Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson
Our Parliamentarian, Linda Ross and the entertainment committee, outdid themselves in preparations for this event. The decorations were great, the finger food excellent and Linda Amdal’s karaoke rendition of “Hey Bobby” . . . in diving mask, snorkel and hot bikini T-shirt . . . was outstanding!
General Membership Meeting:
Drape the Charter: Unit 44, unfortunately, had to drape the charter again this month. We lost our Chaplain and Poppy Chairman Emma West as well as members Pat Speers and Fran Shuey. These ladies have contributed so much and will be greatly missed.
Get Out The Vote: We welcomed Connie Greer as our guest speaker this month. Ms. Greer is our County Clerk and spoke to us about “Get Out the Vote”, the duties of the County Clerk’s office and the rules governing the issuance of copies of DD214’s.
Budget: Our 2012-2013 budget was discussed, amended and approved by the membership.
Clothing Sale: The turnout for this event was disappointing but we still made $320 for Mary Heiligenthal’s homecoming dinner. Many, many thanks to Ginny Ashley (who organized and worked so hard on this event) and to everyone who spent long hours in a hot garage, setting up for and then helping with the sale itself. And a special “Thank You” to Johanna and Warren Roberts for allowing us to invade their garage yet again
Youth Baseball Team: This year our Unit sponsored a youth baseball team for $200 and the money was indeed well spent. Please read the heartwarming story below from our Chaplain Marty Novak:
“The Youth Baseball Team we sponsored this year made 14 or 15 boys and girls, age 7-10 very happy because they got to play baseball but for one boy on the team it was a memorable experience. He has Cerebral Palsy and uses a walker but he wanted to play baseball. The only concession they made for him was they let him bat off a T. His mother would stand behind him and support him while he held the bat with both hands and hit the ball. He could only hit it about 10-15 feet and the dirt on the infield was soft and almost impossible to push the walker through. So his mother would hold him from behind while he pushed the walker and they “ran” to 1st base. Obviously he never ever made it to first…but still had a big smile on his face. One game, toward the end of the season, I saw the coaches conferring between innings. I think they must have agreed to see that Robert made it at least to 1st base one time. When he hit the ball, the throw to 1st was wild and Robert and his mother made it to 1st base…Big Smile. As it would happen the next few batters up were good hitters or were walked and Robert and mom made it to 2nd, then 3rd, and finally home! REALLY BIG SMILE and both teams and the fans for both teams cheered him all the way around. I think this is something he will never ever forget. And I’m sure many others will find it hard to forget too.”
Flea Market and Bake Sale: This event will likely be over by the time you read this newsletter since it is being held over Labor Day weekend, Saturday-September 1, beginning at 8:00 a.m. This is a big fund raiser for our Unit so we are hoping for a good turnout and we’ll post the results in the next newsletter.
Elephant Butte Days Parade: The parade is on September 8th this year and our Unit is entering a float. Elaine & Jerry Garlow have generously agreed to let us use their pontoon boat, pulled by their truck and Jerry will drive for us! We’ll be decorating the “Float” on September 6 at 8am – place to be determined. If you’re interested in decorating or riding on the float please contact Sharon Pierson at .
“Give 10” Box:
Marty Novak has placed a box at the Post for our annual “Give 10” drive for the school children in Sierra County. The idea behind this program is to give 10 of some item – 10 boxes of pencils or 10 packs of crayons, 10 spiral notebooks, etc. but please donate whatever you can. All Sierra county schools are Title 1 schools and every little bit helps.
Fall District Meeting:
We have received the call for our Fall District meeting which is to be held on September 22nd in Silver City at Post 18. The cost is a registration fee of $1.00 and $7.00 for lunch which will be a Mexican Combination Plate. All members are invited and encouraged to attend. Please notify Sharon Pierson, Ginny Ashley, or Carmen McCleery if you plan to be there.
Golf Scramble:
Plans are moving ahead with the Golf Scramble which will be held on October 8th. A BBQ luncheon for the participants will be held at the Post immediately following the Scramble (approx. 1:00-1:30) and we’ll be looking for Auxiliary volunteers to help with the side dishes for the luncheon – cole slaw, potato salad, etc. Anyone who would like to may join the golfer’s for the luncheon – the cost is $7.50 – but you must make a reservation by September 29th. If you’re willing to help with the side dishes or would like to make a reservation for lunch please contact Linda Nenno at (575) 642-6164.
Walk In The Park:
Unit 44 will be putting a team together for this annual SCCA (Sierra County Cancer Assistance) event to be held October 20th from 9am-3pm at Ralph Edwards Park. If you’re interested in joining the team and participating in the walk please contact Steph Ross or Sharon Pierson .
The third Friday of September (Sept 21st) is “POW / MIA Recognition Day”.
The women of the Moose are hosting an Enchilada Dinner on September 21st from 5pm-7pm to raise funds for the SCCA. Steph and company will have tickets for sale ($7 each) so please help the SCCA help our cancer patients in Sierra County and enjoy a great Enchilada dinner for the cause! Continue reading →