Auxiliary Vice President- Linda Nenno
Even though February was a short month, the Auxiliary was really busy, as usual. Many of us attended the Super Bowl party, and had a good time.
We hosted 8 Veterans for a beef stew/cornbread dinner on the 4th. It seemed like they stayed later to dance and sing this month.
9 of us attended the Mid-Year conference in Albuquerque, where we got to meet and visit with the National President, Janet Jefford. It was great to see our Unit so well represented. Department Commander, Paul Espinoza held his homecoming celebration that weekend also.
We had a very nice turnout for Bunco on the 12th. Some new faces and we filled 4 tables. It is always fun, so come join us, and bring your friends. You do not have to be a member to play.
We had a record amount of baked goods at our Valentine Day bake sale. We made around $270. Thank you to all the bakers, workers and especially the buyers. Everything was decorated for the holiday, and the table looked great. Our Valentine dinner that night was also a success, serving 80+ meals. Thanks to Deone Harty and Linde Polstin for manning the photo booth.
The Legion auction on the 21st was well attended. Thank you to everyone who donated items for this event, and to those who came and spent your money. We had a lot more items than we expected, and the auction went on for 2 hours, and everything sold. The Soup supper on Sunday, the 22nd, was also a success with 10 soups to choose from. Thank you everyone.
Some activities to look for in March:
New operational hours are noon-10 PM Monday-Thursday, noon-midnight Friday and Saturday and CLOSED on Sunday.
March 7, 3:00–Memorial for Steve Ross; Potluck and Karaoke to follow.
March 12 and 24 1:00—Bunco
March 14 8:30-10:00 All you can eat breakfast and bake sale
March 16 1:00—Activities meeting
March 19 10:30 Auxiliary Executive Meeting
12:30 Ladies lunch Pacific Grill (everyone is welcome to attend)
March 21 10:30 Auxiliary General Membership meeting
6:00 Dance w/ Cactus Flats
March 23 2:00 Baby Shower for bartender Nichole Ahumada. She is registered at Babies R Us and
Target. She just found out she is having a girl.
March 28 1:30–Lucero Challenge Pool Tournament at Post 44
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March 30 5:00 Soup Supper
Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno
Thank you to those who have renewed for 2015. The dues are still $30/year, and help us continue the programs that serve Veterans and their families. Membership is our most important program, since without members, we cease to exist. Tell your non-member friends about us, what we do and encourage them to join if they are eligible. Carry a membership application in your purse. You, as a member, know we have some really good things going on at the Post, and we always have a lot of fun, so spread the word. As of February 20, we have 349 paid members, which puts us at 84% of our final goal. Remember, door cards change January 1, 2015 and you will not be able to get a new one without a 2015 card.
The Chaplain’s Corner – Marty Novak for Linda Ross
THE CHAPLAIN’S CORNER – Marty Novak for Linda Ross
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
GET WELL WISHES: Linda Ross, Louisa Apodaca, Liza Greer, Karen Mogen, Pam Sallee, Doug Leasburg, Chuck Kline, Wally Flucky, Bill Curlott and Charles Bucher
OUR CONDOLENCES: Our condolences to Ken Sutherlin and family on the passing of Scotty Sutherlin and Addie McGarray on the passing of her uncle.
Lord, help me to remember that there is nothing that is going to happen today
that You and I can’t handle together.
Care Packages and Cell Phones: Marty Novak
We sent 24 Care Packages in February. Thanks to all who came to help pack. These Care Packages mean so much to the Troops who receive them. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and businesses of our community for their monetary donations and donations of supplies to help us keep this project going. Thank you all. We are working hard to keep this project going. If you can help with any donation, it will be much appreciated.
Anyone is welcome to join us for Care Packages. It’s a lot of fun. Our next Care Package packing day is March 11. We arrive about 10:30 to start arranging the supplies and start packing shortly after that. It takes about an hour to finish.
We are still collecting used cell phones. These are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post.
What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..