- Blue Star Banners: This month we were pleased to present Ben and Eva Baca (Post 44 Legionnaire and Unit 44 Auxiliary member) with a Blue Star Banner in honor of their son Glenn C. Baca.
- Draping the Charter: Sadly, we once again found ourselves draping the charter. This month we mourn the loss of Brianna Caudill, a member of our unit and the granddaughter of Nancy Palladino.
- Mid-Winter Conference: Several members attended the mid-year conference in February in Albuquerque. One exciting occurrence was the distribution of award pins from National for those Unit members who had recruited new members by December 1st. Our Unit 44 received 22 pins – the most, by far, of any Unit in New Mexico! Congratulations to every member who received a pin.
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- Valentine’s Day Activities: Several Unit 44 ladies gathered at the Post to make handmade cards for
the Care Packages we send to overseas deployed troops as well as the residents at the State Veteran’s Home in TorC. Home baked cookies were also prepared and packaged in decorative Valentine’s Day bags and placed in each of the 70 Care Packages sent out on February 13th. Another group, including Legionnaire and former Navy Seal Steve Ross,distributed these goody bags and handmade cards on February 14th
to all the 135 residents at NMSVH. What a big undertaking and so successful – thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who helped make Valentine’s Day a little more special for these troops and Veterans.
- Girls State Bake Sales: Arlea Hadley is continuing with the fundraiser bake sales at each monthly breakfast at the Post for the Girls State program. Signup sheets for those who would like to help bake are available. We have several young ladies wanting to attend this year and we want to be certain we do not disappoint any of them. If you would like to contribute by baking please contact Arlea Hadley, Ginny Lucero or Sharon Pierson.
- Americanism Essay Contest: We have received 150 essays from the students of Sierra County this year and are currently in the process of reading / judging them. Many thanks to Arlea Hadly, Linda Nenno and Marty Novak for taking on this project. We believe we have some real contenders in this group and look forward to submitting them for the Western Division competition.
- Poppies: Joyce Hudgens is working with the TorC Garden Club to get the Poppy seeds our unit recently
ordered distributed and planted (successfully we hope) throughout the TorC / Elephant Butte area. Anyone with a green thumb (or just a gardening interest) who would like to participate in the challenge of getting these beautiful and meaningful wildflowers to grow in our desert climate please contact Joyce Hudgens or Sharon Pierson. Anyone who has suggestions for places to plant our seedlings should also contact us. Believe me, we would LOVE to hear from you.
- Constitution & Bylaws: The proposed changes to our Constituion & Bylaws were approved unanimously by the membership during our February 16th meeting. Copies of our ratified Constitution & Bylaws will be available at the March meeting and are currently available for download on our web site.
- Easter Egg Hunt at NMSVH: Our Unit approved a $150 donation to this second annual event to be held on Saturday March 30th (the day before Easter Sunday). Unit 44 has also been asked to help supervise the egg hunt for the 1-2 year olds and 2 of the six races to be held for various age groups, including rolling eggs with your nose to the finish line :). They are expecting a big turnout and we really need volunteers to help with this event so, please, if you’d like to come out and supervise a group of young children having a lot of fun please give me a call. Sharon Pierson 740-3639.
- Baked Potato Bar Fundraiser: The Post Activities Committee has given us permission to hold a fundraiser for the Auxiliary on St. Patrick’s Day, Sunday March 17th. We will be hosting a “Baked Potato Bar”, selling a baked potato and all the “fixings” for $5 each. Linda Nenno has kindly volunteered to take lead on this project so if you can help out by baking a few potatoes or preparing some of the “Fixings” please let her know.
- Photo Release Forms: We have recently received a “stock” photo release form from Department and they strongly suggest we have all members sign one. By signing one of these forms you would be giving us permission to post photos, in which you are included, on our face book page, our website, in newspaper articles, our monthly newsletters and any brochures or flyers we might want to generate for Auxiliary activities. We will have these forms available at the Post and at our March monthly membership meeting. Please pick one up and fill it out and sign it or, if you prefer NOT to have any photo of yourself posted in any media, PLEASE contact me immediately and let me know so we can be certain not to do so.