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Newsletter – January 2013

Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson


We did not have a general meeting the month of December, but that does not mean our Unit was not busy – just the opposite in fact. Our Auxiliary ladies are hardworking and caring and were busy sharing the “Holiday Spirit” this December.

Ladies of the Auxiliary

Ladies of the Auxiliary

Luminaria Beach Walk: Thanks to everyone who baked Pecan Pie muffins for this event and to those who “manned” the campsite serving up Sloppy Joes and handing out muffins. The Sloppy Joes were a huge success – all 120+ of the home made buns were gone almost immediately (thanks Elaine). Everyone (Legionnaires, Sons, Riders and Auxiliary) wore a Poppy and the Riders served hot chocolate and marshmallows and had a POW/MIA table set up.

23Care Packages: Lots of homemade goodies (cookies, brownies, fudge, etc) were included in the Care Packages this month as well as signed Christmas cards in each package. Maida Sanders was a big help, getting as many different people to sign cards as she could. Many individuals wrote personal notes with “thank you for your service” included and nearly every card had multiple signatures and notes written in them. On the day we packed many of us wore festive Christmas gear, and we all sang Christmas carols and had a wonderful time preparing these special packages for our overseas troops. One individual, not to be named of course, even wore antlers and a flashing red nose!

bakedgoodsBaked Goods Appreciation Trays: On December 13th trays of home baked goodies were prepared for all Sierra county schools (Arrey grade school, TorC & Sierra grade schools, Appletree & Manzano schools, TorC Middle school and Hot Springs High School) to show the teachers our appreciation for all they do for our children. We also prepared a tray for the employees at NMSVH as well as one for each newspaper (Sentinel & Herald) and one for the Post Office employees. Again, the trays were our way of showing the Veteran’s home employees our thanks for all their hard work, the newspapers for all the articles they publish for us at no cost to us and the workers at the Post Office for all the help they give us each month with Care packages. A great big thank you to everyone who baked and helped arrange and distribute the trays.

Mid-Year Reports: Kudos to everyone involved in getting the mid-year reports to Department by the 15th of this month. I know it was difficult with everyone getting ready for the holidays . . . but . . . we were one of the very few Units who DID get their reports completed, submitted AND on time!

NMSVH: The veteran’s home was a busy place this month.

  1. 5December 15th the New Mexico Legion Riders (which includes a few of our Auxiliary members) visited bearing wondrous gifts: a 72” flat screen television for the newly renovated recreation center, hand crocheted lap robes for each resident and a generous check to supplement the canteen fund. The Riders spent time distributing the lap robes and visiting with the appreciative residents. Continue reading

Care Package Thanks

A Thank You Note to our Care Package Crew in Unit 44 from Barbara, a soldier stationed in Afghanistan:

“I want to thank you for all the continued support you have offered the Soldiers over the years.

Irritability should be observed if it is not so, you may take the pills an hour before online tadalafil you make love with the partner. They are the ingredients of semen. female viagra cheap However, this age is just starting phase for the generico cialis on line condition and normalize the health. It over here on line levitra is also a common side-effect associated with some prescription medications, cause undesirable strengthening of other drugs, which are called nitrates (used for treating stenocardia). I wanted to let you know that the sox were a big hit, it would be nice to have some tortilla chips to go with the salsa (we don’t have chips available here) and hot instant drinks (teas, coffees, hot chocolates) would be appreciated a lot more than sweets. We are a pretty healthy crew. Don’t get me wrong we appreciate everything you send. Also, anything we do not use we pass on to the Afghans.

Happy New Year, Best wishes and thanks again.”