Newsletter – December 2012

Auxiliary President – Sharon Pierson
General Membership Meeting:
Care Packages Plaque: During the joint opening this month a plaque was presented to our unit to honor the many care packages we have sent to troops overseas. Barbara & Chester Anderson presented the plaque for their grandson, Paul D. Ellis – 1Lt USAF, a care package recipient stationed in Afghanistan. We are still in the process of determining just the right spot to display (show off) this beautiful handmade tribute but plan to have it hanging at the Post very soon.

New Members: We happily welcomed two new Auxiliary members, Martha Straba & Terri Copsin, to our meeting this month and hope to continue to see these ladies at our monthly meetings.

Veteran’s Day Car Show “Bake Sale”: Ginny Ashley reported that in spite of inclement weather, this jointly
sponsored (VFW Auxiliary & ALA Auxiliary) event still made $400 which will be given to the NMSVC. Many thanks to all the ladies who donated their baked goods and to those who toughed out a cold, windy day at the Car Show to sell them.

Veteran’s Day Car Show “Poppie Distribution”: Joyce Hudgens & Linda Nenno (Poppy Co-chairmen) were so impressed with the results of their helpers/volunteers at this event that they’ve sworn never to distribute Poppies without them again! Not only did we have ladies from the JROTC (one reportedly the great-grandaughter of a Navajo Code Talker) but also from the Sierra County Fair Royalty as well as the local Girl Scout Troop. These gals, with Joyce & Linda, really went to work and collected $200 in donations which will be given to the Canteen fund for the residents of the NMSVC.

Elementary School Visits: On Monday, November 12th, representatives of each branch of the American Legion Family (Legion, Sons, Riders and Auxiliary) joined together to visit classes at Sierra Elementary and Truth or Consequences Elementary for the schools Education Week. The children learned what a Veteran is and why we celebrate Veteran’s Day each year. Fun was had by everyone – the students received American flags and Patriotic stickers, comic books or wrist bands and the adults received a few chuckles over the facial expressions of their comrades at some of the questions asked by the children.

Going Digital ? : In an effort to archive and safe guard our unit’s wonderful history and to assist in the preparation of future reports and year end books, we have ordered software we believe will help us achieve these goals. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 10am at the Post, members will be meeting to work on this year’s books for convention (i.e. Cavalcade of Memories, History Book, Prayer Book, Girls State Book, Public Relations Book, etc.). These books represent the accomplishments of our entire unit so please join us and help prepare them.

Facebook / Web Site: Meetings will be held at the post immediately following the above meetings (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) to discuss content, procedure and layout for our Facebook page and Web Site – please come and give us your input!

Awards: Liz Foster issued Leadership certificates and pins to those completing the Leadership course in January (Johanna Roberts, Ginny Ashley, Elaine Garlow and Linda Nenno). Marty Novak gave service pins and bars to Jackie Stockmar and Steph Ross for 300 hours service. Jackie Stockmar was informed it was she who received the Marlys Exon award for Community Service at convention (our snowbird had already returned to Michigan before convention). And Liz Foster was presented with a National award for “Best Department Program of the Western Division” for year 2010-2011 when she was the Americanism Department Chairman.

District 7 President’s Visit: Liz Foster visited our unit as District 7 President. She discussed the “challenges” all units in New Mexico received from Department Chairmen. 1) Leadership will award $50 to the unit with the most officers to complete the leadership course. Unit 44 is in the lead – WooHoo!!! 2) Community Service challenges each District (our district 7 includes Deming, Silver City, Las Cruces and ourselves) to work a community service project together as a district. District 7 has chosen “Victim Assistance Units”. Unit 44 has established a relationship with the Sierra County Victim Assistance Unit. If/when they need something (i.e. blankets, pillows, adult or children’s clothing, stuffed animals, food, etc) we will give them what aid we can. 3) Membership has challenged each Unit to hold a quarterly Membership drive. So far Unit 44 has had a membership drive at the Sierra County Fair and the Veteran’s Car Show with plans in the work for the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2013.

Girls State Bake Sales: Beginning in January we will hold a bake sale at the Post on the 2nd Saturday of each month (in conjunction with the monthly breakfast at the Post) to raise funds for the Girls State program. There have been so many young ladies asking about this program, wishing to attend, that we are hoping to send 4 girls next year.
Luminaria Walk: The Auxiliary has agreed to bake “Pecan Pie Muffins” again this year. If you would like to help for this December 8th event please contact Ginny Ashley or deliver your baked Muffins to the Post by the morning of December 8th. Anyone needing the recipe can get it from Rita Seiler (who has plenty of copies) or Linda Nenno, Ginny Ashley or there are copies available at the Post.

Cookies, cookies, cookies: A plea for help to any and all who are willing to bake for the Holidays this year. Cookies and/or small baked goods are needed to help fill the December Care Packages (Dec 12th) to our troops overseas, to fill the trays we give each year to the teachers at all Sierra County schools (Dec 13th) and to the Veterans at NMSVC (Dec 17th). Please help if you can.

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Next Leadership Course will begin in January. See Liz Foster for details.

Auxiliary Membership Report – Linda Nenno
Thank you to those who have renewed for 2013. The dues are still $30/year, and help us continue the programs that serve Veterans and their families. Membership is our most important program, since without members, we cease to exist. Tell your non-member friends about us, what we do and encourage them to join if they are eligible. Carry a membership application in your purse. You, as a member, know we have some really good things going on at the Post, and we always have a lot of fun, so spread the word. As of November 20, we have 293 paid members, which put us at 71% of our final goal. Remember, door cards change January 1, 2013 and you will not be able to get a new one without a 2013 card. Please keep those renewals and new members coming. We’re doing great so far and are leading the units in our District.

National renewal notices list our dues as $34. This is incorrect! Our dues are still $30/yr. If you receive your National notice, please pay only $30 as we have to issue refund checks for those who over pay. Thank you.

The Chaplain’s Corner – Marty Novak PRAYER FOR THE MILITARY:
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.

GET WELL WISHES: Delbert Smith, Papa Vince, Jim Ridens, Sofio Trujillo, John (Butch) Walters, Bob Shuey and Jim Millsap.

OUR CONDOLENCES: Our condolences to Linda and Bill Nenno in the loss of her brother in law

Lord, open our eyes that we may see You in our brothers and sisters,
Lord, open our ears, that we may hear the cries
Of the hungry,
The cold,
The frightened,
The oppressed.
Lord, open our hearts, that we may love each other as You love us.
Renew in us Your spirit
Lord, free us and make us one.
Mother Theresa

CARE PACKAGES AND CELL PHONES: We sent 48 Care Packages in November. Thanks to all who helped. Welcome back to our winter people who are such good helpers. Thank you to all who donated supplies, made pocket flags and neck coolers. And of course, thank you to all the generous people and to the Post for their monetary help with this project. It’s getting cold and we could use helmet liners. I want to thank who ever left the helmet liners for the Care Packages. There was no name with them so I don’t know who to thank. We certainly appreciate them and I’m sure the Troops do also. We will be including homemade cookies and candies in the December Care Packages. If you would like to help, the cookies need to be sturdy cookies that travel well. Next Care Package Day is December 12.
We are an official collection site for cell phones that are no longer being used. These are sent for recycling and provide calling cards for the soldiers. We send the calling cards in our Care Packages. There is a collection container just outside the door of the Post.

What is a Veteran: A Veteran…whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve…is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to, and including his/her life.” That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today, who no longer understand that act..