Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson AUXILIARY APRIL EVENTS – Sharon Pierson
- Blue Star Banners: We presented a Blue Star banner to Josie and Gilbert Zamora in honor of their son Robert Lee Zamora who is currently serving in the Coast Guard. Congratulations to the Zamora family.
- New Member Initiations: A sincere apology to Janice Moon for having inadvertently left her name off the list of initiates last month. We are very happy to have you as a member of our Auxiliary and hope you will join us in our many activities.
- 2013-2014 Officers Elected: By unanimous vote the following officers were elected for the 2013-2014 year:
President – Sharon Pierson Vice President – Johanna Roberts Secretary – Ginny Lucero - Treasurer – Sandy Squier Chaplain – Linda Ross Historian – Linda Nenno
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Sgt. at Arms – Arlea Hadley Parliamentarian – Linda Ross
- Poppy Proclamation: On May 1st the Mayor of Elephant Butte, Eunice Kent issued a Proclamation proclaiming the month of May 2013
Poppy Maker Appreciation: Clarence Himes, a 97 year old veteran at NMSVH, has made more than 1,500 Poppies for us recently so on April 8th Linda Nenno and Joyce Hudgens presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation. Mr. Himes has agreed to ride in the Fiesta parade with us in a Golf Cart decorated with Poppies!
as “American Legion Poppy Month” and made the first donation to our Poppy Drive! Thank YOU Mayor Kent, we are so grateful for your support.
- Fiesta Parade: The “Golf Cart Float” the Legion family decorated and entered in the Fiesta parade this year was a big hit. All 4 branches of the Legion family were represented in the 5 patriotically decorated golf carts but the “Poppy Cart” with Veteran Clarence Himes aboard – our #1 Poppy maker and resident of NMSVH stole the show!
- Fiesta Booth: This year Unit 44 set up a booth for Fiesta at Ralph Edwards Park and distributed Poppies, brochures and literature on Auxiliary programs and flag etiquette, and gave patriotically wrapped candy and gum to the children. The wind drove us away early Sunday but a big thank you to all those who helped with setting up, manning and tearing down the booth.
- Poppy Posters Around Town: We had over 400 Poppy posters entered in the contest this year and after the winners were chosen and forwarded for further competition the rest were put up in store front windows all over TorC, Elephant Butte and Williamsburg by three very hardworking Unit members. Joyce Hudgens and Sandi Harrison worked all of one day and were joined by Mary Seeley the next day to get this massive job accomplished. WOW!!! Great job ladies.
- Poppy Distrubution: The VFW ladies may have gotten the jump on us this year at getting the Wal-Mart spot for Memorial Day Poppy distribution but that didn’t stop us from having a great distribution. Tables were set up in various locations in TorC and Elephant Butte and we collected $670 in donations for our veterans.
- Memorial Day Services: Unit members participated in the annual Memorial Day ceremonies at all 4 locations, the new cemetery, the old cemetery, the Veteran’s Wall and riverside at Ralph Edwards Park. By singing Taps, placing wreaths and bearing flags. All the ceremonies were heartfelt and beautiful.
- Bake Sales continue: We are continuing to hold bake sales each month on second Saturdays in conjunction with the breakfasts at the Post. Now that we have funded this year’s Girls State the funds will be used for various other Auxiliary programs.
- BUNCO PARTY – The BUNCO party has been such a success we have decided to make it a monthly event on the second Thursday of each month from 1-5pm. So please come join in the fun this month on June 13th.
- National Marina Day Carnival: Our Unit has been invited to host a booth on June 8th at this Carnival event at the lake celebrating National Marina Day. Anyone interested in helping with the booth should contact Joyce Hudgens.
- Father’s Day Dinner: On June 16th it is the ladies turn to prepare a meal for the men. Linda Nenno has agreed to prepare the brisket and we need volunteers to prepare side dishes suitable for brisket and desserts. Please contact Ginny Lucero or Linda Nenno if you would like to help out.
- 2013 NM Department Convention: Convention this year is from June 27 – June 30. We have received the call so anyone wishing to attend should contact Sharon Pierson or Linda Nenno for the registration forms or you can find the necessary forms in this month’s Blue Star. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.
- Deucin’ For The Cure: This event is June 14-16 at the lake and is a fundraiser for a very worth group – Sierra County Cancer Assistance. While not an Auxiliary event, many of our members are involved with the SCCA. Please plan to attend this fun packed event. Watch for the pink posters and flyers around town or contact Steph Ross for more information.
Auxiliary Membership Report – Linda Nenno
Thank you to all who have renewed or joined in the last month. Since April 25, we have signed up four new members, Lorraine Kelley, Darsie Erhart, Trudie Browning, and Kelly Drake. We had twp reinstatements. As of May 26, we only need 16 more members to join or renew to reach 100%. If you know of anyone who is eligible to join the Auxiliary, contact me (575-642-6164) or give them an application. If you have not renewed for 2013, please do it now.
The Chaplain’s Corner – Marty Novak
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
GET WELL WISHES: Papa Vince, Sofio Trujillo,Butch Walters, Bob Shuey, Jerry Light, Warren Roberts, Sharon Pierson’s sister and Shirley Bucher
OUR CONDOLENCES: Our condolences to Eva and Ben Baca on the loss of her sister
Creator God, who has given us such a great country
with beauty and wealth and opportunities,
continue to inspire our hearts as we work in our jobs,
our churches, and in our homes.
We pause to ask You to give comfort and healing
to our comrades in homes and in hospitals
and to guide and strengthen the doctors and nurses who serve them.
May we be good examples for others in all we do.
Help us lift America
And the American Legion
And American Legion Auxiliary
And the entire American Legion Family
To its true ideals.
CARE PACKAGES AND CELL PHONES: We sent 67 Care Packages in May. Thanks to all who helped. And of course, thank you to all the generous people and to the Post and the community for their monetary help with this project.
If you haven’t helped pack Care Packages before and would like to join us in this worthy project, we meet at the Post about 11 AM on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. It takes about 1 to 1 ½ hours.
It’s getting that time of the year that our Troops need neck coolers to help them handle the heat. If anyone is interested in making them , let me know and I will get the instructions to you. Any help in this is appreciated.
We are an official collection site for cell phones that are no longer being used. These are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for the soldiers. We send the calling cards in our Care Packages. A collection container is located just outside the door of the Post.
As a reminder…the desserts that are donated by our members for the Wednesday night dinners help fund our Care Package project. We ask that you give a minimum of $1.00 for each dessert. Your generosity is appreciated.
What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand