Author Archives: auxadmin

Newsletter – December 2018

Auxiliary President – Ginny Lucero – 505-453-7401
The Auxiliary donated $200.00 to the Hot Springs High School softball team.

The Angel Tree will be up soon, we’ll have lots of opportunities to purchase gifts for our local kiddos this year.

The Veterans Home is in need of folks to help with walking and singing to the veterans; doing nails and helping with Bingo. Please look for the monthly calendar to see what might interest you.

Marty Novak presented service to veteran’s pins for volunteer hours:

50 hours to Moe Graham, Lynda Cox and Chari Skidmore
100 hours to: Barbara Thompson, Joyce McLaren and Martha Thibeau
500 hours to Liz Foster; Arlea Hadley, Nancy Palladino, Cindy Asher and Kathy Howe
1,000 hours to Cyndi Wipf
2,000 hours to Steph Ross

Congratulations to all of you for all your volunteer time and effort, keep up the good work.

Our cookbook fundraiser is still collecting recipes, to submit recipes, email Nancy Trueblood at

We collected $916.90 at the Veterans Home annual car show/bake sale on November 10. All of this money stays at the NMVH. We are hopeful that some or all of it will be used for a much need new bingo machine.

Several new members distributed poppies and raised $386.00, a record amount at this time of the year. Thank you to everyone who baked and helped at the bake sale.

We will be baking pecan pie muffins for the luminaria walk on December 8, cookies, candies and/or fudge for care packages to be mailed on December 12 and lots of baked goods for the cookie trays that we will be delivering on December 17. Your donations of baked goods will make a difference for many this holiday season.

Don’t forget there is no meeting in December.
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Don’t forget that we have an aluminum can recycle trailer on Hwy 195 by the Amberjack sign. We also collect box tops & Campbell soup labels for Education, as well as Bullock’s receipts.

For all other Post activities, please pick up a calendar and newsletter.

Chaplains Corner — Barbara Thompson

Prayer for military: Almighty God, Lord of Hosts, we call out to you as the One who is sovereign over all. Watch over and protect our nation’s military members and their families. Sustain them with your everlasting arms. … As they serve around the world, we ask that you guard their families and loved ones back home.

Thinking of you Prayers: Fran Acre, Deone Harty.
Condolences: Marty Novak’s brother-in-law passed.

Membership — Linda Nenno
Wow, December is here already? We have 231 paid members for 2019, but there are a lot of you who need to renew your membership this month. New door cards will be required on January 1st, but you will have to show a current 2019 membership card to receive one, so get those renewals in ASAP. I’m happy to report we have 22 new members so far this year. 3 of these are Juniors, so we now have 5 active Junior members and a couple waiting for paperwork. Continue to bring in those new members and check our calendar for happenings at the Post. There is always something going on! Have a great holiday and be safe.

Care Packages-Marty Novak
In November we sent 36 Care Packages to our deployed service men and women. Thanks to all who came to help. And thanks to Captain Joe Baca and his JROTC for their help. We always appreciate these young people helping us with this project. One day we may be sending packages to some of them.

Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies.

Our next Care Package day is December 12th. These are very special Christmas packages filled with home-made cookies and candies, candy canes, caramel corn and lots of special goodies. It looks like we will be sending 44 boxes this month, so we need lots of bags of cookies and goodies. If you are bringing cookies, they should be sturdy cookies that will travel well and packaged 2 or 3 to a snack size zip lock bag.

We start packing as soon as we finish setting out the supplies and everything is ready…about 10:15 and we are usually finished by about 11:00. Anyone is welcome to come help us pack. It’s lots of fun. Come join us.

Newsletter – November 2018

Auxiliary President Ginny Lucero – 505-453-7401
The Auxiliary donated $200.00 to the Legion for employee Christmas gifts.

The Veterans Home is in need of folks to help with walking and singing to the veterans; doing nails and helping with Bingo. Please look for the monthly calendar to see what might interest you.

Thanks to all of you for contributing to our Education Give 10 program. We collected $1,450.00 in school supplies. All of these supplies have been delivered to Manzano Christian School, Arrey, TorC middle school, high school and elementary schools. The schools are also looking for chips, Vienna sausages, crackers, Nutella type snacks, fruit cups, protein snacks, bottled water, school planners, pencils and/or earbuds. Please deliver your supplies to Butte Propane, not at the Post.

The American Legion Family raised $576.00 for water, Gatorade and/or granola bars for our first responders. We delivered to the EB Fire Department on September 18 & the TorC Fire Department on September 19. Thanks to all of you for your donations.

Our cookbook fundraiser is still collecting recipes, to submit recipes, email Nancy Trueblood at

We will be at the Veterans Home on Nov. 10 for the annual car show/bake sale. We are in need of lots of baked goods and/or if you would like to work for an hour or two at the bake sale. There will be no bake or book sale at the Legion in November.

We will be baking pecan pie muffins for the luminaria walk on December 8, cookies, candies for care packages to be mailed on December 12 and lots of baked goods for the cookie trays that we will be delivering on December 17. Your donations of baked goods will make a difference for many this holiday season.

Don’t forget our monthly meeting is on November 17 at 10:30 a.m. All our members and guests are encouraged and welcomed to attend. We will be holding a new member initiation at this meeting. If you are a member and have not been initiated and would like to be, please call me.

Don’t forget that we have an aluminum can recycle trailer on Hwy 195 by the Amberjack sign.

We collect box tops & Campbell soup labels for Education, as well as Bullock’s receipts.

For all other Post activities, please pick up a calendar and newsletter.

Chaplains Corner – Barbara Thompson
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Louellen West’s Dad. Connie Pace. Deone Harty. May God be with you while you get stronger and healthy.

Sadie Kleinstiver’s brother passed. May God Bless during this time of sorrow.

Membership – Linda Nenno
It is time to renew your membership for 2019. Early Bird renewal ended September 30, and we drew two winners—Pat Williams and Barbara Wolff. Congrats to these ladies and thank you for renewing early. As of October 27, we have 182 renewals, 2 transfers, 2 rejoins, and 16 new members (5 of which are Junior members), for a total of 202. If you know someone who is eligible for membership, give them an application or have them contact me. 575-642-6164. Bring them into the Post as your guest and let them see for themselves what a good time we have. Membership is our most important program, and I need everyone’s help to keep it going strong.

Care Packages – Marty Novak
In October we sent 32 Care Packages to our deployed service men and women. Thanks to all who came to help. And thanks to Captain Joe Baca and his JROTC for their help. We always appreciate these young people helping us with this project. One day we may be sending packages to some of them.

Thanks to our American Legion Family for the help and support they give us, to the members, non-members, groups, organizations, and business of our community for their monetary donations, memorials and donations of supplies.
Please support us in our Care Package Fundraiser enchilada lunch at the Moose on November 3 from 11-2. A delicious lunch for only $9 that will help us continue sending packages from home to our deployed troops.

Our next Care Package day is November 14th. We start packing as soon as we finish setting out the supplies and everything is ready…about 10:15 and we are usually finished by about 11:00. Anyone is welcome to come help us pack. It’s lots of fun. Come join us.

Cell Phones for Soldiers
We are no longer collecting cell phones. Homeland security will only allow me to send 3 cell phones at a time rather than sending them in the medium flat rate box. This is making it too costly to continue.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act.