Author Archives: auxadmin

August 2012 Newsletter

Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson

Poppy drive: Our Poppy drive on July 4th was a huge success raising over $800, thanks to all the members who helped man the tables in Elephant Butte and Truth or Consequences. Congratulations to Emma West, Poppy Co-Chair, for successfully taking on the logistics (and headaches) of coordinating the drive.

School of Instruction: was held in Albuquerque, July 21st & 22nd, and Unit 44 had 8 members attending. A lot of information was distributed regarding our various programs and we all learned a great deal. There was a recurring emphasis placed on “unity” amongst the 4 members of the American Legion family – Legionnaires, Sons, Riders and Auxiliary. 6

General Membership Meeting: Due to School of Instruction falling on the same weekend as our regular monthly meeting, the meeting was moved to July 28th. We draped the charter this month in remembrance of Vivian Earles and Patti Lester. Both ladies will be greatly missed.
Historical Banners: Sandy Squier filled us in on the history of 2 large Blue/Gold star banners recently discovered and donated to Unit 44 by Sherry Fletcher. These banners were handmade in the early 1940’s by ladies of the then “Hot Springs American Legion Auxiliary Unit 44” – now of course known as the Gaines T. Evans Unit 44 of Elephant Butte. The banners are a wonderful piece of our Unit’s history and we are currently working on the best method for storing and/or displaying them. Our Unit is considering reinstating the practice of presenting Blue and Gold Star Banners to families with active military personnel. Elaine Garlow is researching the rules, regulations and costs for us.
Marty Novak presented Home Service Award pins/bars to:

  • 50 Hours Home Service: Charlotte Denton, Melanie Millsap
  • 100 Hours Home Service: Sharon Pierson
  • 300 Hours Home Service: Jackie Stockmar, Steph Ross, and Elaine Garlow
  • 500 Hours Home Service: Linda Nenno

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We also had a little celebration after our meeting was adjourned where Linda Nenno acted as Emcee and “presented” the awards our Unit received at Convention in June. We can all be very proud of our Unit – we earned 18 awards, including the Holman Grand Trophy for the Unit who won the most trophies and awards. These awards represent the volunteer hours, hard work and efforts of ALL of our members and so CONGRATULATIONS Unit 44!!!

Leadership Course: Liz Foster (our NM Department Leadership Chairman) will be holding a leadership course at the Post on Wednesday mornings at 10:00am beginning August 22nd. We learned at School of Instruction the course has been updated this year and whether you’ve taken the course before or not, Liz encourages you take it again because of the update. If you’ve taken the course in the last 2 years you can skip the portions of the course that lead up to the year 2000. If it’s been more than 2 years she recommends you re-complete the entire course. National announced that there will be an award given to the Department with the most completions of the course. This is a new award for the 2012-2013 year and wouldn’t it be wonderful if New Mexico were the first state to win it?

Clothing Sale: We are having a clothing sale on August 25th to be held at Johanna Roberts house (garage). There will be new and nearly new clothing, shoes, socks and various other items for sale for children sizes toddler to high school as well as men’s and women’s clothing. We can always use more clothing for the sale (men’s, women’s or children’s but gently used please) so if you have anything you’d like to donate please drop it off at 403 Cactus, located at the corner of Yucca and Cactus in Elephant Butte, between the hours of 8-10am on Tuesday the 21st or Thursday the 23rd of August. All donations are very much appreciated.

Flea Market / Bake Sale: This annual event is to be held on September 1st this year and we desperately need items to be contributed to the Flea Market as well as individuals to bake for the bake sale. If you’d like to help with the bake sale please drop your baked goods off at the Post on Friday August 31st so they can be priced. If you have items you’d like to contribute to the Flea Market please contact me at (575) 740-3639 or to make arrangements to drop off the items you are donating.

Fall District Meeting: We have received the call for our Fall District meeting which is to be held on September 22nd in Silver City at Post 18. The cost is a registration fee of $1.00 and $7.00 for lunch which will be a Mexican Combination Plate. All members are invited and encouraged to attend. Please notify Ginny Ashley, Carmen McCleery or myself if you plan to be there

Golf Scramble: Plans are in the works for a Golf Scramble, to be sponsored by the American Legion “Family” (Legion, Sons, Riders and Auxiliary). It will be held at the municipal golf course on October 6 followed by lunch at the Post. All plans are tentative – more information will be coming soon.

School Supplies: School will be starting up again soon and it is time to start gathering supplies to be donated to our Sierra County schools. As I am sure you are all aware every single school in Sierra County is a Title 1 school and the children need all the help we can give them so, please, gather a few school supplies the next time you see some on sale and drop them by the Post at your convenience.

Auxiliary Membership Report – Linda Nenno
The 2013 membership cards are here and I have started Early Bird renewals. Get your card renewed by September 30, and you will have a chance for a free membership for this year. So far we have 74 members who have renewed. If you know someone who is eligible for membership, give them an application or have them contact me. 575-642-6164. Bring them into the Post as your guest and let them see for themselves what a good time we have. Membership is our most important program, and I need everyone’s help to keep it going strong.

April 2012 Newsletter

April 2012

Americanism Essay Winners

Manzano Group

Manzano Group

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Every year the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 44 has an Americanism Essay Contest in the local schools. This year the theme of the essay was “How Can I Show Patriotism in My Community?” This year there were more entries than any time in the past. Listed are winners from Manzano Christian School. Third grade winners were presented with a Certificate of Participation: 3rd Grade Veruca Morgan, 4th Grade Kodi Hayhurst, 8th Grade Sam Carlton and 9th Grade Leslie Baca. Second place winners also received a Certificate of Participation. 3rd Grade Joseph Green, 4th Grade Kayce Edwards, 5th Grade Sibley Brawley, 6th Grade Abigail Claesson, 8th Grade Wesley Smith and 9th Grade Julian Franco. First place winners received a Certificate of Participation and a Gold Essay Medal. 3rd Grade Noah Carlton, 4th Grade Joshua Tolley, 6th Grade McKensi Spears, 7th Grade Sarah Faulkner, 8th Grade Anna Shinn and 9th grade Savannah Gillis. Three essays were forwarded for further competition. In the photo on the far left is teacher Dessa Russell and on the far right is Pastor Elaine. We really appreciate the effort put forth by the teachers and children! Next week: Arrey Elementary School.