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News From 2009

2009 was a very successful year for Post 44 Auxiliary!

Elephant Butte American Legion Auxiliary Unit 44
awarded Grand Trophy and Unit of the Year at State Convention!

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 44 in Elephant Butte proudly accepted the award of “Unit of the Year” for the State of New Mexico. At the State Convention held June, 2009 in Las Cruces, the Unit was presented with 14 awards including the Grand Trophy for the Unit winning the most awards for the year and the Unit of the Year. Several of the programs that the Unit works have been forwarded for National Competition. In addition to these two prestigious awards, the Unit received the following trophies: Hobbs Neighbors Americanism, the Edith Carellas Personal Award to President Liz Foster, the Cavalcade of Memories for the scrapbook done by Historian Bernice Ritch, the Marly’s Exon Community Service Volunteer Award to Rita Seiler, the Senior Volunteer of the Year to Becky Nazarenus, the Mozelle Hodge Music Award for the works of Chaplain & Music Chairman Marty Novak, the Brownie Thomas Poppy Award for the report submitted by Linda Nenno, Vice-President & Poppy Chairman, the Public Relations Trophy for the work submitted by Steph Ross, the Veterans’ Affairs & Rehabilitation Award, the Sprunk Locklar Rehabilitation Award, the CdeBaca Todd Scholarship Award and the Sherritt’s Education Scholarship Trophy for the programs headed up by Arlea Hadley & Marty Novak and the Mercer Merit Award.

Post #44 Family Float wins Mayor’s Choice Award
at 2009 Elephant Butte Annual Celebration
-October 2009


Post #44 Family Boat Float participating in the
2009 Fly Freedom’s Flag Parade Memorial Weekend at Elephant Butte Lake
-May 2009

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August 2009 ~ Presentation to Martina Armijo

Martina Olga Armijo, Secretary of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 44, is presented with a special Leadership pin by President Liz Foster. Martina completed a special course on “Leadership” which encompasses the entire history of the American Legion Auxiliary. Martina is to be commended for the personal and professional example she sets for our members. Congratulations, Martina!

June ~ Post 44 Auxiliary
wins Grand Trophy & Unit of the Year at State Convention

May ~ Officer Installation Month

Pictured in the photo (left to right) are the newly elected officers: Liz Foster, President; M. Olga Armijo, Secretary; Adrienne Podlesny, Treasurer; Johanna Beal,Vice President; Rita Seiler, Sgt.-at-Arms; Linda Ross, Historian & Parliamentarian; Marty Novak, Chaplain; and Shirley Bucher, Installing Officer.

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 44, Elephant Butte, held their officer installation on Saturday, May 16, 2009. Liz Foster was re-elected as President while Johanna Beal was newly installed as Vice-President. Also newly elected was Secretary Olga Armijo. Adrienne Podlesny will remain as Treasurer. Linda Ross will serve as Historian and Parlimentarian for the fiscal year beginning July 1. Rita Seiler will serve as Sergeant at Arms. Shirley Bucher fulfilled duties as Installing Officer for the Auxiliary which laid plans for a busy year ahead.

February 2009 News

February 2009 “Americanism” Month for the Auxiliary

With regard to that, we depicted this theme by showing the meaning of the flag draped coffin. The Honor Guard pays meticulous attention to correctly folding the United States flag 13 times. Each fold has a meaning.

At our February meeting, Bernice Ritch, Historian & Shirley Bucher, Parliamentarian held and folded the flag.

Linda Nenno, Vice President, read what each fold means. It was a fascinating program.

Girls State

Post #44 Auxiliary President, Liz Foster, presenting Certificate for Excellent Volunteer Service to Arlea Hadley, Sgt. at Arms and Girls State Chairman. She was presented this award for getting Juniors from Hot Springs High School applying to go to Girls State. This is the first time that we have had any Juniors apply. It was my #1 goal for our Unit and Arlea relentlessly pursued that goal. We are so proud of her.

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High school girls who have completed their Junior year spend an intensive week of study, working together as self-governing citizens at Auxiliary-sponsored Girls State programs in every state (with the exception of Hawaii).

Participants learn how to participate in the functioning of their state’s government in preparation for their future roles as responsible adult citizens. Two girls are selected from each Girls State program to attend Girls Nation, a national government training program. Girls Nation “senators” meet for a week in Washington, D.C., where they run for political office, campaign for the passage of legislation and possibly meet with state representatives and senators. Capping off the week of Girls Nation is oftentimes a meeting with the President of the United States at the White House.