Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson
We did not have a general meeting the month of December, but that does not mean our Unit was not busy – just the opposite in fact. Our Auxiliary ladies are hardworking and caring and were busy sharing the “Holiday Spirit” this December.
Luminaria Beach Walk: Thanks to everyone who baked Pecan Pie muffins for this event and to those who “manned” the campsite serving up Sloppy Joes and handing out muffins. The Sloppy Joes were a huge success – all 120+ of the home made buns were gone almost immediately (thanks Elaine). Everyone (Legionnaires, Sons, Riders and Auxiliary) wore a Poppy and the Riders served hot chocolate and marshmallows and had a POW/MIA table set up.
Care Packages: Lots of homemade goodies (cookies, brownies, fudge, etc) were included in the Care Packages this month as well as signed Christmas cards in each package. Maida Sanders was a big help, getting as many different people to sign cards as she could. Many individuals wrote personal notes with “thank you for your service” included and nearly every card had multiple signatures and notes written in them. On the day we packed many of us wore festive Christmas gear, and we all sang Christmas carols and had a wonderful time preparing these special packages for our overseas troops. One individual, not to be named of course, even wore antlers and a flashing red nose!
Baked Goods Appreciation Trays: On December 13th trays of home baked goodies were prepared for all Sierra county schools (Arrey grade school, TorC & Sierra grade schools, Appletree & Manzano schools, TorC Middle school and Hot Springs High School) to show the teachers our appreciation for all they do for our children. We also prepared a tray for the employees at NMSVH as well as one for each newspaper (Sentinel & Herald) and one for the Post Office employees. Again, the trays were our way of showing the Veteran’s home employees our thanks for all their hard work, the newspapers for all the articles they publish for us at no cost to us and the workers at the Post Office for all the help they give us each month with Care packages. A great big thank you to everyone who baked and helped arrange and distribute the trays.
Mid-Year Reports: Kudos to everyone involved in getting the mid-year reports to Department by the 15th of this month. I know it was difficult with everyone getting ready for the holidays . . . but . . . we were one of the very few Units who DID get their reports completed, submitted AND on time!
NMSVH: The veteran’s home was a busy place this month.
December 15th the New Mexico Legion Riders (which includes a few of our Auxiliary members) visited bearing wondrous gifts: a 72” flat screen television for the newly renovated recreation center, hand crocheted lap robes for each resident and a generous check to supplement the canteen fund. The Riders spent time distributing the lap robes and visiting with the appreciative residents.
On the 17th the female resident’s received a little something extra with their manicures – sacks of home made goodies, Christmas music, lots of good cheer and a visit from a special little lady “Mi Hjita”. Liz Foster brought her adorable little dog for a Christmas visit and the ladies loved her. Goodies and hand made cards by the children of Appletree/Manzano were delivered during “nails” as well. We had a larger than usual turnout to help distribute goodies, do nails and spread Christmas cheer – thank you everyone!
Finally, on the 18th the NMSVH held a Christmas party for the residents. Each resident received a gift from Santa and Sam Parker (man of a 1000 voices) sang old Christmas carols and inspired the residents to sing along. Auxiliary members were on hand to serve refreshments and give assistance wherever needed.
Girls State Bake Sales: We kick off our monthly bake sale on January 12th during the All You Can Eat Breakfast at the Post. We have had so many inquiries from hopeful young ladies wanting to attend Girls State that we are starting our fundraising efforts early. Anyone who would care to donate baked goods for the sale please drop them off at the Post Friday night or bring them with you Saturday morning.
Americanism Essay Contest: The Americanism Committee has already received essays from Manzano and a visit to Arrey Elementary School is scheduled for January 16th with visits to TorC and Sierra Elementary schools being planned for this month as well. We are hoping to receive a record number of entries this year. Anyone interested in participating in the gathering and judging of these essays should contact Marty Novak or Sharon Pierson.
- “JUGS” or “Just Us Girls” (can you guess which of our Auxiliary members are JUGS members?) is hosting a Bunco fundraiser party for SCCA (Sierra County Cancer Assistance) on January 19th at the Senior Meal Site at 360 West 4th Street. The doors open at 12:30pm and the fun begins at 1:00pm. The cost is only $8 and seating is limited so if you’d like to purchase a ticket please contact Kitty at 744-4877, and do it quickly – seating is limited to 40 seats!
- The next Leadership Course will begin in January. Anyone who would like to attend should contact Liz Foster.
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Auxiliary Membership Report – Linda Nenno
Membership is going well. We are at 314 paid members, but we still need 100 renewals or new members to meet our 100% goal. Remember, your card expired December 31, 2012, so get those renewals in so that you can enjoy the post in the coming year. Your orange key card is no longer good for the door. You will have to obtain a new one from the bartender and you will need a current membership card to do so. I hope you all had a great Holiday Season and look forward to a wonderful New Year.
The Chaplain’s Corner – Marty Novak
PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY: Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
GET WELL WISHES: Delbert Smith, Papa Vince, Jim Ridens, Sofio Trujillo,Butch Walters, Bob Shuey
OUR CONDOLENCES: Our condolences to Melanie and the family of Jim Millsap on Jim’s passing last month.
God bless all my friends
In whatever it is that You know they may be needing this day!
And may their life be full of your peace,
prosperity and power
As he/she seeks to have
A closer relationship with You.
CARE PACKAGES AND CELL PHONES: We sent 62 Care Packages in December. Thanks to all who helped. These were special packages filled with lots of homemade cookies, fudge, and peanut brittle in addition to all the other good stuff we send…such as SALSA. They love that salsa! Maida made a video of us packing the boxes and singing a song that she was putting on her nephew’s Face book page. What a surprise that will be for him. Thank you to all who baked goodies, donated supplies, and made pocket flags. And of course, thank you to all the generous people and to the Post and the community for their monetary help with this project.
It’s getting cold and we could use helmet liners. I want to thank who ever left the helmet liners for the Care Packages. There was no name with them so I don’t know who to thank. We certainly appreciate them and I’m sure the Troops do also. Next Care Package day is January 9.
We are an official collection site for cell phones that are no longer being used. These are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for the soldiers. We send the calling cards in our Care Packages. There is a collection container just outside the door of the Post.
I wish you all a Happy, healthy, prosperous New Year. Blessings on you all