you have not renewed for 2013, please do it now.
The Chaplain’s Corner – Marty Novak
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
GET WELL WISHES: Papa Vince, Sofio Trujillo,Butch Walters, Bob Shuey, Jerry Light, Maida’s grandson, Ruth Handlin
OUR CONDOLENCES: Our condolences to the family of Gloria Petersen in the loss of her husband.
When trouble comes, as it does to us all…God is so great and we are so small…
But there is nothing that we need know, if we have faith that wherever we go…
God will be waiting to help us bear our pain and sorrow, our suffering and care…
For no pain or suffering is ever too much
To yield itself to God’s merciful touch!
CARE PACKAGES AND CELL PHONES: We sent 63 Care Packages in April. Thanks to all who helped. And of course, thank you to all the generous people and to the Post and the community for their monetary help with this project.
A special thank you to all you winter visitors who are going back home. You are a HUGE help with the Care Packages as well as many other programs and projects in our Unit and in our community. God bless you all. We will miss you and we look forward to your return.
This also means that we will need extra help with the Care Packages. So if you haven’t done it before and would like to join us in this worthy project, we meet at the Post about 11 AM on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. It takes about 1 to 1 ½ hours.
It’s getting that time of the year that our Troops need neck coolers to help them handle the heat. If anyone interested in making them , let me know and I will get the instructions to you. Any help in this is appreciated.
We are an official collection site for cell phones that are no longer being used. These are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for the soldiers. We send the calling cards in our Care Packages. There is a collection container just outside the door of the Post. This year we have sent 142 phones for recycling and received 730 calling cards for our Troops.
As a reminder…the desserts that are donated by our members for the Wednesday night dinners help fund our Care Package project. We ask that you give a minimum of $1.00 for each dessert. Your generosity is appreciated.
What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand