Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson
NMSVH Resident’s Dinner night: February 5th we were pleased to welcome 7 residents and 2 helpers from the veteran’s home for Wednesday night dinner. Sue Barr sang “God Bless the USA” and several Post members and visitors from the Veteran’s Home formed a circle, holding hands and sang along.
The residents are a joy to work with and they appear to have a good time. If you haven’t had a chance to stop by the Post on the first Wednesday of the month and welcome these visitors from the NMSVH then you are missing out. Please join us on March 5th and say “hello, thank you for your service”.
Mid-Winter Conference: We had 4 representatives at this year’s Mid-Winter conference in Roswell: Nancy Palladino, Liz Foster, Linda Nenno and Sharon Pierson. We all had a great time, learned a lot, joined Unit 44’s “Chain of Unity” to everyone else’s, collected little “aliens” and laughed at the “Spud” skit performed by the District Presidents – great job Liz!.
Buddy Baskets: Eva Baca and Sheila Pickett have delivered 3 more Buddy Baskets to veterans just arriving at the Oak Street project. These 2 members have turned out to be great shoppers and are doing a wonderful job for our Unit and District 7.
- Poppy Poster & Americanism Essay Contests: We have received our first batch of Americanism essays and are getting closer to the cutoff date. Calls we’ve received from various schools, with questions, etc, suggests we should have another great batch of essays and posters! We’ll have a very short turnaround time so we can certainly use some help. All the essays and posters are due to us by April 1st and we must have our winners chosen and turned in to Department by April 15th so, please if you are interested in judging either essays or posters please contact Sharon Pierson at (575) 740-3639 or
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Potholders: Whew! We’ve got a great group of gals churning out potholders like crazy and we’ve already sold nearly $150 worth of them – and that is just at the Post! We’ve sold so many we need to make a lot more so we’ll have enough to sell at the Craft Fair at the end of March. If you’d like to join us at the Post for “potholder making sessions” just give me a call (575) 740-3639 and I’ll let you know when the next session is. If you don’t sew, we’ll hand you a pair of scissors, if you don’t like cutting out material you can press seams with the iron, and if you don’t want to do that just come have a drink at the Post and visit with us while we work!
Certificates of Appreciation: We’ve been out and about presenting certificates of appreciation to local businesses for supporting the American Legion Auxiliary and our Unit and for selling products “Made In America”. So far we have given certificates to
- The Herald & the Sentinel – for all the articles and photos they publish for Post and Unit 44 on a regular basis
- Angie Majewicz – for all her hard work on our web site, you should check it out because she has made us look fabulous
- Elephant Butte Post Office – for processing all our Care Packages every month and doing it with a smile
- Family Dollar Store & Martha’s Gifts – for selling products made in the United States.
If you know of an individual or business you feel should receive a Certificate of Appreciation from Unit 44, please let me know and we’ll make it happen.
NMSVH Valentine’s Day Party: Two unit members spent an afternoon decorating the Veteran’s Home cafeteria for Valentine’s Day and several members were on hand to help with the Party. Jan Bill, one of our newer members, made a hand beaded bracelet for each female resident – thank you Jan, they loved them. We served refreshments and passed out goody bags, red beaded necklaces and handmade cards. The highlight of the Party was the crowning of the NMSVH “Sweethearts”.
- National Anthem Day: Monday, March 3rd is National Anthem Day. We will be singing the National Anthem at the Veteran’s home when we do a “group walk” with the residents at 8:30am and again when we do the nails of the female residents at 9:30am. If anyone would care to join us we would love to have you.
- NMSVH Residents for dinner: The residents are again joining us on the first Wednesday of March for dinner (Mar 5th). If you’d care to join us in welcoming and giving a “Thank you for your service” to these wonderful veterans and veteran’s spouses, please stop by and also enjoy a great meal from our kitchen.
- BUNCO: We’ve moved Bunco from the second Thursday to Sunday March 2nd at 2:30pm, please join us.
- Bake & Book Sale: We’ll be having our regular bake sale on Saturday March 8th, in conjunction with the Post breakfast, from 8:30-10:30am. We have a signup sheet for bakers and helpers. We could really use some help ladies. Those who have been baking consistently, every month, for this fundraiser are getting a little tired. These funds go to help pay for our Girls State participants and help pay our Junior Auxiliary member’s way to convention this year. If you’d like to bake something you can contact me (575) 740-3639, or, just show up Saturday morning with your baked goodies.
- Potato Bar / Cake Walk: Sunday, March 16th, we’ll be hosting a potato bar/cake walk at the Post beginning at 5pm. This is also Birthday celebration day and Gene Armijo will be there with karaoke. If you’d like to help bake potatoes or a cake contact Linda Nenno. Everyone come wearing green and let’s celebrate St. Paddy’s Day!
- TorC Veteran’s Wall / Museum: Ladies the museum still desperately needs help. If you have any interest in helping out please give Maggie Allen a call at 740-1650. They have 2 shifts, 10:00am-1:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm, and need help EVERY day, including Saturday. If you can give 3 hours a week or more please call Maggie.
Our girls are hard at work trying to raise money to go to Department Convention in June. When you come to the Post you will now see three large collection bins on the north side of the rear parking lot for aluminum cans. The proceeds of their can collecting will send them to convention and help with other projects. Please make sure you secure your cans in a bag and tie the bag. Several of the girls will also be attending the Junior Leadership course this spring. We are looking forward to completing that. Currently we are working on flag etiquette and with our service project as folding pocket flags to send in the care packages monthly. I don’t know if you have ever attempted to fold a pocket flag, but it is not easy and these girls are working very hard to master them. The Jr. Auxiliary meetings are every month, held on the second Sunday at 6:30 pm at the Post. If you have a Jr. Member, or a potentially interested, eligible Jr. Member, invite them to our meetings, we would love to include them. Remember, our youth is our future!
Auxiliary Membership Report-Linda Nenno
Thank you to all who have renewed in the last month. As of February 24, we only need 10 more members to join or renew by May 15. We CAN do this!! If you know of anyone who is eligible to join the Auxiliary, contact me or give them an application. If you have not renewed for 2014, please do it now.
The Chaplain’s Corner – Linda Ross
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: O God Almighty, we ask that you will strengthen and protect the members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. May their devotion and loyalty to you and to their home-land inspire them in moments of challenge, and comfort them in tribulation and long separation from loved ones. And finally, we ask that they may return safely to serve you and our Country in the days and years to come.
GET WELL WISHES: Roy Lucero, Truda Melton, Karen Mogen, Butch Walters, Jerry Light, Ruth Handlin, and Brenda (Sharon Pierson’s sister).
CONDOLENCES: Pat and T.D the loss of their grandson, Wyatt (and to all of his extended family), and to Sally Finerelli in the loss of her daughter, and to Margaret Simone in the passing of her Mother.
May the Lord aid each of you through your loss.
PRAYER FOR BIRTHDAY: Heavenly Father, as we celebrate the 95th Birthday of the American Legion, we believe that not only is this what the Founding Fathers had in mind for our members, but that truly this is what we have been doing these many years, sharing and giving our joys, our talents, ourselves, not only to veterans and their children, but to all races, colors and creeds. This is our goal – for You, our God and our Country. The American Legion programs – the joy of sharing. Hear our prayer, O Lord, for we pray in your name. Amen
There is no such thing as human wisdom; all is the providence of God.—
President John Adams
Care Packages and Cell Phones: Marty Novak
We sent 67 Care Packages in February. Thanks to all the people who came to help pack the boxes. These Care Packages mean so much to the Troops who receive them. Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us and the monetary donations and supplies given to us from members, nonmembers, groups and organizations and businesses of our community to help us keep this project going. Thank you all. It takes us all to do this. Anyone is welcome to join us for Care Packages. It’s a lot of fun. Our next Care Package packing day is March 12. We arrive about 10:30 to start arranging the supplies and start packing shortly after that. It takes about an hour to finish.
An update on Beau Wagner, our Care Package recipient who was injured in Afghanistan. His mother informed me that he is doing well and will be leaving Afghanistan in March. She thanks us for all we have done and are continuing to do.
We are still collecting used cell phones. These are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for our Troops. There is a collection container in the entry way of the Post. I packed up and mailed off for recycling 72 cell phones this month.
What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..